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Episode 401: War Zone

With making the fourth season, I made a few changes, They are still on FOX network, Maggies hair is the same as in the 3rd season, and Col. Rickman slid through the vortex before it closed.In the season premeire after 3 months and 15 different world, they are running because of being chased by natives, then Quinn opened the vortex and they slid. They then landed in to the desert, where officers came out, and pointed guns at them. One officer took off his mask, and said "your not kromaggs", then Maggie remarked, " nothing gets passed him", Quinn asked where they were, and the officer told him in the middle of a war with the kromaggs. They were then taken back to the base camp, where they met Col. Lexington, and he told the sliders, if they knew who these people were in a picture, and it was wade, remmy, and Maggie said, "and the other one is rickman. Quinn asked where they were, and Col. Lexington told them they were taken to the prison, and he took them over to the edge of a cliff, and showed them a prison built with a sheild to cover the place from intruders. By the next day, Maggie, Quinn, and a scientist named Dr. Grange. They took a underground tunnel and got to the prison, and found a sheild, so Quinn had an idea, he had the Dr. Grange to shut off power in the power box to get in, so they did, and got in. Quinn told Maggie to separate, so they did. As Quinn walked down a path, he got a gun pointed to his head, and it was Rickman. He was glad to see Mallory, and made him leave. Maggie found a control room, with a list of the prisoner, he found both of her friends files.She took a gun, and found Remmy first, and he was at first attacking her,then realized it was her. They then found Wade, and got away, then Rickman ran into them, and grabbed Wade, then Quinn came and hit Rickman with a pipe, and they escaped. As the next morning came, Quinn told Wade, he was glad to see her, and then it happened, they kissed, then Maggie interupted them, and then vortexed out to the next world. In the prison, Rickman reported to the kromagg commander, he had put a tracking device on Quinn, and he told the commander, he had a helper, and they were going to kill the sliders. Then you see a person with a robe on, cover their body, and opened teh vortex and jumped in.
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