The Crapparatus

Requiem [early draft script]

Written by Michael Reaves

MSTed by SL4ever

Script courtesy

 Requiem - Part IV

Maggie <checking the timer> : "Ten hours."

HTWD: Does she STILL have the >:-#ing timer???? ARE THE OTHER THREE INSANE???

*** SNATCH!!! ***

<The others have gotten down from the bed but Remmy stays there> : "Wake me at the millennium."

SL4: Millennium jokes don't age well.

Maggie: "I'll wake you in ten hours."

TBH: Who died and left her in charge?

SL4: Arturo, Quinn, Colin ...

Diana <looking concerned> : "You just had a good sleep."

HTWD: That was during the movie "Traffic." But theater seats are not that comfortable, so I need some real sleep.

Remmy: "I've got this headache that won't quit. Got to stop using rocks for pillows."

SL4: Rock pillows were secretly developed by chiropractors. Little known fact there.

<Remmy rolls over and is immediately asleep. The others exchange concerned glances.>

Diana: "Maybe he should see a doctor."

TBH: <mimicking Diana> : A REAL doctor, not one like me.

Maggie: "He's just tired."

HTWD: Carrying a series by yourself WOULD make you tired.

Diana: "Or it could be something else. It could be physical or he may even be suffering from some neurological trauma."

SL4: Well, that pretty much covers all the bases, doesn't it? That's like saying that the reason your pants ripped was becuase of a problem with either the material or the thread.

Mallory: "It's obvious something is bothering him."

TBH: It wouldn't happen to be your stale wit, would it?

Mallory: "What if he wigs out in a crisis?"

TBH: You've got a point. I'M ready to snap if you make one more joke so I KNOW he's sick of it!

Maggie: "Did he wig out when he was hauling your butt through a Kromagg artillery barrage?"

HTWD: Since I hate both of them I'm simultaneously elated that Mallory just took a good shot and disappointed that Maggie got off one.

Maggie: "I know him. He'll be okay."

SL4: Yeah, well you knew Quinn, Wade, and Colin too. How okay are they?

Mallory: "Point taken. All I'm saying is that we're in a dangerous business here and each one of us has to be on the top of our game."

TBH: He's been a Slider for ten minutes and he's trying to lecture Maggie on how dangerous Sliding is. That, friends, is the textbook definition of arrogance.

Mallory: "If somebody flakes at a time when we need him most..."

HTWD: So don't flake out on us then, Mallory. Any other moronic observations or can we stop standing right over Remmy while we talk about him?

Maggie: "That won't happen. If it does, we do what we always do."

SL4: Wander around aimlessly and wait for Quinn to pull our asses out of the fire in the nick of time.

Maggie: "We cover each other and pull him through. Right now, let him sleep."

TBH: <mimicking a sleepy Remmy> : Yeah, you rude bastards. Get the >:-# out of the bedroom with your loud selves.

<Scene change to Remmy's dream. Remmy is sitting in a prison cell.>

HTWD: The Continuity Police finally caught up with him. Wait'll they catch Peckinballs!

Wade: "Rembrandt! Rembrandt! Why won't you talk to me?"

TBH: Because the whole head bobbing in the water thing has him grossed out. I don't blame him, I'm about to blow chunks myself.

Wade: "It's really me! It's Wade!"

HTWD: Well duh. How many OTHER female Sliders have they lost?

<the door from the hallway opens>

Tigs: Hey PIE boy! It's your turn!

SL4: Oh, hey Tigs. Come in, take my spot while I write my part.

Tigs: Is that the way things are usually done?

SL4: Yep.

Tigs: Is that what everyone else does?

SL4: Yep.

Tigs: So if I sat down, I would be doing things the way everyone else does them?

SL4: I guess.

Tigs: Oh, well screw that then! <She leaves and the door to the hallway swings closed.>

SL4: <glancing at the other two and shrugging> : Rebels. Couldn't have progress without them.

TBH: Nude musical, eh? Knock 'em dead! :-P

SL4: I'll send someone back to take my place.

<SL4 disappears into the hallway>

Wade: "They're coming for me. We haven't got much time! Please say something!"

TBH: <mimicking Wade>: Come ON, Remmy! I need your help! I need my water changed!

<Wade's point of view changes as two Kromaggs apparently grab her and start taking her away.>

Wade: "Remmy, please!"

HTWD: Remmy! Please sing "Please Please Me!" Please?

TBH: Apparently he's ignoring her pleas.

<Wade is dragged away as her hands reach out, clawing at the air.>

TBH: This is why Sabrina's body was never in this ep. She was dragged from the set after she read the script and then threw herself at Peckinballs in a fit of rage.

<From Remmy's point of view we see Wade being dragged away by Kromaggs as her cell door slams shut.> Wade: "Rembrandt!!!!"

HTWD: Ahhhhh. As tedious as this scene is, it's still better than Mallory cracking wise.

<Remmy sits up in his bed at the hotel, drenched in sweat.> Remmy: "Wade!"

dellyone: Oh, NOW you call out to her after you wake up! What was with the silent routine before?

<TBH and HTWD turn towards the open door.>

TBH: Hey. How's it going?

D1: SL4 sent me here to do a few rounds of riffing while he writes his Story Game part.

HTWD: Have a seat. Projectionist! Roll 'em!

<The other three Sliders join Remmy around his bed.> Maggie: "It's okay Remmy, we're here."

TBH: That's supposed to be comforting? Talk about waking from a nightmare to rejoin another nightmare.

Mallory: "You were having another nightmare."

HTWD: No >:-#!!! I don't think he needs you to tell him that, genius.

Maggie: "You were dreaming about Wade, weren't you?"

D1: She should start a psychic hotline! How did she ever guess that? Maybe she followed a clever set of clues starting with HIM SITTING UP IN BED AND SCREAMING OUT WADE'S NAME!!!

Remmy: "Yeah, you might say that. But I don't think it was a dream."

TBH: She's never been clothed in one of my dreams about her, so it couldn't have been a dream.

Diana: "You never left us Remmy, you were here the entire time."

HTWD: We were hovering over you, loudly debating your sanity, the entire time you slept! You couldn't have gone anywhere.

Remmy: "Yeah, okay, I'll buy that. I never left this place."

D1: But that depends on what the meaning of the word "this" is! MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!

<The others seem relieved that Remmy is sounding more sane.>

Remmy: "But I think that Wade is trying to contact me."

Are you sure this is Wade we're talking about? It sounds like the kind of stalking Sean Young would do.

<TBH, Dellyone, and HTWD turn towards the direction of the new voice> : YOOOOOOOUUUUU!!!!!!

Yes, it is I. May I join you?