Believe it or not, the following are all actual quotes pulled from magazine interviews...
Understatement of the Year Award: "Much of what we were doing last year wasn't very cerebral and didn't have much to do with science fiction." – on Season Three
Understatement of the Year Award, Part II: "The Sliders and the Kromaggs will be butting heads quite a lot this season." – on Season Four
He Thought He Was Kidding: "...This new actor, Charlie O'Connell, is kind of a putz. I don't know who he thinks he is."
Not That I Won't Hold Out For More: "I thought it was going to be about chicks and a cell phone and making my own hours. But this is all crazy work. I know now that I may have bitten off more than I can chew." - on co-producing the show
Pants On Fire Award: "So, if you're asking me if I'll ever consider leaving the show, right now I'd have to say, 'I'm here until there is no more Sliders.'"
Uhhh... That's Nice, Jerry. You Can Stop Now: "Kari... was actually pressuring me to do more, because she was getting very physical on set, and I thought, 'Well, if Kari's getting that physical, I'd better step up a little bit!' We did a lot of tumbling around, and I thought it looked great."
Nobody Likes A Statement: "The nice thing about doing Science Fiction is that you can mirror society, and you can do that without actually making a statement about it, like some of the good Twilight Zone episodes."
All We Need Is A Handbasket: "I hate to pooh-pooh the shows we've done before, but hands down this is the best season that we've done. The writing, the characters, the direction that the show is in..." - on Season Four
(I pity this poor, naïve man.) |
...And The Number One Sign You've Been Brainwashed: "...It's a tighter group, and you've got one man at the helm, David Peckinpah, instead of three or four with different ideas. That's the way it needs to be - someone with the vision, to tell us what to do. That way things don't get confused, with three or four different ideas coming across and trying to convey them to an audience."
Yeah, Getting Ready To Kick You Up The...: "I feel so much better with the Sci-Fi Network. I feel like they care; I feel like it's a network that's behind you 100 per cent."
![]() | KARI WUHRER |
That Explains A Lot: "They called me up and asked me to do it, and I wasn't sure I was going to stick to a series. The first couple of episodes I 'ummed' and 'ahhed' about it, and thought, 'This is a lot of work, man.'"
So Am I: "If a show I'm on gets picked up, that's when I'm surprised."
You Sure 'Thinking' Isn't Too Strong A Word?: "This season I was thinking of having psycho-animated punk-rock Maggie with purple hair!"
Yeah, That's About Her Range: "...I can one minute be this tough military fighter pilot and in the next show I'm a femme fatale, and the next show I'm an emotional child, and the next show I'm tough again."
Oooooooookay: "The whole thing with the beans coming out of the TV and the rock and roll music and the deaf, dumb and blind guy freaked me out. I hated rock and roll music; I was so afraid of the Who for years that I couldn't listen to them."
Are We Watching the Same Guy?: "We had to replace [Daltrey] with a really wonderful actor named Neil Dickson, who is a fabulous British guy, who has really brought the character to life..."
Don't Tell Him That: "We did five shows without Charlie at the beginning of the season and it was great."
She Noticed Us!: "I've gotten some criticism over the Internet for having this wooden acting style."
Fear Can Be A Good Thing: "I've got two scripts in mind that I've started writing, but I'm way too scared to show anybody or tell anybody about them yet."
Give This Girl An Emmy!: "I had gotten the tough side of Maggie down, and suddenly they wanted me to have an emotional side too. Keeping Maggie in perspective while I was attempting to add a human side to her was hard to do at first and was particularly draining."
Talk About A Pointed Omission: "...From that first day, I saw that the chemistry between Jerry O'Connell, Cleavant Derricks and myself was really great."
I Wouldn't Want My Kid Doing THAT: 'When asked to define her hopes for the forthcoming season, Wuhrer claims that she intends to make Maggie Beckett a role model that viewers, especially younger children, can identify with.'
Did I Just Hear A Can Opening: "In the beginning I was the guy who would sit in the background and was scared to fight. Now I've been getting into fights here and there, which is fun. One of the episodes a while back I got to beat up four people in a bar..."
Have Your Glands Checked: "The character is growing constantly."
Yeah, 'Invasion' Sucked: "The Kromaggs this year are great. They've been introduced before, but I think this year they're becoming a good enemy."
Guess He Hasn't Made It To The Dominion Yet: "As soon as [my computer] comes on I've got to get on there and start writing good things about me!"