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Episode 407: Anti Grav

After all piling out into an alley, Remmy reminded Wade, he wished Arturo was here for him to land on, and Wade laughed at that. Quinn helped Maggie out of a trash dumpster, and when Wade looked up into the sky, she couldn't believe she saw a flying car. She told Quinn what she saw, and he replied, "I believe that what you saw was a plane". After exiting the alley, they saw things in the air, and Wade told Quinn "Now who do you believe?" they walked on, and people stared at them but the sliders knew it was nothing, a limo stopped near them, and a window came down, Daelin Richard stuck her head out, and said "Quinn, so this is what you do when you leave the house, get in this limo, and leave your friends behind, besides, we need to get home for a dinner". Quinn got in, and he told the others to head to the Chandler, and he would meet them there.After Quinn got in, an anti gravity device was activated and the limousine went up into the air and took off. Maggie asked the others who Daelin was, and Remmy told her, it was his girlfriend from back home, then Remmy told the others the Quinn of this world probably finished his science project of a anti gravity device. In the limousine, Daelin asked Quinn where he's been, and Quinn told her "well thats a long story, but I think I should be able to pick my own friends to hang around with", but Daelin sighed, and told him "Do you really want to destroy this marriage?" and Quinn tried to tell her not to worry, but she kept mumbling on about a divorce. The others made it to the Chandler, and when they got the key, they got on the elevator, and they saw Quinn, but they knew it was his double. Maggie asked him who he was, and Quinn's double didn't understand what she was saying, then the double knew they were sliders, because of seeing their timer being held onto, so he spoke up and said "your sliders aren't you?, I've just started dealing with sliding, so maybe could you guys help me?" Wade told the double that their Quinn was taken by Daelin Richards, and the double told them, that was his wife. As the limo entered the driveway, Quinn couldn't believe his double was a genius and even haveing a 23 story house. Daelin got out first, and then she told Quinn to take a shower and change, because of the dinner. By night, the party was mists of things, and Quinn wasn't sure how to treat these people, so he tried to act like his double, if he knew how. Back at the Chandler, Maggie and Remmy were in the bar, and Wade was in the room working on Quinn's double timer. Wade had asked about this world, and Quinn's double told her "Well it started 3 years ago, and when I had built an anti gravity device in my basement, I thought I could get rich, but it turned to disaster, I had gotten with people asking to build anti gravity laboratorys for testing on things for flying and make money-" Wade interupted and asked why he wanted to leave this world, but he didn't respond. As morning came Quinn woke, and knew he was still acting as his double, Daelin kissed him, and they had sex, and after that she went down for coffee and he got into the shower, and went down to breakfast in a dark blue suit, and Daelin told him he looked attractive, but then he sat and ate. Back at the Chandler, Maggie was dressing while Remmy was ordering room service, and Wade had come back in, and Remmy asked "So where were you last night?", Wade told him, she fell asleep on his couch. Maggie entered when the phone rang, it was Quinn. He told Maggie "I'm officially a millionaire", Maggie asked what happened with him, and he spoke "last night, I had to host a party, and alot of these people were snobby, and Daelin is the worst yet, I would rather have my Daelin Richards back than her". Wade took the phone, and told him good luck, and that they met his double and about sliding out, so he told them good-bye, and hung up the cell phone. When Quinn reached the office, his secretary spoke "Good Morning Mr. Mallory, here are the plans you wanted, and your wife called, saying something about meeting with Jack Ryan" Quinn went into his office and was met by a woman, and she began kissing him, and she stopped and slapped him, and told him why didn't he call the night before, and Quinn knew his double was having an affair, so he told her "you knew that I had plans last night, so leave and see me later". The woman then left, and as the afternoon went Quinn's double came to the others, saying he was ready to try a slide, and it would bring them back in 25 minutes, so with nothing to do, Remmy, Maggie, Wade, and the double all slid out, leaving their timer behind. In a laboratory, Quinn was heading to a head scientist and he was trying to work on a motor cycle. When Quinn came to the scientist, and Quinn told how things were going, and the scientist, told Quinn not so good, then Quinn told him to keep up the good work and he left. The others landed in a field and Maggie that ride was better than she usually than she had to deal with, and the double told her that he somehow created a sort of like bed to land out on, or less power to the vortex. After Quinn traveled to the Chandler, he asked for his friends room, but they weren't in the room, so he left back to his house, and Daelin and his lover held guns to him and Daelin had 2 men tie him up in a chair, and Daelin told Quinn that he would get what he deserves. On the other world, the sliders were running through the same field they landed in, from natives but luckily the double opened the vortex and they slid back to the hotel room. As night came, the sliders went to find Quinn, and the double decided to help them. At the house, Quinn was put in a room and his lover put dynamite in the room, and also put it all over the house, leading to a nearby car, where they would be and then take and car and get out of town. As the sliders reached the house, the double saw the wife, so he took them round back, and found a way in, and luckily found Quinn with only 10 minutes before the house blew. Remmy found Quinn in the study, and untied him, so they all met up, and got out the back, but they confronted Daelin, and they began a shootout, so the double took the gun he had, and shot the men helping his wife. But the house began to explode, and everyone ran to safety. By morning, the police caught Daelin and Quinn's double told the cops she tried to kill him. The sliders hid out in the back garden, and Maggie asked Quinn what would happen with all of this, and he told her, "she'll probably get 30 years to life in jail or prison, and my double will probably stay around. Wade opened the vortex, and they slid out before anyone saw them.
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