Bagk in Black

On March 12, 2003, the cappers showed up to riff "Last Days," only to be faced with a black screen. But did that stop us? Hell no...

Recall317: Guess that asteroid got here earlier than expected.

adsinfinitum: "This is Senator Davis announcing the end of the California energy cri- Aw, crap..."

Mr_Grant: "Sliders may be edited for national security considerations. Love, Tom Ridge."

Slider_Quinn21: Yep, Peckinpah's first gig as a cameraman. Can you say lens cap?

DMD: This lost episode isn't so bad, really. Better than most of S4 so far.

Blinker: Another video exclusive: footage of Kari's audition.

MissingSliderRyan: When the paparazzi get too close to Arturo during feeding time...

Principal_Skinner: Black. The new off-white.

MissingSliderRyan: The Sliders arrive on a world where they must communicate using story. Arturo: Food! Wade: Wrong Professor. "Homer at the buffet." A: Drat!

Mr_Grant: Black Lack of Entertainment Television.

MissingSliderLogan: The Young Logan Chronicles. "Dammit, all my Easy Bake creations come out black and burnt to a crisp. Hmmm... maybe if I increased the power...?"

vortex62: Sheesh... I guess this is the Last Days ;)

keyz88: "Cap on!" (clap clap) "Cap off!" (clap clap)

Mr_Grant: "Good evening, welcome to the Evening Welsh Coal Mining Report. On the show this evening: the life of Richard Burton, and the musical talents of Tom Jones..."

Blinker: The Original Slide of Darkness went unfilmed due to budgetary reasons.

Crowess: It's a show about nothing!

MissingSliderRyan: In "The Full Monty," Cleavant had white highlights in his hair and walked a little slower since he played an older gentleman called Horse.

MissingSliderRyan: Horse auditioned to be a male stripper. So at the audition he sang, danced like Jacko and James Brown, and did a split. He got so much applause. REMMY! REMMY!

MissingSliderRyan: He had the funniest lines and I could see Remmy up there on stage. ROFLMAOCBNO2!!!! He did get the most applause at the end of the show. HE ROCKS!!!

MissingSliderRyan: I'm hoping that CD got my little thank you letter telling him thanks from his fans and that we were waiting for the DVDs to come out. :-D

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