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Episode 406: Control

With my time off the board, I've decided with having 24 episodes in my fourth season, and when the season ends, I will be starting a 5th season. Once again heres the 6 episode of sliders, from my fourth season machine.After being chased through an abandoned kromagg outpost, the sliders are running and Maggie finds a room for her and the others to hide until the slide, so after finding a room, time runs out and the vortex opens up, and the sliders all make it in, then a 'magg finds them and starts shooting at the vortex, then it closed. The sliders then landed inside an apartment building, and when they begin to walk down the stairwell, a man pulls a gun on them, and Quinn told the man "We don't mean to harm you, were just passing through", the man didn't believe what Quinn said, and he told the sliders, he saw them come out of a swirling blue whirlpool, and Quinn told the man, it was a long story, then the man told Quinn, "I have time, tell me the truth, or all of you are going to die". Quinn then quickly told him about making a device to travel to parallel worlds, then the building began to shake and they ran downstairs, and looked out a window, and saw a manta ship firing at the building. Maggie asked the man if there was anyway out of the building, and the man told her "no". Finally after the ship left, the man also told the sliders his name was Jerod Fletcher. Wade asked Jerod about what happened on this world, Jerod told her "the 'maggs attacked us 1 year ago, and there was only a few thousand people were free, but some people I've talked with, say its all going to be over soon". The sliders left Jerod at the building, and they headed to the Chandler for at least a room. As they were walking, they saw people's dead bodies all over the place, and Remmy told Wade to close her eyes if she couldn't handle it, but she managed. They finally got to the hotel, and found peoples bloody bodies all over the place, and Quinn told the others to watch themselves. As night came, Quinn and Maggie took first watch, and Quinn brought up the subject to Maggie about her world that she would be from, and he told her, that she didn't have to keep sliding,and she told Quinn she would rather be sliding than stuck on a world with nobody to care for. Then they saw kromaggs coming into the hotel from the patio, so they moved. They woke Wade and Remmy and got out of the hotel, and Quinn realized, he left both the timers in the suite, but as Quinn was about to risk his life, to go back and them, the hotel blew up and the sliders were knocked out. The kromaggs found the sliders all unconscious, so they took the sliders back to a prison. Maggie woke up in her cell, and didn't see any of the others, so she knew this time would be the end for her and the others. Quinn and Remmy were in the same cell, and they tried to get out, but no luck. Quinn told Remmy that, "if we ever get out of here alive, I'll have to remake and design a timer to use", and Remmy told him, they could have a chance to get home if Bennish's timer was able to be found. As 2 days passed, Maggie finally had a chance to get free, because when a guard opened her cell gate, she hit him in the face and the croch and then took his gun, and she shot him. Maggie then ran through the prison and finally found Quinn and Remmy, and as Wade was taken back to her cell, Maggie shot the guard, and they took off and escaped through an underground tunnel and got back to the hotel. As they hoped to find the timers, Wade luckily found their timer reading 25 minutes, and Maggie found the kit with Bennish's timer, the sliders headed back to the apartment building to see if Jerod was still alive but Quinn found his body mutilated, and when Remmy opened a door leading to another room for them to hide in, he found more mutilated bodies everywhere. They knew the feud was hopefully going to be over when or if they ever found a weapon to fight the kromaggs. They got outside the building, and Remmy opened vortex and they slid off.
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