"The Fire Within"

medusaD: Wade - "Oh great, we slid into KFC's rotisserie!" Arturo - "Mmmmm...chicken."

AstonM: Porn for stellar phenomena?

TurkeyVolGuessingMan: "Whaddaya say, we stay put for once and don't go meddlin' with this dimension?"

Slider_Sarah: Is this expression? I think I almost have it!!

animebabe: Animé's tips on how to meet men, # 287: "Hi! I like sex!" "Hi there! I like sex!" "Hey! I like sex!" (this actually was my old college roommate's line. :)

animebabe: <cue Mentos commercial>

Zero_R_Nobody: "You know, testicular exams aren't nearly as unpleasant as I thought."

medusaD: He fooled around on the job one too many times, and now he's impaled on the gear shift.

tedj: How would you classify this episode? Stinging social commentary on abused workers? Chilling sci-fi with flame monsters? 40's retro nonsense? Degrading filth?

TurkeyVolGuessingMan: They go to a world where everyone goes to work on a waterslide, and they fit right in and make some new friends. Isn't that nice?

tedj: Wow! After all this time a new Bruce Springsteen video!

tedj: "...but The Last Intergalactic Virgin was already the name of a weekly series on the WB. Starring Tori Spelling as actress and spacepilot Kiki Jiggletit..."

TurkeyVolGuessingMan: "I know I should rather have the bottle in front of me than. Some. Other. Thing. My puzzler hurts..."

crowww: "Hey, do you have a better lamp than this........ oh, never mind."

TurkeyVolGuessingMan: Not to spoil the surprise, but the shadowy figure on the X-Files is Pauly Shore!

medusaD: "Yeah, somebody shot at me! Went right down the middle of my head!"

UnReality: Obvious Lighting, the new fragrance from Calvin Klein

AstonM: Jake and the Fatman share a quality moment behind the warehouse.

tedj: "Sure I was makin mo money with my ho's, but you just can't beat the satisfaction of bein' a welder."

Vicious: "I am the very model of a modern major dork!"

AstonM: Hackers: The Older Years

NumanEllium: (Meanwhile, at the Death Star's Reactor Monitor station...) "Hey, what's that noise?"

medusaD: "Hmmm, maybe I should get a chalkboard."

Vicious: Attack Of The Killer Longjohns

NumanEllium: "Oh, the pain! Oh, the drama!" (This touching scene brought to you by the good folks at Amalgamated Petro-Chemical Corporation.)

Vicious: "I don't understand! The Mycelex tasted good!"

Callie21V: A highlight of any good Sliders convention is the Peckinpah effigy.

Humoriste: "Borgs in Fog", an impressionistic painting by Jean-Luc Picard.

Humoriste: John Denver's alive and he's pissed off!!!!!!!!! Rocky Mountain Hyde!!!!

Wicker_Chair: The Human Torch discovers why he shouldn't job in abandoned paper mills...

NumanEllium: See why I never eat out?

amycamus: Oh, Son of Sam!

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