Later that night the sliders were conversing in the room HK had ordered for them at the Dominion. After a few hours of exploring earlier, he returned to the cave and told his friends and double on what he saw. It was only natural for HK2 to laugh, since they are "visitors". As the four were walking into town, Blinker, Slider_Sarah, and Aelita filled HK on the going-ons in the hidden Anti division."Cleavant is in jail?!?! Wow..." HK said as he sips on his Long Island Ice Tea.
"Jerry has REALLY gotten out of hand on this world." Sarah said as she gets comfortable in one of the arm chairs in the suite.
"Yeah, but the sooner we can get out of it, the better. How long do we have now?" Blinker asked as he dries his hair.
HK reached the timer off the coffee table. "28 hours."
Groans were heard across the room. Aelita was sitting on the couch channel surfing.
"I mean, this sucks! On one channel, "My Secret Identity" is on, on another channel, is a 24 hour Jerry movie marathon..wait, some channel is having a Sliders marathon!"
"Finally something good on this world!" Blinker rejoiced.
"No wait, according to the TV Guide, its a marathon of the 4th Season, "The Ruler's Favorite."
"So HK..." Sarah said, "How did you get the money for this magnificent room. I thought you told me that you were 'broker that the Ten Commandments', or whatever that means..."
"Uh...a friend gave it to me." HK said as he gulped down the remaining tea in his glass. He had forgtten to ask his double about the Colins_Girl's "favor". Maybe he'll ask him in the morning.
Blinker looked concerned. "Friend...what friend?"
"Apparently my double did this favor for her an..."
"HER?!?!?!?!" Sarah gasped.
"Who was she?" Aelita asked.
"Colins_Girl thanked me for some delicious favor..."
"COLINS_GIRL?!?!?!?!" Sarah yelled.
"Hey, I don't know what went on between her and my double."
"Were you two doing "favors" to each other back on OUR world?!?!?!"
"Of course not."
"Hey hey hey....settle down you two." Blinker said, taking control of the floor. "Since there is nothing on TV, I'd say we order some Room Service, eat, and hit the hay."
"Your right. I could sure use some more Iced Tea. And maybe a hamburger along with it." HK said with relief as Blinker picked up the telephone.
The next morning, Someone was banging on the door. Aelita and Sarah was sleeping in the bedroom, while Blinker slept on the sofa while HK was sleeping on the armchair.
"That's ok, we don't neeed anymore towels..." Blinker said sleepily.
"And we didn't order a wake-up call..." HK said, but his speech was slurred caused by drowsiness. Then, he finally gathered the energy to get his sleepy ass up and answer the door. "WHAT?!?" Then he wiped is eyes and saw HunterD_Raven.
"Oh sorry, did I catch you at a bad time?" Hunter said.
"Oh no, is that we were sleeping." HK responded.
Aelita and Sarah walked out of the bedroom, yawning and rubbing thier eyes."What's...<yawn>...goin on?" Aelita asked.
Hunter cleared his throat. "Welcome interdimensional visitors, on behalf of our Ruler, we hope you have enjoyed your stay on our world..."
"Hold on! Who told you about us?" HK asked, but Hunter went back to his announcement.
"The Ruler would like to invite you to his royal palace for a meeting. Transportation is waiting downstairs. And we will serve breakfast upon arrival to the palace."
The word "breakfast" alerted Blinker so much that he stood on his feet.
"Please get dressed and we'll be on our way. The Ruler has very little patience." And with that, Hunter turned around and headed downstairs.
"That's odd." HK thought.
"Why would Jerry want to talk to us?" Sarah asked.
Blinker had already put on his clothes. "There's only one way to find out..."