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Episode 405: Impossible Things

After running through the woods, being chased by towns people, believing the sliders are evil witches, the sliders luckily find and jump into a lake, and hide in the bushes near the water. They hear the people splitting up to go search for them, but with 15 seconds left, Quinn has no choice but to open the vortex in the water, and when Maggie asked if they ever did it, Quinn replied, we have no choice, but to slide underwater, or the people will see them. The vortex opened underwater, and they slid out. The portal opened and tossed out Remmy and Wade, with a lot of water coming out of the vortex. Wade was surprised that Quinn and Maggie didn't come out when they did, but Remmy told her, "They should be around here somewhere, because Maggie was first into the vortex".In a kromagg camp, Quinn and Maggie slid out, but only to have 15 kromaggs pointing guns at them. Soon they were separated from each other, with Maggie gone into a prison cell, Quinn went to see the high commander. As Wade and Remmy, were still walking, they came upon a kromagg camp, and they hoped their friends weren't in there, but sure enough, they were. Remmy had seen Maggie's head sticking out of the cell bars, so he decided to go in after her, and when he told Wade to stay where she was, she told him,"Remmy, who do you think I am, those are my friends in there to, not just yours". But he still told her to stay, so she did. In the main office, the high commander, had asked Quinn how he had obtained sliding technology, so Quinn told him, "I stole it, back on my earth, kromaggs took over, and when a team of scietists built a timer, I stole it, and my friends and me slid off to find a better place to live". The commander knew he was lying, so he told Quinn, that would be the last word he would ever say about sliding, so Quinn was taken by a guard, and then into a room, and the guard opened a vortex, and pulled Quinn in, as the guard was entering. Back outside, Remmy found an opening, but when he almost got to Maggie, a guard saw him, and shot him in the arm, so Wade had no choice, but to help, so she ran down to Remmy,and they were taken and put in the cell with Maggie and Remmy hadn't gotten medical treatment. On another world, a vortex opened and Quinn and the guard landed in another camp, and then taken to a prison cell, and the guard shoved Quinn and he fell to the ground. The guard vortexed out, and a hand was put in front of Quinn's face, so when Quinn got up, that hand belong to none other than, Conrad Bennish Jr. Quinn was surprised to see Bennish, and Bennish told Quinn,"Man,its so good to see, Quinn Mallory, after 3 years of sliding, we finally run into each other". Quinn had asked how he slid here, and Bennish told him, "Well, 3 years back, after you guys left, the FBI came to your house, and finally after the case was closed a year later, I decided to go search for all of you. And your mom even helped me". Quinn was surprised of that, and Quinn told Bennish of what happened to them, and the professor had died, and Bennish was sad of that. Back at the prison Maggie and Wade were screaming at each other, and Remmy stopped them, and he said "stop this stupid fight, look we're all in this together, so lets try to figure something out". Finally a guard came in, and took Wade away, and after Wade reached the main office, the commander told her, "I can tell you are the weak one, and I have a proposition for you, if you mate with me, you and your friends will be saved from death", then Wade asked if they could get back the timer, and the commander told her, "A possibility". Then Wade asked him, "What if I decide not to help you", and the commander told her that she and her friends would die. As night came, Bennish told Quinn, that when his timer hits zero, they would be going home, to earth prime, but Quinn had realized Bennish might not be the real one, but Quinn believed a chance he would get home, and hoping for his friends safety. By the next morning, Maggie and Remmy were asleep, when the door opened, and Wade was entering, and when Remmy woke, he asked her what happened, and she said," Well after going there, the commander had given me options, and I didn't know what to do, so I was put in a prison cell, and then woke a few minutes ago, and then came here, with the timer in my pocket". With the timer reading 30 seconds, Maggie set the tracking device for Quinn to get found, so the sliders left, and came out into the other cell with Quinn and Bennish. Quinn told the others they have a way home they have a way home, so when a guard came in, Maggie hit the guard with some broken off pipe, and the guard went unconscious. They got to the main room, and found Bennish's Timer in peices, so Quinn found a kit to put the peices in, and then they left the compound, and the alarm went off, and as they headed into the forest, a guard shot Bennish, and died quickly after being shot, so Quinn opened the vortex, and they slid wondering if he was the real one, and also wondering, if they were going home.
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