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 TemporalFlux1  Sep10/99 
ive been thinking and it occured to me that kolitar could actually be maggie as a man kromagg. i mean think about them. theyre both from diffrent worlds, they both like that western world with jesse james and they both sing. i mean its only difrence between an x and y thing. so maybe one day kolitar will sing lice pants.

also its posible that colin and arturo are actally the same person unstuck like malory and quin. if you think about it theyre never on the show at the same time. mabe when arturo drowned in "genocide," quinn was an octupus at the bottom of the seas and found out how to bring arturo back to life. but he could only inject his own jeans into arturo which made hime looke like column. and then all the octupsuses including wade and kari gave him a timer made of coral and he slid to meet quin in theat episode about bees.

well thats all for now! have a good weekend.

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