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Episode 404: The Spinning Topps

After the sliders landed in the San Francisco, Quinn tells the others they have 2 days on this world. As they walked through the marina, Wade see's a sign, saying: ANY INTERESTED GOING ON A FREE CRUISE MUST GET THEIR FREE TICKETS AT THE MAIN OFFICE. Wade asked Quinn about going, and when he tells her, "I would like to go, but-" then Remmy whispered into Quinns ear, "I think you better take her, because she needs you right now." Quinn then tells her " Actually Wade, I'm having second, I think I would like to go on the cruise with you, besides, the spinning topps are appearing." As 2 hours past, Maggie and Remmy sat in the hotel room watching TV, feeling bored, while the others went on the cruise. Then Remmy gets up and tells Maggie, "wouldn't it be fun to go find my double?" but Maggie reminded him, the Topps had left on the cruise, but then Remmy told her, "I didn't even see my name on the poster." So Maggie agreed and headed to the music store first, to make sure his double existed here. When Remmy found a Topps record, he didn't even see his double, so he went to an employee, and asked if there was a mistake on the record, and the employee said there wasn't. He put the record back, and went outside, where Maggie waited for him sitting on a bench. He told her, his double never joined the music group, and he stormed off before Maggie could stop him.On the cruise ship, Wade and Quinn were enjoying their time in the pool, when a waiter came and dropped off two drinks for them, Quinn tipped the man, and then Wade kissed him, and fell back into the pool, and Quinn wondering why she had kissed him. At a local library, Maggie went on the internet, and went to people search, and when she looked up Rembrandt Brown, she located Remmy's double, which was living in the Los Angeles area, so she knew Remmy would be happy for her results. As Maggie was walking out of the library, Remmy ran into her, and she told him,"Bingo, I found him." Remmy was glad to hear that news, so they hailed a taxi to go find his double. As night approached, on the ship, Quinn was waiting for Wade, and he began to adjust his tie, when she walked in with a beautiful long gown, and a pearl necklace. They walked in to the dining room, and was seated, and Quinn told the waiter, "We'll take the shrimp platter with you best wine", and the waiter left. Wade began to laugh, and Quinn asked her what was wrong, and she said she was surprised that he had ordered for the both of them, then Quinn smiled, and took a drink of water. After reaching L.A., Maggie tipped the taxi driver with $500 dollars, and told him, " I have plenty more where that came from, if you wait here". Remmy was the first to get to the stairs leading to the house of his double, but then he told Maggie he was having seconds thought, but she told him, he would never know the truth unless he knocked on the door. He knocked, but no answer, so he tried the bell, then his double is being seen walking to the stairs, then when Remmy turned around, his double started to run away, so Maggie and Remmy chased him, then Maggie ran faster and jumped onto the double,and knocked him down, and Remmy got him up, and his double said, " Leave me alone,I don't want to be disturbed," but Maggie told him, he has alot of explaning to do. So when they headed back to the house, Maggie gave the cab driver $250 and told him he was needed anymore, so the driver took off. On the ship, Quinn and Wade were walking on the decks, when Quinn stopped and had told her, he had a fun day, then they began kissing, but Wade pulled away, and she told Quinn, "This wasn't right for us to start doing this". Then she began to walk away, and she also, remarked, "This was a big mistake, I should of never came on this cruise with you Quinn". Then she told him to stay away, and she left, with Quinn standing on the decks, wondering what he did. Back at the house, both Remmy's talked about the Spinning Topps, while Maggie was making tea. Remmy's double, then came out with it, he told the real Remmy, "I never had joined the Topps, because I really wanted to do my own music, but it failed, and I just never went back to singing." Maggie sat down, and Remmy's double told them both, he would be right back. Maggie asked Remmy how things were going, and Remmy told her, he wasn't really into music. Then his double came down the stairs, and told them to stay where they were, because he had gotten a gun, and knew the sliders was working for the FBI. Luckily Maggie grabbed the pot of tea, and so she tossed at him, and Remmy's double fell to the ground, and they dashed out of the house. By the next morning, Maggie and Remmy had gone to wait at the docks for their friends, and Maggie asked Remmy, " Do you really think your double was a bad guy?" and Remmy told her, he didn't think so, just went in the wrong direction. The boat finally docked, and when Quinn and Wade got off, Maggie asked about how the cruise was, and Quinn said, "Well at least were still friends, and Remmy I really enjoyed the Topps." Wade then met up with them, and she took the timer, and opened the vortex, and right before Quinn leaped in, he asked Remmy how their fund on land was, and Remmy told Quinn, "Interesting." Then they slid out to the next world.
So how did I do, I hope I get approval from someone to go on with more episodes, because I have great ideas.
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