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 Barbara Walters Interviews Peck 
 Informant  Feb6/01 
The following is a transcript from a rough cut tape of an interview that Barbara Walters did with Peckinpah. (Note that the transcript has parts that were cut out of the aired interview. It was edited after this):

When I foost met with David Peckinpah, I was taken back by the bwilliant tv whiter. I'd watched his television shows like Slidews, and Tooks. As we sat down fow ouw convoosation, he offowed be a glass of wine. I accepted, and we dwank as we talked about his life and caweew.

Barb - "David, you've had an exciting life. What moment stands out fow you?"

Dave - "Well, my greatest moments are watching what I write come to life on screen. It's almost magical seeing that."

Barb - "What would you say youw favowite sewies has been?"

Dave - "Of all the works I've done, I think that the show that I worked on, 'Sliders' really stands out. It gave me time to work with my old, dear friend, Carrie Wurr. We'd been really close in the past, and I thought it was great working with her again."

Barb - "Cawwie is known for being close to hew co-wookews. They all seem to love wooking with hew."

Dave - "Yes. It's a pleasure for me every time I see her. She'll do almost anything to make people happy. It's great."

Barb - "The show also stawwed Jewwy O'Connell. Best known for his wole in the classic film, 'Stand By Me.'"

Dave - "Jerry was great, just like Carrie. He'll go the same distance to make everyone feel comfortable. Some of the other actors were more reserved, but these two were always making lovely memories for everyone on the set. I was sad to see him go."

Barb - "Youw whiting on the show was wather contwovoocial. What made you decide to make these changes to the show?"

Dave - "Well, the show had so much potential that I thought would be fun to explore. The writers on the show that came before me really hadn't taken it as far as I thought it could go. They didn't seem too comfortable with the idea of taking the show to new worlds. They wanted to keep the more human aspect, which I decided to get away from because, y'know... it's a different world. Every show can explore humanity, we just wanted to show cool new stories."

As ouw convoosation pwogwessed, and we dwank ouw wine, we moved into mowe poosonal aweas of his life...

Barb - "Getting to a mowe poosonal note. Youw uncle was Sam Peckinpah..."

(David begins to tear up)

Dave - "Yes."

Barb - "What does he mean to you?"

Dave - "Y'know, I try and I try, but nobody ever sees me for my own work! No matter what I do, it's always, 'So, you're ol' Sammy boy's nephew?' Yeah! I'm his nephew. But I'm a person! I'm my own man! I created Angus Rickman, for cryin' out loud! Nobody ever wants to talk about me! It's always him!"

Barb - "And how does that make you feel?"

Dave - "How does it make me feel? HOW DOES IT MAKE ME FEEL? (starts sobbing) I feel like less than a man. And no amount of seeing Carrie or Jerry will change that! I'm living in the shadow of a legend and I will never escape it."

Barb - "Thewe, thewe, baby. Come to Bawbwa... Let me just shut off this ta..."

Once we finished ouw... convoosation, and ouw wine, I left the man's home feeling bettew fow having known him. This mawvel of a man, known to the woold as David Peckinpah. Producer of Slidews, but moo impowtantly, nephew to a legend.

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