[ BBSA ]

Two months before Nobuyuki created the BBoard Sliding Adventures, HunterD posted the tale below... in which Tf builds a working timer in his basement, Hunter and S join him on a slide, and the three of them meet a Sarah double on a British-dominated world. And yet, so far as anyone knows, there's no connection between the two series beyond an enormous coincidence... (Side note: the title was supplied by buffyboy.)

Tales From a Parallel BBoard (I) 
 Episode: T1  By: HunterD_Raven  Date: 5/02/00  URL: 2326/20354 

TF sat in his basement. He had been trying to perfect a real life method of sliding for years now. He was sure he almost had it done, but he wasn't there quite yet.

Besides, if he did it alone, NO ONE would believe him... and someone whose name rhymes with "Peck" would have a field day saying he had gone crazy. He would need witnesses, and maybe someone to help crack the last part of the formula. Two witnesses at least - and not the usual suspects like Blinker or QB79. TF walked to his computer and typed up two invitations...

The next day, a '79 Buick Park Avenue pulled up in front of TF's house. Out stepped a tall man wearing a T-shirt with Bugs Bunny, Taz & Wile E Coyote in camo, camo pants, and Magnum boots. He walked to the door and knocked.

TF answered the door. "HunterD, nice to meet you in person."

"Nice to meet you too Flux, uh, should we exchange real names, or stick to the handles?"

"Handles will do for now," TF said. They walked down to his basement. "I guess I should formally introduce you to S..."

D and S shook hands.

S couldn't hold in his curiosity anymore. "So, what are we here for? Don't tell me Exec hacked your mail and you're about to kill us?

D couldn't resist remarking, "No, Exec wouldn't have a place this cool, or cash to afford all this stuff."

TF smiled. "Last night, after I sent you the mails, I finally cracked the secret of actual sliding."

D and S exchanged looks.

"I'm not kidding, and I'm not crazy. Look!"

TF picked up a timer looking a lot like the Egyptian version, and opened up what looked to be a vortex.

"Whoa," said HunterD, almost like Keanu Reeves does... but with emotion.

S was shocked silent.

"So, want to share the second slide in our world's history?" TF asked before jumping into the vortex.

S followed without a second thought. D waited for a sec, his mind quickly weighing the options.

Then he decided to jump in as well. After all, there were worlds out there where they had never heard of the word "rant," and he had to bring it to them.

 Tales From a Parallel BBoard (II) 
 Episode: T1  By: HunterD_Raven  Date: 5/02/00  URL: 2326/20368 

S and TF landed on the next world and then looked back. "Think he made it?" asked S.

D came spiraling through the vortex, landing on S.

TF, not being able to resist, joked "I'd say that's a yes."

S shot TF a look as D got up. S got up and muttered to D, "You're heavier than you look."

D grinned. "Well, at least you make a decent landing pad."

The trio looked around, the place was almost barren, houses built out of dirt, without real doors, just holes in the wall.

"Well, this isn't exactly what I pictured," said D.

TF spoke up. "Well, they have some form of art."

D turned and saw a statue of someone, not obviously recognizable.

They walked over and S looked around the statue.

"HEY, there's some markings here!"

TF and D walked over and looked

"Any idea what they mean?" S asked

"No idea," responded TF.

"In dedication to our god....oh crap." D looked worried.

"You can read that?" asked S.

D, still looking worried, responded, "Yeah, I had this period where I studied old languages. I still know like four or so. It says... 'In dedication to our god, sliderfanone.'"

S looked shocked. "SF1 a god... this must be a backwards world for any morons to worship that prick."

TF then spoke almost in a whisper. "And it may get worse... notice no one is here? Since this world is so backwards, they must think we are gods."

"Or demons, or aliens, or some other sort of thing they'll have to kill," D pointed out.

S looked at D. "Man, are you ever pessimistic."

D grinned. "A pessimist is someone who knows what's really going on."

Suddenly a drumming started and the trio saw about five men, dressed in an almost useless type of armor but armed with spears. Some of them were carrying some sort of transport thing, like in old movies. Reserved for kings... or gods.

S slapped his forehead. "I should have brought some sort of weapon... I mean, instrument of self defense."

D looked at S. "Not your fault, you didn't know we'd be sliding. Blame TF."

TF looked at D. "Blame TF? You sound like Exec."

D looked shocked. "I was joking!....mostly."

The caravan reached the trio. The curtains on the transport opened to reveal some guy, wearing one of those tacky gold necklaces which read "Sliderfanone."

D,as usual unresisting to the joke impulse, quipped "Ali Prick and the Forty Guards."

SF1 got a VERY angry look on his face. "DO NOT CALL ME THAT!!! I am no prick, I am a GOD. And now he who sent me here with that damn couch will DIE, as will his allies!"

S looked confused. "Wait...that was just fiction, a story!"

D looked over. "A parallel universe."

SF1 spoke again. "KILL THEM NOW!"

The army guys started towards them, spears aimed.

Even TF looked spooked and confused. "Uhh, what do we do now?"

D, looking somewhat fearful himself, answered "In the words of the great professor Max Arturo... RUN, RUN LIKE HELL!!"

And so the trio ran, with fifty guards and a prick hot on their trail...

 Tales From a Parallel BBoard (III) 
 Episode: T1  By: HunterD_Raven  Date: 5/04/00  URL: 2326/20414 

We open the scene on our trio hidden in a cave.

S, obviously ticked, growled "How long do we have on this world again?"

TF shrugged. "Another day."

"A DAY!" D yelled before quieting, realizing he may be heard. "A day, we have to stay in this cave all night?!"

TF defensively said "Well how was I to know we'd land on SF1-as-God world? If we'd landed on a world where you were God and I'd set it as an hour, you'd be pissed."

"No... actually I'd be staying and taking the place of my double," D grinned.

Suddenly the group heard SF1's voice outside. "I know they're here somewhere. FIND THEM. Search everywhere!"

"I don't think so," said a John-Wayne-ish voice.

"DEATH TO THE PRICK!" came a resounding yell.

D,TF, and S ran to the front of the cave to see a battle, with four men and a woman fighting the guards.

D popped his knuckles and said "It's clobberin' time."

S and TF looked at him strangely.

"Oh, YOU try and think up a decent catchphrase for fighting" D growled.

As the trio joined in, even more people hopped out of hiding spots to fight the guards, finally forcing SF1 to run for his pathetic "prick" life.

Soon the battle was over, the guards getting their asses handed to them.

"Good work, you must be the ones we heard about, skyfallers like SF1... but he hates you, so where did you come from?"

"We're sliders," TF explained. "We come from a parallel world like SF1 did, but we're not gods, we're all humans."

The John-Wayne voice guy shrugged. "Any enemy of SF1 is a friend of ours."

D turned to TF. "Uhh, speaking of sliding and stuff, where's the timer?"

TF reached into his pocket. "It's right he..." he stopped mid-word as he pulled out an obviously wrecked timer. Apparently one of the spears from SF1's guards had hit it.

D, sarcasm riding high, said "Oh great, we're on a world that doesn't even have electricity and we..."

The John-Wayne guy spoke up. "Oh, we have electricity, just not here. SF1 took over an unexplored area, a backwards region. The rest of the world is fine, we have houses, cities, you name it."

S smiled. "Whew, I thought we were stuck here... um, not that it'd be THAT bad... um, which is not to... I think I'll shut up now."

The rebels took our trio to their van, and drove to the base.

TF's curiosity got the best of him. "So in this world, parts of America are still unexplored? Interesting..."

"Yeah, to be honest, we didn't even know it existed until about 30 years ago... and we only found out thanks to British astronauts reaching the moon and seeing it from there."

D couldn't resist. "OK, British accent gal, any chance your name is Sarah?"

"Why yes," Rebel Sarah responded. "Do we know each other?"

S smiled. "We know a 'double' of yours. Our world's version."

"Interesting," Sarah nodded.

They finally reached the base and TF went off to try and fix the timer. An hour later, S and D were still gabbing with Sarah as TF exited the small, basic science building.

TF looked half defeated, half humorous. "Good news and bad news. The good news is we get to slide like the sliders... the bad news is that just like them, we can't get home. The timer will work, but it lost the home co-ordinates"

Both S and D looked down, then D looked up "Well, more worlds to see I guess."

S grinned. "By the power of the Timer... we have the VORTEX!"

Everyone looked at S.

"Well, if he can rip off the Fantastic Four, I can rip off He-Man."

"We thank you for all of your help," TF said

"And good luck beating the prick," S grinned.

"That's not even a challenge. Their general, the John Wayne guy? He's EPT."

"I don't believe this... I almost pity the prick. Almost," S smiled.

TF opened the vortex, and the trio jumped in.

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