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Episode 408: Blank Faces

As the sliders vortex out in a parking lot, they see a man coming towards them, and realizing it was Rickman, but the man just said hi, and walked on, so Maggie realized that was his double, and thought he could help in a way to catch his double because of them tracking Rickman that slid to this world. Quinn ran back to Rickman's double and stopped him, and Quinn told him he wanted to talk, but Rickman said "I'm sorry, but I don't have time, I must get to a meeting-" but Quinn interrupted him and told him it was important, so Rickman told Quinn to meet at his house, and he wrote down his address and gave it to Quinn. As they approached the hotel, Maggie couldn't believe that her commanding officer was a good guy. By night Wade and Remmy decided to head to the bar, while Maggie and Quinn went to Angus Rickman's house.As the reached the house, the 2 got out of the cab, and Quinn asked Maggie if she was ready and she replied "I think I can handle it". They walked up the stairs and Maggie rang the bell, Rickman opened the door and told them to come in. They sat and he offered tea, but they both refused. Quinn told Rickman that what he was about to say may be crazy, but it was true. "Rickman, I know you don't even know us, but we came from parallel worlds, and see, you have a different version of yourself on this dimension-" then the real Rickman entered and told the sliders, "I figure you would come to see my double, so I decided to beat you to it", then Rickman pulled out his suringe and stabbed his double, and then told the sliders not to follow, but they had no choice. Rickman began to fire a weapon, but the sliders missed every shot, but Rickman got away on a bus. Maggie told Quinn they better get him before he lands on Earth Prime. By dawn, Wade was first up and heard a knock at the door, so she answered it, and it was Rickman, he told Wade how nice it was to see her again, then he entered, and Quinn and Remmy were coming out of the room, but Rickman grabbed Wade and said "Not another move Mallory, if you follow my orders, I will not hurt Wade. Now my orders are, give me your timer,and I'll go". Remmy knew they still had Bennish's timer, so Remmy took the timer out of the desk, and he told Rickman "You know if you take this, we'll never get home, and the kromagg force may kill you for sliding technology", but Rickman reminded Remmy that he had his ways, with the kromagg force, and he pulls out his suringe, and then shoved Wade into Quinn,with Rickman exiting Wade hit Remmy asking why he gave Rickman the timer, and Quinn butted in, and told her, "Don't you remember we still have the other timer, and since now its been adjusted, we can slide home". Maggie came from the bathroom, and looked at the sliders, and asked if Rickman was here, and the sliders just looked at her like she was a idiot, and she said "What?". By the afternoon, the sliders were preparing to go home, but Maggie told them that she could die, but Quinn told her, she would have to take a chance. Remmy came into the room and told the others he saw Rickman slide out, so Quinn opened the vortex, and they all entered, with Maggie still not sure what she was doing. They then landed back outside the Quinn's house, but with only 12 minutes, Quinn ran to the house, and decided to see who was at the house, but a young man answered it, and Quinn also heard a woman's voice asking who was at the door, and Quinn introduced himself, and asked if Mrs. Mallory was around, but the man told him, she died 2 months ago of a heart attack, because of her son missing and also saying she saw him, but left in a whirlpool tunnel. The man had asked what he wanted, but Quinn never minded, and left with the others, so they headed to slide out in the park. As days past back at the house, the man named Matt, had asked his fiance Laura, what the machines were downstairs in the basement, but when Laura picked up a device, and pushed a button to see what it did, a wormhole opened, and they were shocked but then both passed out, and the vortex closed. Now the sliders travel with a different timer, but will get the egyptian timer back later in the season. The new timer can track wormholes.
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