"The Other Slide
of Darkness"

santomopo: Marilyn Manson's next tour: "Makeup will hide the AIDS."

cambria36: Suzy's got some wooden thoughts on her mind.

Callie21V: "I don't even wanna know what he thinks he's doing."

TemporalFlux: Sliders production is forced to take increasingly desperate measures against the stink of Season Three episodes.

cambria36: "No, dammit! When we're playing leap-frog, we all gotta face the same direction!"

tree_hugger: Next on Cardboard Cut-Out Theater...

Callie21V: "Hi, we're here to try out as Cowboy Junkies impersonators?"

Callie21V: "Well, either Peck's been here already, or they are not very big on 'Heat of the Moment' copies... damn!"

CapMidnight: "Just let me give this cuticle one last swipe, and you'll be up and out of this deathbed in no time!"

tree_hugger: Completely soused from his night of drinking, Ted keeps looking over his shoulder to see if that lamp is following him.

CapMidnight: "Indiana?!? The dog's name was Indiana, Dad! I want you to call me... West Virginia!!"

Imploding_Lola: Catherine Zeta-Jones - after the cat nip.

CapMidnight: "Let us just see whethair zee women can resist thees... my most powerful flirt!"

RexKramer: o/~ There's a world where I can go / And I tell my secrets to... / In my cage... in my cage. o/~

RexKramer: Inbreeding much?

CapMidnight: Barnabas Collins in: "Dark EyeShadows"

Crowmoonie: Special guest appearances by William Shatner and Planetty, the happy-go-lucky floating planet that kids love!

CapMidnight: So you see, Tammy Faye Bakker is worshipped in this universe. Your friend is jailed for his... unfortunate comments.

Mr_Grant: "Where are you going, little girl?" "Grandma's house."


TemporalFlux: "I'm after you with the bag! I don't wanna be in this episode either!"

Callie21V: Unfortunately, the scene is cut off before we can revel in the divine pleasure of seeing Kromaggs ravage Disneyland.

Madsigntist: Scatman Crothers regrets using an Epilady to remove his moustache...

Vicious: On the next Sliders, the group lands on an Earth where Michael Jackson is essentially the same!

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