Brian Blessed Vs. John Rhys-Davies

Hotdog #38.

Old Vs. New

Brian Blessed
John Rhys-Davies
When he booms, he shakes, shakes, shakes the room (score 1) When he booms, he shakes, shakes, shakes the room (score 1)
Has a beard large enough to support a minor eco-system (score 1) Has a beard large enough to support a minor eco-system (score 1)
Tried to climb mount Everest without oxygen. And failed (score 0) Has never tried to climb mount Everest without oxygen. Ergo, hasn't failed (score 1)
Voiced boss Nass in Phamtom Menace (score 0) Voiced a walking tree in Two Towers (score 1)
Mates with Sam Jones (score 0) Mates with Indiana Jones (score 1)
Final Score: 4 Final Score: 5

Final Comment: It's a win for the comparative newcomer - more than just the old John Rhys-Davies, he's knocked Brian Blessed off his very loud pedestal. BOOM!"

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