medusaD: "Ooooh! Bubble wrap!!" *pop* *pop* *pop* Kwantum: "Hey kid, Newsies is THAT way!" Oblivious_Technolord: "Fancy a game of life size chess? Can't wait for the... checkmate!" medusaD: "Dammit Noah! We slept in!!" Callie21V: "Next Saturday, on Sliders: the Animated Series..." Mr_Grant: Michael Warren IS Montel Williams IN: “A 0.8 Rating” Kwantum: A colorized version of "I Accuse My Parents." Kwantum: Mambo #5! kilroy105: Dizzy Gillespie's long lost brother... Pudgy. Kwantum: "No, really... someone give me an address." kilroy105: Meanwhile, at the Tailhook convention... Kwantum: "YMCA!!!" AlsWaiter: Okay, so I insert this here and breathe? No, that doesn't sound right... where are the instructions? kilroy105: Death and taxes. Just a friendly reminder brought to you from the Internal Revenue Service, John Gotti, chairman. kilroy105: "So the man from Mars stopped eating cars?" "That's correct, Ms. Harry. Now it only plays guitars." "Oh, Rapture!" kilroy105: Bill Clinton's cabinet got a little more than they bargained for during the "debriefing." kilroy105: "So, Mallory... have you ever been to a Turkish prison?" AlsWaiter: It's Whitney Huston in "The Bodyguard"... minus the bodyguard. kilroy105: "106 miles to Chicago. We got a full tank of gas... half a pack of cigarettes... it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses." "Hit it!" kilroy105: "Guess who's coming for din-- *BLAM!* " Sidney Poitier's cameo in "Menace II Society" never hit the screen... |