Earth 117  Story Cave  Gate Haven 

 Skit  "O'Connellism" 
 Author  HurriKain
 URL  545/20338, 20387, 20411, 20435, 21037 
Note: this story remains unfinished.

[ 1 ] Sliders: TNG ep. 2: O'Connellism HurriKain 5/1/00
The cave was dimly lit. Usually around this time it was filled with activity, but strangly it wasn't. No one was sitting on the couches, no one was drinking or talking at he bar. All that was there was the glow of the Torch.

Suddenly a blue hole appeared, hovering in the air. The empty cave was filled with luminous blue light, and the winds from the vortex blew away nearby papers that was stacked on the coffee table. Then one person flew out of the tunnel, a man who bellowed in pain once he landed. Then another person, a woman, landed on top of the man. The Man cursed as the woman got off of him and giggled. Two other travelers flew from the shimmering hole, then it closed, leaving everything quiet.

"That's it! It will be a LONG while before I start eating salad again." Blinker pouted.
Slider_Sarah picked herself up. "Well, at least we're home...Are we?"
HurriKain stood, surveying his surroundings. "Well, everything seems normal here. Want to check outside?"
The other three looked worried at that idea.
HurriKain frowned. "Oh, c'mon! How else are we going to tell if we're home or not?"

Suddenly, the Sliders heard footsteps approaching. Even though the cave was dimly lit, they all recognize the passerby as Chaser9.
"HK, am I glad to see you. Where the hell have you been? We need another couch!" Chaser exclaimed.

"Calm down, Chaser. What's the rush?" HK said.

"We are about to start a new game. Do you have a roll call sheet ready?"


"Oh no...He'll have our heads if you don't assign one quick!"

"Who?" Aelita asked.

Chaser smacked his head. "Were you guys in a coma....HIM!!!!"

The girls looked at eachother. No one had ever seen Chaser like this. Blinker was getting confused. "What the hell are you getting at?"

"You know that the Ruler's council always comes here to watch over the start of a new story and brings's the last story for an ordained rating." Chaser explained.

Blinker started nodding his tuft bobbing like a hawaiian hula dancer doll in a cherried out chevy convertable.

"What?!?!" All four said together.
Chaser frantically explains the process. "The councilbrings the past story to the ruler, we will find out in a few days to see if it is to his liking... and..."
"Whoa Whoa Whoa!" Blinker interupted, "I'm confused. Just WHO is this RULER?"
"And what happens if he disaproves?" Sarah chimed in.

"Well..." Chaser was interupted by a score of trumpets. "Oh no! It's Them!!!" Then Chaser ran off.

"What is going on here." Sarah asked.

Blinker answered, "Well, there is one way to find out..." And with that, the Sliders ran after Chaser.

They stopped at the Cave enterance, where a huge crowd gathered. As the fanfare played, uniformed guards marched inside followed by HunterD_Raven, who seems to be carrying a scroll.

Aelita was surprised. "What is going on?"
"Looks like the authorization ceremony." Sarah answered.
"But why is Hunter with them?" Blinker asked.

Hunter stood tall as he unraveled his scroll.
"Grettings Story Gamers. The Ruler commends you for your writing expertise. Please give me the past story you have recently finished for ordained ration."

Folowing orders, Chaser nervously gives Hunter the past story.

"Good." Hunter said as he raised his scroll. "I hereby authorize on behave of our ruler, Jerediah O'Connell, the litaerary activities that will take place in this cave. Carry On."

"Traitors!!!!" someone from the back of the cave spat.

HurriKain was shocked, "Did he say..."
"Jerediah O'Connell?" Aelita finished.
"Oh no." Blinker muttered.
"I guess we're not home." Sarah said.

[ 2 ]
Sliders: TNG - O'Connellism pt. 2 HurriKain 5/3/00

Blinker: What if you found a portal to a parallel universe? What if you can...

Aelita: ...slide to a thousand different worlds? Where its the same year and...

Slider_Sarah: ...and you're the same person, but everything else is different.

HurriKain: And what if you can't find your way home?

##################=S L I D E R S: T N G=##############

A mixture of boos and hisses were made after HunterD_Raven made his exit.
"Looks like the people are opposed to this situation." said Stoker_Chick, who was walking beside him.
"Please." Hunter returned. "Those pathetic vermin are always naysaying the Ruler."

After the ceremony was over, the crowd disapated and thing at the cave seem normal as usual. The Sliders just stood there even after the two aides ran off in their royal limo.
"What the hell is this place?" HK spoke.
"Of ALL the parallel in the multiverse, we have to land on one where JOC is King." Blinker pouted.
Sarah looked confused. "What really surprised me was Hunter's double. I mean, he would kill himself than to work with Jerry."
"What I want to know is HOW!?!?", Aelita said, sounding confused and frustrated. "How did Jerry get so much power?"
HK lowered his head. "I don't know. I guess Jerry's ego must've been busy on this world."

"Here's the 411," one of the women from the back of the cave gestered the four to follow her. They walked down a tunnel as she continued to speak. Blinker knew her, but he couldn't remember how. "Jerry's carrer took off after "Scream 2", and he started landing all kinds of leading roles. Well the bigger the success, the bigger the ego. Then he started craving power. Here, Jerry was considered to be such a kick-ass actor that the guys...most of them set up a church and started worshipping him..." They stopped focussing on her words when they noticed the huge dartboard featuring a publicity photo of Jerry. A neon sign proclaimed "ANTI BABY" above the entrance. A bombshell blond looked up from her laptop.

"You snatched 'em Tiger?"

Grinning evilly their guide smirked, "Tagged and bagged, Wolf."

"Twainy? Tiger?" Sarah said, feeling faint.

"Don't forget me." The Sliders jaws dropped when HK's double walks up. Then Both HK's saw each other.

HK stuttered in shock. "H..h.hhh...Hi!"
HK2 was also shocked. "H...Hi!"
And with that, both of them fainted.
A few minutes later, both HKs came to.
HK lowered his head in emmbarassment. "Er, sorry about that... it's the first time I've encountered a double."
HK2 laughed. "That's ok. It's not everyday I meet any interdimensional counterparts."
Aelita spoke up. "So, you run this whole Anti operation?"
"Actually no. Just this division. The whole enchilada is run by good ol' Charlie."
Aelita's jaw dropped. "You don't mean..."
"The Ruler's brother, Charlie O'Connell." HK2 finished.
Blinker sat down. "Whoa..."
HK2 smiled as he saw his visitors reactions, " I would like to fill you in and tell you the whole story, but we have been extremely busy. Feel free to explore our little homeworld.

Aelita had wandered over to Tiger and Wolf. Tiger looked at the distraught slider, "What's the matter, honey?"
"'re not my Tigger."
"No, I'm not. You like 'puters?"
Aelita nodded.
"Wanna help us?" Wolf grinned, living up to her handle.
Aelita nervously pulls up a chair and sat with the two hackers.

HK was curious. "I want to see what's going on outside. Blinker, are you coming with?"
"I'll stay here with Sarah." Blinker answered. "I don't want to know what's it like out there."
"Suit yourself." HK started for the exit but he was stopped by his double.
"Just be back here in a few hours." HK2 ordered.
"Uh,, chief." HK said as he walked off.

Sarah and Blinker were trying to adjust to the cave while Aelita and Wolf fully immersed their energy into the 'puter. Tiger left the hacking duo and walked up to the two idle Sliders. "Want the three penny tour?"

"Um..uh, sure." Sarah said nervously.

[ 3 ]
Sliders: TNG - O'Connellism pt. 3 HurriKain 5/4/00
Thirty minutes later, HK finally reached town, which seemed to be plastered with everything Jerry. He saw an "O'Connel Sporting Goods" store, "Jerryvision Electronics", "PicaJerry Cafeteria" and so on... On one of the display cases in a nearby shop, he noticed a television showing some kind of news broadcast. What surprised him though is that ImissQuinn was the news anchorwoman.
"Oh no!" HK pouted, "Of all the paralell worlds in the multiverse..."

Meanwhile, Tiger led Blinker and Sarah through a series of tunnels. While going through a long passageway, Tiger said, "As you can see, this leads to our kitchen...if you want a snack after a hard day of Ruler opposition, this is the place. It also connects to the lounge through..."

As the three approached the kitchen, Blinker and Sarah was shocked when they saw Sever in Camoflauge gear eating some pie.

"SL4?" Blinker exclaimed.
"Blinker, what the hell do you want. Can I eat my Jerry pie in peace?"
"Uh, don't you mean 'cherry' pie?" Sarah said.
"Sarah, you kow that Jerry changed the names on some of the foods. Why would he stamp his name on the good stuff?"
"Uh, Dex." Tiger interupted, "These people are Sliders. There not our Blink and Sarah."
SL4ever rolled his eyes, "Whatever Claws."
Tiger gave SL4 a stern look, "Dex, do I look like I'm kidding?"
SL4ever looked a her. "They're doubles Claws?"
"They're Sliders?"
"The Real Deal?"
Blinker and Sarah moved their heads back and forth as the word flew like it was a verbal tennis match.
"Dammit Dex!" Blinker yelled, a bit annoyed. "We are Sliders, get it! GOD!"
If nothing else that convinced SL4. "Herbert, you never call me Dex."
Sarah giggled, "Herbert?...<snicker>..."
Blinker frowned, "Don't ask."
Tiger looked at Blink, "What's up with the reaction, Bert?"
Suddenly we hear Aelita, laughing her butt off at a distance. The kitchen sprinklers go off, dowsing the group as Wolf's laughter mixes in.
"Hahah...sorryab, haha, about that hehehe, I accidently triggered the sprinkler system. My bad. Bwahahahaha....."

Tiger turned around and Sarahnoticed the tattoo on her lower back as she stripped off her sopping wet sweatshirt and sported a girl power crop top underneath.
"Blinker, look at her tattoo." Sarah nudged.
Blinker eyes nudged out as Tiger made her way too the hackers.All he could say was, "Viva La Resistance."

Sarah was enthralled by the street claws. Wolf jumped up with the laptop and manuvered Aelita to the front position.
"Looks like they really mean business." Sarah said.
"Yup." Blinker stared.

[ 4 ]
Sliders: TNG - O'Connellism pt. 4 HurriKain 5/5/00
It was almost sunset and HurriKain walked through the main streets for what it seems like an hour. The news program he just watched was nothing more than "Praise Jerry" hour, as what he liked to call it. Finally, something familiar has caught his eye that wasn't Jerry-tised... The Dominion.

Inside the hotel looked rather elegant. Chandeliers lit just about every section of the lobby. Ornate funiture declorated the halls.
"Maybe I should get a room here. We have only 42 hours until we slide anyways." HK said as he sneakily looked at the timer.
He remembered how Remmy came up with expenses by withdrawing from his double's bank account. But HK stopped as he realised that he only had a few bucks at his account at home, and he should expect no different here.
"Hey stud." Someone said, startling the slider. When he turned around, he saw Colins_Girl.
"Here the money I owe you for that... delicious favor."
she said as she puts the money in HK's pocket, then proceeds to feel around for "something else". HK didn't do anything because he was shocked and confused. He simply stared as she simply sauntered away. A few minutes later, he finally snaps out of it.
"Oh my God. This is just getting weirder and weirder. What the hell was that about?" He thought to himself, then he proceeded to the front desk.
"Good evening, sir. Welcome to the Dominion, The Ruler's number one choice in hotel accomedations. How may I help you." A clerk asks him.

Slider_Sarah sat down in the lounge while drinking some "JOC Root Beer".
"I still can't believe Jerry rules this world." Sarah quips.
Blinker sat at a nearby table, reading the rules for "Monopoly: Ruler edition".
"Yeah. I am getting tired of all this 'Ruler' crap." Blinker said.
Sarah had taken hold of the newpaper, "The O'Connell Times".
"All this is just dribble on how great JOC is... oh, wait here's something... 'Cleavant Derricks is now a political prisoner'."
Blinker gasped. "WHAT?!?!?"
"There's more...", Sarah continued, "'Cleavant Derricks was arrested yesterday on charges of public blasphemy and conspiracy. The veteran actor was a sympathizer for 'Sliders' fans as our great Ruler took control of the broadcast rights for the show and burned tapes of the dreaded 5th Season of the popular show.'"

"That's awful!" Bliker said. "It's like he's MEGA JERK."
Sarah looked below the article and found a pic of Cleavant, being led by HunterD_Raven, in handcuffs. Below it, it read, "Derricks being lead to political prison by Royal Chancellor HunterD_Raven."

"Dear Lord! How long do we have on this world?" Sarah asked.
Blinker rose up throwing the rulebook across the room, his frustrations with Jerry grew with each second. "I don't know, HK has the timer." Blinker replied.
"I just hope that we're leaving soon. The sooner, the better!" Sarah said.

Meanwhile, a meeting was taking place. Five people was sitting down on a black table, which was ornate in gold trimming. On one end was a Television with a VCR, on one side sat Hunter and Stoker_Chick, on the other sat QBall79 and SpaceTime, and on the other end sat The Ruler himself, Jerry O'Connell.

"This better be important." Jerry said, dressed in ornate uniform.
"It is, your Highness." SpaceTime spoke.
"Very." QBall79 said.
"You Eminence, you are well aware of my men here secretly installed surveilance cameras at the Story Cave because we were told of some Anti activity."
"Yes, I know. And let me guess that you have captured some Anti activity on tape." Jerry said cockily.
"Well, sir," Hunter said.
"Then WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU CALL ME HERE!" Jerry stood up. "I am not in the mood for games!"
QBall79 spoke up, "Sir, please calm down. What we have here will please you."
Just then, Jerry sat back down. "Go on."
Hunter then continued his report, "Well, we didn't actually get some Anti activity on tape but we did get this..." Then Hunter turned on the VCR and pressed play. It was the Story Cave, dimly lit.
Jerry looked disgusted. "I don't see anyt..."
But he saw something that rendered him speachless. A vortex. And in an instant, four people flying out of it.
Jerry looked in awe. "You gotta be kidding me!"
SpaceTime sat up. "Nope, we had it analyzed, its the real deal.
Then Jerry sat up, now with a smile on his face. "This could be a break of a lifetime. Hunter!"
"Yes, your highness!"
"See if you can go back to the cave and find our...'guests'. I want to personally welcome them..." Jerry ordered, his smile widening.

[ 5 ]
Sliders: TNG - O'Connellism pt. 5 HurriKain 6/1/00
Later that night the sliders were conversing in the room HK had ordered for them at the Dominion. After a few hours of exploring earlier, he returned to the cave and told his friends and double on what he saw. It was only natural for HK2 to laugh, since they are "visitors". As the four were walking into town, Blinker, Slider_Sarah, and Aelita filled HK on the going-ons in the hidden Anti division.

"Cleavant is in jail?!?! Wow..." HK said as he sips on his Long Island Ice Tea.

"Jerry has REALLY gotten out of hand on this world." Sarah said as she gets comfortable in one of the arm chairs in the suite.

"Yeah, but the sooner we can get out of it, the better. How long do we have now?" Blinker asked as he dries his hair.

HK reached the timer off the coffee table. "28 hours."

Groans were heard across the room. Aelita was sitting on the couch channel surfing.

"I mean, this sucks! On one channel, "My Secret Identity" is on, on another channel, is a 24 hour Jerry movie marathon..wait, some channel is having a Sliders marathon!"

"Finally something good on this world!" Blinker rejoiced.

"No wait, according to the TV Guide, its a marathon of the 4th Season, "The Ruler's Favorite."


"So HK..." Sarah said, "How did you get the money for this magnificent room. I thought you told me that you were 'broker that the Ten Commandments', or whatever that means..."

"Uh...a friend gave it to me." HK said as he gulped down the remaining tea in his glass. He had forgtten to ask his double about the Colins_Girl's "favor". Maybe he'll ask him in the morning.

Blinker looked concerned. "Friend...what friend?"

"Apparently my double did this favor for her an..."

"HER?!?!?!?!" Sarah gasped.

"Who was she?" Aelita asked.

"Colins_Girl thanked me for some delicious favor..."

"COLINS_GIRL?!?!?!?!" Sarah yelled.

"Hey, I don't know what went on between her and my double."

"Were you two doing "favors" to each other back on OUR world?!?!?!"

"Of course not."

"Hey hey hey....settle down you two." Blinker said, taking control of the floor. "Since there is nothing on TV, I'd say we order some Room Service, eat, and hit the hay."

"Your right. I could sure use some more Iced Tea. And maybe a hamburger along with it." HK said with relief as Blinker picked up the telephone.

The next morning, Someone was banging on the door. Aelita and Sarah was sleeping in the bedroom, while Blinker slept on the sofa while HK was sleeping on the armchair.

"That's ok, we don't neeed anymore towels..." Blinker said sleepily.

"And we didn't order a wake-up call..." HK said, but his speech was slurred caused by drowsiness. Then, he finally gathered the energy to get his sleepy ass up and answer the door. "WHAT?!?" Then he wiped is eyes and saw HunterD_Raven.

"Oh sorry, did I catch you at a bad time?" Hunter said.

"Oh no, is that we were sleeping." HK responded.


Aelita and Sarah walked out of the bedroom, yawning and rubbing thier eyes."What's...<yawn>...goin on?" Aelita asked.

Hunter cleared his throat. "Welcome interdimensional visitors, on behalf of our Ruler, we hope you have enjoyed your stay on our world..."

"Hold on! Who told you about us?" HK asked, but Hunter went back to his announcement.

"The Ruler would like to invite you to his royal palace for a meeting. Transportation is waiting downstairs. And we will serve breakfast upon arrival to the palace."

The word "breakfast" alerted Blinker so much that he stood on his feet.

"Please get dressed and we'll be on our way. The Ruler has very little patience." And with that, Hunter turned around and headed downstairs.

"That's odd." HK thought.

"Why would Jerry want to talk to us?" Sarah asked.

Blinker had already put on his clothes. "There's only one way to find out..."


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