"This Slide
of Paradise"

quinn24: This is sad... I already know this episode is "This Slide of Paradise."

Mr_Grant: "Mr. O'Connell, will you stand up, please?"

TimeLion: Jane Goodall's lesser known studies: Hummers In the Mist

Ben_Murphy: Neil Dickson? I'm not touching that one.

Ben_Murphy: The Kung Fu Version of Cats.

quinn24: Vincent from Beauty and the Beast confronts Rickman.

Ben_Murphy: Keith Richards looks better than I thought!

Ben_Murphy: Tackle on the 40 yard line. First down...

Claudia_Morrison: So this is what Isaac Hayes dreams about.

Claudia_Morrison: "And the python just sort of died there... so, I made it a look, what do you think?"

Callie21V: Coming soon, it's Sci-Fi's nightmarish venture into a world without production values... "The Blur Witch Project."

NumanEllium: "No-one expects the African-American Inquisition!"

nearlybritish: "I didn't know I was going to be THIS kind of dancer! Let me out!"

KllyWlls: "Ugh... those stripes are SO last season."

NumanEllium: "I confess! He's the one that voted for Clinton!"

nearlybritish: Looks like O'Connell went to the Torgo school of fondling as well...

NumanEllium: Some prefer this method of removing spinach from their girlfriend's teeth.

nearlybritish: Oh yeah, this is the Sliders where they pick up Pippi Longstocking...

Klatuu: "If that UFO leaves and you're not on it, you'll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon..."

NumanEllium: Meanwhile, at the CE3K tanning salon...

SpaceToast: Scrooge gets a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Prison.

nearlybritish: "Keep running!" "But the berries look so tasty!"

Klatuu: "You mustn't defy the Council, Master. Not again."

Callie21V: "This isn't Sliders: Homeworld. I'm not having any trouble reading."

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