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Episode 411: World Of The Amish

In this episode, Charlie O'Connell joins the cast as Colin Mallory, but will not have any relation to Quinn Mallory.As the sliders leap out into a barn, they land in a pile of hay, but they were lucky, because there was no cow crap in the hay. Maggie tells the others they have 2 days on this world, so as they are walking out outside, they see a man flying a hang glider, but he soons crashes into a tree. Quinn and the others rush to save him, but other farmers are attacking him, and the sliders get in their way, and one of the farmers tells Colin that he is frightening his children, and the other farmers were saying the same thing. The sheriff stops everyone, and tells the farmers to get along home, so they did. The sheriff tells Colin to watch himself before he dies, and next time he wouldn't be there to save him. Quinn told the sheriff that his friends and him were just helping Colin, and then the sheriff asked where they came from, and Remmy told him "Canada", but the sheriff told him that place doesn't exist, so Maggie intervened and told the sheriff "My friend is mistaken, he means were from the north, and thats what he calls it, Canada, in the north", then the sheriff never minded and he left. Colin thanked the sliders, and Quinn wanted to know more of him, and Colin told him, his last name was Mallory, and he asked the sliders to come back to his home, so the 4 headed back into town and talking about things. They came across and met Susanna Morehouse, and she offered Colin an apple, but then another vortex opened and it tossed Logan St. Claire out. Everyone was surprised, and when she saw the sliders, she went over to them and told them "Well isn't this a surprise to see the sliders here, and even land on amish world". Colin went up to Logan and asked her where she came from, and she told him, a parallel universe, and he couldn't believe that, because he has been working on sliding also. Remmy spoke up and told Colin that they were also travelers between worlds and he couldn't believe what he's hearing. Then Logan pulled out a gun, and most of the towns people watched, and then Logan went over and grabbed Susanna, and Logan opened her vortex, and threw her in, and then Logan told the sliders "This is revenge", then she jumped in and then the vortex closed. Colin couldn't understand why Logan was evil, so Quinn told him, that they met her a year ago, and that she was his double. Then Mother Morehouse came out of her house, and told Colin to get away and wondered where her daughter was, so she went back into the house, and closed the door, so they headed back to Colin's house. The vortex opened and tossed Logan and Susanna out, and Susanna asked Logan "Where are we?", and Logan told her a parallel world, and then Logan forced Susanna into a taxi, and they took off. Back on amish world, Colin showed Quinn his sliding equipment, and Maggie asked if he's ever slid out before, and Colin told her "No, I haven't because I wasn't sure if I was ready to see parallel universes, so I just studied the wormhole, and sometimes, I would throw things in there to see if they would come back", then Quinn asked if the things ever came back, and Colin told him no. Quinn then told him, they needed to slide and find Susanna before it was too late, and Colin told Quinn, they could use his timer to track Logan and Susanna, so they did. Back on the other world, Logan had taken Susanna to the San Francisco marina, and Logan rented a boat, so when they got in, they took off, and Logan was deciding whether to kill Susanna out in the middle of the no where, and toss her overboard in the water and slide out, or keep her as a hostage, to get Colin on her side, to kill the sliders. Susanna then tried to stop Logan from trying to kill her, but it was too late. Back on amish world, Colin got a lock on the wormhole trail, but a mob of towns people had come to the house, and Remmy tried to hold them back until the slide, but it was too late, the people broke in, and held the sliders until Mother Morehouse entered and told everyone Colin had kidnapped her daughter, so she told the others to destroy his work and his home, so they did, and tossed the sliders and Colin out, and the 4 ran out of town so they would not get hurt. As the sun was setting, Logan reached the point of where she wanted to kill Susanna, and Logan told her to say her prayers, but Susanna begged with her not to kill her, but then Logan pulled out her gun, and shot Susanna, and Logan slid off, hoping the sliders would find her calling card. As the sliders got back to town, Colin saw his home burned down, and knew he would never save Susanna, but Maggie told him that if she was alive, they would have a chance to save her. With 43 hours until the slide, they knew they had no choice, but to slide early, but they might not save Susanna, then Colin told them, he still had his timer, and Remmy told Colin he was a genius, and Colin told them, he never trusted the towns people, so Quinn took the timer and activated it with the tracking device installed and Quinn also said, even if Logan slid, we still have the lock of the world she went to, and they all landed near the boat. Maggie was first to the boat and she felt Susanna's neck, and the pulse was weak, so when the other all got in the boat, Colin was amazed of what he just did, the 5 then took off for shore. At the hospital, the sliders waited with Colin in the waiting room, and Colin felt responsible for her kidnapping, and Quinn told him not to let this get to him, because he lost 2 friends, Arturo and Wade, and Colin asked if losing them hurt him, and Quinn told him he felt the pain. The doctor came and told them, Susanna is out of surgery and almost lost her because of having a bullet lodged in the brain, but somehow has amnesia and Maggie asked the doctor to see her and the doctor took Maggie to Susanna's room,and Quinn told Colin that she was alive, and has the rest of her life to live. As hours past, they headed back to amish world and the 4 took Susanna to her house, and Mother Morehouse was thankful and told Colin "Thanks for nothing, get away from here", then Remmy spoke up and told the mother, Susanna had amneisa, so she knew the only way to get Susanna's memorys back, was to go to San Diego for help, and then the 4 left. By the next morning, Susanna and her mother left for San Diego, and Quinn asked Colin if he would like to go sliding, and Colin was really wanting to go, so the vortex opened, and all slid out, with Colin hoping that he could come back, and see Susanna with her memory. Then we see Rickman's mysterious partner watching them leave, and then the screen fades.
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