[ Beret War Companion ]

Anti-Beret League Headquarters
"If you have to ask, you'll never understand."

We here at ABL Headquarters are constantly on the lookout for new ways to stem the tide
of those insufferably tacky hats. To this end, our R&D department has lovingly crafted the
following Weapons of Mass Beret Destruction...

ABL Hat (Standard Configuration)
Note the refillable Colin Mallory Can Of Whup-Ass (with extendable drinking straw) for a quick hit of energy on the go.

ABL Hat (Radio Detached)
*PSHHT* This is Sergeant Blinker to Field Control. Over! *PSHHT*

Anti-Beret Bomb
Based on the "Nude Bomb" technology from the Get Smart movie, this little number incinerates all forms of frumpish headwear within a 50-mile radius.

ABL Toothbrush
A hard day on the fashion frontlines can really give you unsightly tartar buildup around the gums. Not to worry - now you can brush it off as easily as a pick-up line from a beret wearer.

ABL Timer
Specially developed for ABL field work by Apple-Dimensional's Neat-Looking Coloured Gizmos division. Perfect for a quick escape from towel-related confinement... <shudder>

 Gate Haven : Tales of the Board : Beret War Companion