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Episode U-811: Lucky 13

Logline: After landing on a world where the United States never proceeded to expand their territory to the west, the sliders must survive in a modern day New Amsterdam that is connected with the other 12 original colonies established a couple hundred years ago, but not everything is pleasant in this small established colony.Episode 11: Lucky 13 Starring: Charlie O’Connell, Robert Floyd, Alicia Witt, Tembi Locke, Nicholas Lea, and John Haymes Newton as Joel Douglas Guest Stars: Alan Thicke as John Winters, Gail O’Grady as Grace Winters, Lyman Ward as Bradley Morris, and Scott Baio as Special Agent Paul Wagner Synopsis: Colin is seen in a wooded area, dressed in Amish style clothing, along with walking beside a young boy, wearing similar clothing. The two are walking down to a lake where a row boat is seen, the two get into the boat and Colin starts to row the boat out into the lake further outward. Suddenly, the boat tips over, with both Colin and the boy falling in. Colin comes to the surface and struggles to find the boy, yelling out for his name, but there is no luck. Colin suddenly awakens in a cold sweat in a hotel room, realizing everything he just experienced was a dream. The sliders exit the hotel they were staying at in the latter part of the afternoon, walking left down the sidewalk; Joel asks Colin what was on his mind since he hasn’t seemed like his normal self all day. Colin states that he had a nightmare and just wonders if it was a premonition for future events for them. Diana looks back, telling Colin that if she died in the nightmare, to just let her die. Wade and Diana share a laugh about her comment, with Ryan saying that not every nightmare will come true. Colin states that at times he has often wondered if dreams or even nightmares are trying to say something or prepare a person for an event in the future. Wade states that dreams are just trying to absorb all the information taken in from the past few days and tells Colin not to worry about his nightmare. Colin states that his nightmare didn’t have anything to do with the past few days. Once arriving at an alley way, Diana opens the vortex, with the sliders entering, and the portal soon closing shortly after Wade enters. The vortex opens in a park, in downtown New York, with the sliders piling out of the vortex and onto the grass as the portal closed seconds after. Once the sliders stand up, Diana states that they slide in about twelve days. Joel states that the area seems peaceful without much going on in the city. Colin states that maybe on this world, there is a ban on loud noises, so they should all keep to themselves. The sliders head into the city, with them noticing light traffic and not a lot of people surrounding the sidewalks or stores. Once arriving at a Motel 6, the sliders get adjourning rooms, and they all head to one of the rooms to relax until dinner time. Diana states that she would take off in the morning and check out the local library or find a bookstore to scoop out what this world had to offer. Colin starts to wonder if maybe they’ve returned to the world his brother had visited nine years earlier, which may involve a world like Ryan’s world. Ryan tells Colin that he could be right, since he never actually visited New York City on his world. Diana states if she finds the same information, then she can tell them about it. Wade states that if the population is small, it might mean that maybe back in the early 1900s, immigration was never started, leading to a small population for the United States. Colin soon realizes that the money for the group was low, and that he would take off to find a job to earn some money so they could enjoy the world they were on. Joel tells Colin that they’ve covered the room and should have enough money to cover meals for a few days. Colin states that he would like to get to know the locals and just wants to be a part of a world, even if it’s only for a couple weeks. By the early morning, as the sun is shining on the city, Colin is walking around, along with a few other people on the sidewalk. Colin comes upon a grocery store, with a sign in the main window, asking for help. Colin enters the store, heading to the customer service desk, located in the back of the store, asking if he could apply for a job. The woman at the counter gives Colin an application to fill out, along with a pen to write out his information. Colin grabs the application and sits down at a table close by, which he figures is for applicants to apply for the job at. Colin takes the pen cap off the pen and begins filling out the top part of the sheet, which included his name, address, date of birth and the date. He gets to a section near the bottom of the first page that involves him answering questions with the best of his knowledge, and he starts off, not sure how to answer the first question, which states “Have you ever thought of overthrowing the government in any way?” Colin puts a check mark in the “No” category, and he continues on down the list, which mainly asks him questions about the government and how he will be a slave for them. Finally, at the end, Colin signs his name and stands back up, handing it to the woman at the counter. Colin asks the woman when he’d find out if he could get the job or not, with the woman telling Colin that if he would wait a few minutes, he could have an interview. The woman quickly over looks Colin’s application, and soon brings up one of the questions, asking Colin why he answered no, to a question asking him about if the government stole from him or not. Colin states that he feels that the government is his friend and they wouldn’t do things to hurt him. The woman seems to accept Colin’s answer, with telling him she’d be back soon and disappears into a room behind her. At Barnes and Nobles, Diana is seen looking around at books, with Joel and Wade catching up to her. Joel asks Diana if she was finding anything interesting from the alternate history department. Diana states that she was actually looking into physics books to possibly help her in any way with sliding, but hasn’t had much luck. Wade tells Diana that she figures sliding isn’t as popular as most science and figures that a lot of worlds will never experience the rush that they get to experience. Diana states that before she joined the group, she really didn’t consider traveling between worlds, but after getting melded with a double who was a previous slider, she really didn’t have much of a choice in whether or not she was going to travel through the multiverse. Joel tells Diana that Mallory seems happy to have her along since she reminded Mallory of his friend. Diana states that she does often have feelings from the double toward Mallory and in some way will be glad to get un-melded from a very different woman than herself, so she can fulfill these feelings. Diana starts walking away from the science area and heads to the history section, where she soon finds an American History book with a cover showing the original thirteen colonies. Joel and Wade also notice the cover, wondering what type of story this world had to offer. Diana flips through a few pages, then closes the book, looking at the rest of the selection, but she couldn’t find anything that involved the expansion of the United States. Wade wonders if the United States was only made up of thirteen states. Joel states that it wouldn’t be the first time to land on a world with a difference in how many states they had. Diana states that the book looks interesting and plans to buy it. Joel tells Diana that maybe she should consider staying in the bookstore and read through it, since the price was a bit to high for them. Diana looks at the back of the book, realizing the book was going to cost around the $50 range. Diana states that maybe they’ve returned to inflation world. Diana tells the two that they are in New Amsterdam, and not a city by the name of New York. Diana also tells the two that she would just remain in the bookstore to read the book. Joel states that since Barnes and Nobles is part of a mall, they would look around at other stores and return. Diana thanks the two for waiting and soon goes in search for a seat to sit down at to read. Colin returns to the motel, with running into Mallory outside of the room, finishing off a cigarette, with Mallory asking Colin how his job hunt went. Colin tells Mallory that he had an interview with a manager for a grocery store and he was going to start the following morning. Mallory tells Colin that with a small society, he should do well at his job instead of fighting for a position with other people. Colin tells Mallory that he figures the store might not do so well since the population is small and not a lot of people would show up to shop for certain items everyday. Mallory states that it wasn’t like they would be around forever, just a couple weeks on the world. Colin asks Mallory where Ryan was at, with Mallory stating that he had gone downtown to look around and get the feel for the world. Colin states that hopefully Diana will find some information out about the world and they could understand why such a small population exists. Downtown, Ryan is walking down the sidewalk, looking into the many stores available to shop in, but none that appealed to him. Once crossing over a street and continuing on, he is soon stopped by a homeless man, telling him to follow him to his secret lair, which happens to be a trash dumpster down an alley way close by. The homeless man opens the top of the dumpster up, pulling out a file folder and handing it to Ryan, telling him to keep it hidden, since he feels the government is closing in on him and he doesn’t want to be found out with holding such information. Ryan seems confused, and puts the file under his jacket, with walking out of the alley and continuing down until he finds a deli, where he enters and decides to order lunch, which consists of vegetable soup and a ham sandwich, with a side of chips and a glass if ice tea. Once seated at a table by the window, Ryan begins to eat, with taking the file out from being under his jacket, and opening it to find a few documents involving information about the economy and even pictures of a warehouse with items inside, that could wipe out a city. Ryan quickly puts the file back underneath his coat and continues to eat, without letting on of what he was given. A few seconds later, he notices a large SUV driving by and notices the homeless man running from the vehicle and is soon attacked by men in black and tossed in the back of the vehicle, with soon speeds off, leaving Ryan with a shocked looked, wondering if the homeless man gave him vital information of the destruction of the United States. Later in the afternoon, Ryan soon returns to the room, to find Wade and Mallory sitting on the beds and watching television in one of the rooms. Ryan takes his jacket off, with placing the folder on the desk by the bathroom, and hanging his jacket up in the closet. Wade asks Ryan how things went for him around the city. Ryan states that it was a unique experience, explaining of how he met a homeless man and he had given him a file, involving information to take out the thirteen colonies. Mallory asks Ryan how he knew that there were only thirteen states, instead of fifty-two. Wade looks at Mallory, asking him how he counted up fifty-two states. Mallory tells Wade that on his world Puerto Rico and Guam were part of the United States. Ryan states that he glanced at an aerial photo of the area and took a guess. Wade tells Ryan that she was surprised when she found out, but likes the idea of being in New Amsterdam instead of California, since if they landed on this world out west, they could have dealt with Native Americans again which might have resulted in the same situation they ran into last year. Ryan states that now they had to figure out what to do, since if the information was correct, they wouldn’t be safe in the city, let alone the entire country. As evening time soon came, the sliders are eating at a pasta restaurant, with the group quietly talking about the folder of information that Ryan was given. Joel states that if the information was correct, they would need to escape the city and make it over the wall to survive. Wade looks confused, asking Joel what he meant by a wall. Joel states that he was walking around the city and when he had gone to the Empire State Building for a tour, he went to the top floor and when looking out a window, he notices a wall which probably extends all the way down into Georgia. Joel also adds that the wall could be the reason that no one extended the territory and keeps the citizens in, without them crossing over the wall to see what’s on the other side. Diana speaks up, explaining that from the book she read, there was going to be an expedition by two famous men known as Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. Diana continues, explaining that after Meriwether took his own life five years earlier, the president and William Clark were superstitious of the fact that exploring beyond the territory would get someone else killed or something else would happen, so the thirteen colonies stayed where they were. Joel questions the facts since the territory had expanded some prior to the men’s expedition out west in the 1800s. Diana also explains that once John Hancock was chosen to be the president, he felt it was necessary to expand territory sooner than later, so Thomas Jefferson got beat to the idea and that is how society came into what they see today. Colin suggests that maybe they could try to learn on their own if in fact the government wants to destroy the east side of the country. Ryan soon wonders if the United Kingdom was part of it, since in a document, it had explained of Britain still owning part of the territory and they may feel that the thirteen colonies are bringing in a low economic status compared to the rest of the world and it might be smart to just destroy all evidence and just go on about their business. Mallory comments that everyone is greedy in their own way. Wade still seems confused why anyone would not want to expand the country or take out the territory that may do some good down the road. Joel states that their first move would be to talk to someone who would listen to them, which wasn’t going to be easy to do. Diana wonders if the homeless man had any friends or contacts. Ryan states that he could check out the dumpster to see if anything was left behind that the man had. Colin states that he might try to talk to people at work, maybe get some kind of idea of how things work in the area. Diana states that she and Joel can join Ryan, in case they get lucky and find something. Wade states that she might take a trip to the FBI bureau and somehow sneak into their computer system and maybe find out some information. Mallory seems confused as to how she could get into the offices at the FBI headquarters, since he figures they would watch her very carefully. Wade explains that at the bookstore, earlier in the day, she met a man who was an FBI agent and she was invited to join him for breakfast, and she figures she could do a little magic with the help of Diana and easily get the man’s identification card and switch information so she would be seen as a federal agent or she would go to plan B which she isn‘t sure about yet. Colin tells the others that he is really appreciative of working in a grocery store, compared to everyone else’s professions they plan to take on, while on this world. With Wade showing up at Veniero's Pasticceria & Cafe for breakfast, she meets the man she ran into the previous day. Wade calls the man by the name of Paul, along with him telling her good morning and the two soon take seats, once the hostess seats them. Paul tells Wade that she was looking very beautiful, with Wade thanking him for his compliment. Wade asks Paul if he had to work the day at the bureau, with Paul explaining that he did, but he was wondering if maybe she would like a short tour of the FBI building. Wade quickly agrees to it, telling him that she is very excited. A waitress soon arrives, handing out menu’s, asking them what they wanted to drink, with both agreeing to coffee. Colin arrives at the grocery store, with walking into the backroom, where he placed his jacket and hat on a stand, and clocking in. His manager, Grace Winters, welcomes Colin to the store for his first day, telling him that she wanted to give him a vest to wear while he bagged groceries. Colin tells Grace to lead the way, with the two of them exiting the backroom and going right, down a hallway to the managers office, where Grace opened her door and walked in, followed by Colin. Grace opens a smaller door by her desk, pulling out a green vest, handing it to Colin. Grace tells Colin that the cashiers were ready for his assistance. Colin asks if it would be possible to ever gain knowledge of being a cashier, since he is interested in trying for a position. Grace asks Colin if he applied for a bagger job, since she doesn’t have anyone else to bag groceries. Colin apologizes, stating that he likes to learn new things, but will be the best bagger in the country. Colin stands there for a few more seconds, with Grace telling him that was all and he should get out there to bag groceries. Colin obeys the woman, by exiting the office and heading for the front of the store. Diana, Ryan, Joel and Mallory head downtown to stop at a Denny’s for breakfast, still trying to figure out how to deal with the situation at hand. Once the group had put their order in, Joel speaks up, stating that it might be possible for Wade’s friend at the FBI to know what is going on, but if they’ve stumbled upon a secret plan to destroy the “New World”, they might not be sure if the man can be trusted. Ryan wonders if maybe the homeless man was part of an underground organization, and those people part of the underground might be looking for them soon enough. Diana states that they just need to watch each other’s backs and they’ll be fine. Mallory states that they should just climb the wall and get the hell away from it all, since they could steal some bikes and once over the wall, they could take off and be halfway through the United States before the tidal wave came. Ryan agrees with Mallory, explaining that once they got to safety, they wouldn’t have to worry about any secret organizations stalking them, and ending up like they did last year, when they got exposed to the public. Diana then asks the question about how they would deal with any natives that could show up and capture them. Mallory tells Diana that it would be better than being stuck in an area that will be covered with water soon enough. At the grocery store, in the break room, Colin was sitting at a small table, drinking a cup of coffee. Grace walks in, also getting a cup, telling Colin that he is doing a good job and is glad to have hired such a hard worker. Colin thanks Grace for her comment, stating that once he gets involved with a situation, he wants to be the best at it. Grace tells Colin that, even though he was new to the job, she usually invites the workers over to her and her husband’s home for a Sunday dinner. Colin states that it wasn’t Sunday yet, but would definitely consider it. One of the cashiers comes back to the break room, telling Colin that it was getting busy again, and they needed help, while she took a break. Colin finishes off his coffee, tosses the Styrofoam cup into the trash can by the door and exits out. The cashier takes a seat, where Colin was sitting, asking Grace if Colin was ready to sacrifice himself for the Lord. Grace states that she doesn’t really know Colin that well, and figures that he must have moved into the area quite recently. The cashier states that she is surprised that such an attractive looking man has an illness. Grace states that it will be all over soon enough, so she won’t have to deal with her cancer much longer. With the sun beginning to set, Colin finally returns to the motel room he is staying in, to find Joel and Ryan, both sitting on beds, watching television. Joel asks Colin how his first day went at the grocery store, with Colin explaining that it wasn’t much fun being on his feet for close to twelve hours. Colin takes his shoes off and lies down on the bed Ryan was sitting on to relax. Joel states that Wade filled them in that her FBI friend had allowed her and whoever else to go speak with him about the file they have about the destruction of the “New World”. Colin states that he won’t have a chance to go since he’ll be at work, but hopefully they can trust the FBI with the folder of information. Ryan states that most of the worlds that they visit they usually have a hard time trying to find people to trust. Ryan tells Colin that they visited the dumpster again, but didn’t find anything to help them. Colin states that if the FBI is the only option, they better be doing the right thing. Joel stands up, picks up his pillow and hits Ryan in the face with it. Ryan grabs his pillow and hits Joel with it. Colin decides to join the fun and takes the pillow he was sleeping on and hits Ryan with it. Feathers from the pillows begin to emerge from the pillows and they’re flying everywhere. Wade, Diana and Mallory walk in to notice the group having a little fun, so Wade quickly grabs a pillow, but she is hit in the face by Joel, who was trying to hit Colin, who happened to get out of the way. Mallory and Diana join in, but before the group knew it, feathers were everywhere and they likely had a mess to clean up. With the sun starting to shine on the city, Colin is exiting the bathroom, noticing Joel awake, but still lying down and Ryan still asleep. Colin tells Joel that they might want to quickly leave the motel and go somewhere else, since he figures the maid will wonder why there are feathers all over the place. Joel states that they could take off for the day and return and they probably won’t be told anything. Colin sits on the bed, puts his shoes on, grabs his jacket and hat, and tells Joel to have a nice day, with Joel telling Colin the same thing. At the grocery store, Colin begins bagging groceries for an older couple, with the woman asking Colin to hurry up, since she didn’t have years to waste away, standing in line. Colin quickly bags the groceries and places them in the woman’s cart. The couple soon leave, with the female cashier telling Colin not to worry about the snobs, since they usually are that way every time they come in. Colin states that he’s been through worse and figures he can handle an old couple who are snobs. The cashier laughs, telling Colin that he needs a sense of humor to handle a bagger position. Grace soon arrives at the front, asking Colin to follow her, the cashier Colin was speaking too looks confused, but Colin follows Grace back to her office, where she takes a seat behind her desk and ask Colin to sit in a chair opposite of her. Grace tells Colin that she rarely lets people in with a past, but wants to give him a chance, since there isn’t much time left. Colin asks Grace what she was talking about, with Grace stating that she called his references and they don’t exist. Grace continues, stating that she understands that people his age have past experiences with the law or other such problems, but she wants to assure him that she won’t kick him out for anything, as long as he has changed. Colin states that he definitely is a new person and promises to do his best at his job. Grace thanks Colin for coming clean, telling him that he was free to return to work. Before Colin leaves, he asks Grace what she had meant that there wasn’t much time left. Grace states that she has an advanced form of cancer and like him, she won’t have to suffer anymore pain once the country is cleared out. Colin apologizes, stating that he should have realized she was ill. Grace tells Colin that she doesn’t let her illness get to her, but this is why she stayed behind. On a lunch break, Colin decides to take off for a nearby park to go for a walk and clear his head. Colin soon notices his friends also visiting the same park, with Colin rushing over to them. Colin tells the others that he needed to fill them in on some information that he learned from one of his supervisors. The sliders take seats on benches close to their location. Colin remains standing, explaining that he kinda screwed up on his application and his supervisor called him back to talk about it. Colin speeds ahead, explaining that his supervisor has cancer and she told him that time was about out, since everyone would die. Joel asks Colin if she asked him if he was sick also. Colin states that his supervisor figured he was ill, but he doesn’t know if the entire populace was ill. Diana states that it could be the possibility that everyone who used to lived in the colonies moved elsewhere, leaving the sick ones to stay behind to run society until it was time to end it. By the following afternoon, Wade, Diana and Ryan show up at the FBI building, with Paul meeting them at his office. Ryan pulls out the folder, asking what was going on. Paul takes the folder, over looking the paper work, then looking back at the three. Wade asks what was going on, with Paul explaining that he wasn’t sure if they knew but there is a resistance group in downtown Amsterdam, trying to give people information they want to show off. Ryan asks then why the homeless man was captured by men in black. Paul explains that the man obviously was a resistance member and someone in the FBI had to get the guy, before he did any more damage to society. Paul assures the three that nothing is going to happen to the thirteen colonies. Diana feels relieved, since she almost thought that they would have to fight people to stay alive. Paul tells the three that if they were up for it, he could show them some information involving the economy. Ryan speaks for the others, stating that it would be helpful. By mid afternoon, Wade, Diana and Ryan had returned to the motel, finding Joel and Mallory at the inside pool, going for a swim. Ryan tells the two that they should talk. Mallory and Joel exit the pool and after drying off and getting dressed, they all head to the room Mallory was sharing with Wade and Diana. Ryan speaks up to the guys, explaining that Paul told them they have nothing to worry about and he even showed information about the economy doing very well. Ryan adds that there is a resistance group, but Paul felt that they didn‘t have much power to work with. Diana chimes in, stating that after all that she saw, she didn’t really believe anything that was said, but had to play the part of being relaxed. Joel asks the three if they had any thought of ways to save themselves, since they still had the problem, that if the tidal wave is to show up hours before the slide, they wouldn’t have anywhere to hide. Wade states that it was going to be difficult to trust anyone, since she feels Paul is hiding something from her and she doesn’t plan to see him anymore, because he could easily trap them somewhere and kill them. Mallory agrees with Diana, stating that they need to find an alternative and quick like, or else they won’t make it. Ryan asks Diana if she could just advance the timer, but does realize that with doing it, things may go wrong. Diana states that the idea had crossed her mind, but she feels if she advanced the timer to early, they might slide or they might not. Wade states that once Colin arrives later in the evening, they should discuss possible solutions. Joel still ponders the idea of having the resistances group behind them, since it would be very nice to have back up for once. Ryan states that he could try to find a bar or someplace private that may show signs of resistance members, but it obviously was going to be difficult. Mallory tells Ryan that if he decides to go in that direction, he should come along, since he doesn’t want any of them to get injured or killed before they slide out.
Over the coarse of the week the sliders kept trying to learn as much information as possible. Wade had a change of heart and considered the idea of planting herself in the FBI headquarters to learn as much information as possible when Paul was away from his desk. Colin kept working at the grocery store, getting to know his supervisors and co-workers. On the Sunday evening that the sliders were on the world, they took up Grace’s offer and went to her and John’s house for dinner, along with Colin’s coworkers. Joel, Ryan, Mallory and Diana kept searching around the dumpster or other locations close by to see if anyone would pick them up to share information. Diana kept returning to book stores to learn about the society, but everything was still up in the air. With the moon taking over the sun on this world, Colin continues dreaming, with him walking with his cousin to the lake and getting in the boat and rowing out into the middle, but this time, the cousin turns into Grace along with John sitting next to her, and the boat is hit by a wave and it is turned over, with Colin coming to the surface, and unable to find Grace, John or his cousin. Colin awakens in a cold sweat, relieved that it was just a dream. Colin lays back down, then looking over in the left direction to notice the clock in the room read 5:24 a.m. and he realized that he had a couple of hours to go before having to awake before heading to his shift at the grocery store. Colin gets out of bed, dresses and goes out for a walk out in the city. Colin notices how dark and lonely it was for him, but suddenly, out of the darkness, Wade surprises him, telling Colin how relieved he was to see her and not a murderous attacker. Wade states that she saw him exit the motel, wondering what was up. Colin finds a bench and takes a seat, with Wade doing the same. Colin looks to Wade, telling him that over the past week, he has been having nightmares that involve a situation that happened to him a long time ago and for some reason, the event is showing back up in dreams. Wade asks Colin if he wanted to share the dream and how it might be affecting him. Colin explains that a decade ago, back on the Amish world he considered home and once he had moved to his new house, his relatives lived close by, and he had a cousin named James who always wanted to hang around him, so they would usually go to a lake close by and either go fishing or just ride around in a boat, but on this particular day, things went wrong, the boat tipped over and James drowned, making him severely depressed, since even his aunt and uncle refused to speak to him, and he almost lost it and considered committing suicide. Wade takes Colin’s right hand, sympathizing for his loss and she tells Colin that he might just need to find a way to relax, since the past few worlds they’ve visited have exhausted them all and he could be suffering from something. Colin tells Wade that he kinda feels better after talking to someone and figures he should get back to the room and sleep a little while longer, before he has to get ready for work. Colin asks Wade if she wanted to walk back together, but Wade tells Colin that she was wide awake and felt like going for a walk to get some exercise. Colin soon disappears, with Wade taking off down toward the shoreline when two people suddenly approach her, putting a bag over her head and kidnapping her into a van close by, which speeds off into the night. With the sun beginning to shine on the city, Colin arrives at work, with his boss, John welcoming him to the grocery store. Colin states that he is ready to work, and is surprised of how many people were shopping. John explains that there usually is a morning rush of people midweek, since they as well have to rush off to work or do other things before the day is done. Colin gets his vest from the closet located in the manager’s office and heads to the first check out lane and soon begins bagging groceries, with placing bags into a cart for the woman who was purchasing the items. Seconds after the woman leaves, Colin’s cell phone rings, with Colin quickly answering it and backing away from the checkout lane he was working at. Diana comes on the phone, with sounds of static, trying to explain of Wades disappearance. Colin seems confused, stating that a couple of hours ago, he had been talking with her after they went for a walk. Diana starts to wonder if Wade was kidnapped, but then the line goes dead. Colin called out to Diana, but she wasn’t answering him. Colin does tells Diana that if she could hear him, he would return to the motel as fast as he could. Colin hangs up his cell phone, with heading to the John’s office, apologizing for having to leave, but a big emergency has arisen and he was needed. John tells Colin that he can make it up another time, but he shouldn’t make it a continuous excuse to leave. Colin places his vest back in the closet and grabs his jacket and hat, rushing out of the store and back to the motel. At a Fifth Third bank downtown, in the basement, Wade is seated, with a spotlight on her, and the bag came off her head, with Wade talking to a man who was revealing his face and stating that he was on her side and wanted to stop the destruction of the new world. Wade states that she doesn’t know anything and just wants to go free. The man tells Wade that she knows all about the homeless man giving her friend a folder, containing information about the destruction of the United States. Wade seems confused, asking how he knew about it. The man introduces himself as Bradley Morris, a member of an underground organization who investigates possible things the government refuses to share with the public. Bradley tells Wade that he would let her go, but he wants her and her friends to join the fight and he would be willing to fill them in on the rest of the information. Wade tells Bradley that she wasn’t going to go anywhere until she learned the truth. Bradley walks out of the spotlight and turns on some lights, shutting down the spotlight and untying Wade. Bradley tells Wade to follow him and they soon head up a flight of stairs and onto a level of the bank that was quiet and Bradley soon enters an office, where Wade follows him and shuts the door. Bradley takes a seat behind a desk, with Wade sitting in a chair on the opposite side of Bradley. Bradley states that for the past few years, he and his friends located several documents that spoke of getting rid of the new world, since the economy wasn’t prospering and it was costing them money, which they soon learned were certain countries in Europe. Wade asks Bradley why he and the other underground members didn’t fight the government already. Bradley smiles at Wade, stating that unless he had millions of supporters, he wouldn’t have a chance. Wade asks Bradley how he knew of the homeless man giving information to Ryan, and then taken away by the government. Bradley explains that Clifford Zemont was a spy for both sides, but working for the underground, and they had seen a group of people exit a portal from some unknown location. Wade explains that she and her friends come from parallel worlds and they just happened to slide onto a world where only the thirteen colonies existed. Bradley states that thanks to their founding fathers, they were just superstitious and didn’t want to expand. Wade asks Bradley that if they can fight the government with a small group, why bother kidnapping her. Bradley states that he had overheard a conversation, involving the idea of breaking into the FBI offices and finding a way to help people in the United States, and since he has been keeping an eye on her when visiting the FBI headquarters, he thought she might be their way in. Wade states that she only wanted to get into the building to find a solution while playing a part in order for her former FBI friend to let her into his office. Wade continues, asking Bradley if he had listening devices all over. Bradley states that once he saw them enter this world, he had to know if they were going to be a threat or ally to them. Wade states that she and her friends want to help, but just don’t know how. Bradley asks Wade if she would like to contact her friends and have them meet to find a solution to the problem that will arise soon enough. Wade asks for a phone, with Bradley offering her the phone on his desk. Back at the motel, Colin arrives, slowing down since he explains of running all the way back to them from the grocery store, but once he got in one of the rooms, and checking them both out, no one was in either room. Colin goes to the front desk, asking the woman there if she saw people take his friends away. The woman explains that she was out running errands and she wouldn‘t have seen anything. Colin asks if he could speak to the person on shift while she was out, and the woman points to the camera above the counter. Colin seems disgusted, leaving the lobby and returning to the room, where the phone is ringing in the room he was staying in. Colin answers it to find Wade on the other line. Wade asks Colin how things were going, with Colin asking the same of her. Wade states that she has met with the resistance leader in an unknown location and the group seems legitimate in explaining everything that they saw in the folder. Colin states that he got a phone call from Diana, explaining of her disappearance, but once he got to the room a few minutes ago, no one was around. Wade states that the FBI might have taken them, since they might have been following them and finally decided to capture them, since she was supposed to have showed up to help Paul with some work, and she figured Paul didn‘t trust her, so when she went missing, they came for the others, which makes no sense, but it has to make the most possible explanation for the reason they were missing. Colin wonders where the phone call took place from Diana. Wade states that it could have been moments prior to their capture. Colin starts to wonder if someone would be back for him; Wade tells Colin to stay put and she would be there as soon as possible, since she doesn’t want him to be on his own. Colin tells Wade to hurry, with Wade assuring him of her quick arrival. Wade gets off the phone, telling Bradley that her friend was in need of her help and she had to go. Bradley tells Wade that he is having two coworkers come down soon and once they chat, they can go pick up her friend. Seconds later, two men enter Bradley’s office. Bradley introduces the men to Wade, calling the one who was tall and had a beard, Joseph Paul, and a shorter man who was completely bald, Rick Sears. Bradley welcomes the men in with them both taking seats close to Wade. Wade asks Bradley what was going on, with him explaining to Wade that Joseph and Rick were part of the underground. Joseph speaks up, telling Bradley that he located Clifford Zemont and he was found dead in a hotel pool that was located outside of the city. Bradley looks angered, figuring that the FBI had to kill off someone that could have helped a couple million people stay alive. Wade asks Bradley that if he knows of the government doing such an act, why they just didn’t leave than stay in the city to rule it. Bradley explains of being born in America and he wasn’t going to abandon his home and the FBI don‘t like that type of personality. Wade apologizes, stating that she should have realized why he hadn’t left the country. Rick speaks up, telling Wade that if her friends weren’t going to show that they should move on with the next step of the plan. Wade states her friend Colin needed to be picked up and her other friends were obviously picked up by the FBI. Bradley states that the FBI might try to persuade her friends that the underground is the evil in this country and that they might get turned. Wade states that the government is obviously hiding something, but she knows her friends won’t turn on her because they all believed something was wrong when she, Ryan and Diana visited Agent Wagner, telling them lies. Bradley tells Wade not to be so sure, since the FBI and government has ways of persuading people, even hypnosis to control them. Wade tells Bradley they should get going, since Colin is like fish food out in the world on his own and the FBI could easily kidnap him at any moment. Colin returns back to the motel room he was sharing with Joel and Ryan, with a soda pop can and a bag of mixed nuts in his left hand, and sitting down in a chair by a small table in the room. Wade enters the room, surprising Colin, who then goes to her, hugging her and glad to know that she was alright. Wade states that her arrival is late, but there is an explanation behind it. Colin states that he almost thought she wasn’t coming, but is glad to see her. Wade states that they should get going, before something else bad happens. The two exit the room after Colin picks up his snack and the two head to a car outside, with Bradley sitting in the drivers seat. Colin gets in the back seat, with Wade getting in the passenger side front seat. Bradley and Colin look at each other, with Wade introducing them to each other. Bradley puts out his left hand, which Colin shakes. Wade states that they could go now, since time was wasting away. At the FBI headquarters, the sliders are sitting in a closed off room, with Mallory pounding on a window, resembling a mirror telling whoever to let them go, since they didn‘t do anything wrong. Agent Wagner who is behind the fake mirror tells another man inside with him that he figures he has a lot to learn from the new visitors. Back in the enclosed room, Joel tells the others that he figures they might not get out of the situation alive and wonders what happened to Wade and Colin. Diana starts to talk about Wade’s plan, but Mallory puts his hand over her mouth, stating that they obviously are being bugged so they could spill any information that could help the FBI and that would be a big mistake. Ryan states that he should never have gone for the walk the other day and should have stayed in the room. Mallory tells Ryan to not beat himself up, because if they hadn’t uncovered a plot to drown everyone in the new world, they might have been victims to a worthless cause. Agent Wagner tells the man to just keep watching them, since he had something to do; The man tells Agent Wagner that the black woman who spoke of their friend Wade, who had a plan to do something, might be a good person to start with, since she looks weak and vulnerable to an interrogation. Wade, Colin and Bradley enter a secret entrance to the back of the bank and go downward, once the road opened up to make it slanted. Bradley soon parks in an underground parking lot and the three exit the vehicle, with heading to an elevator. Bradley states that things will have to speed up, since their friends might not have a lot of time left. Wade states that her and Colin will do anything that they can to help them, but saving their friends are the most important. The elevator opens in the office area where Bradley’s office is located. The three get off the elevator and head to Bradley’s office. Bradley tells Wade and Colin that they needed to begin phase two of the plan, which was to raid certain locations where resistance would be at, and then proceed to the FBI headquarters. Wade questions Bradley, why they couldn’t just head to the FBI headquarters and free their friends, and if they have any time left, they could help them with fighting the government. Bradley tells Wade that he hates to say it, but their friends might have to be expendable, since he wants to hit the government hard and good and he doesn’t want to waste any time. Bradley gets on the phone, calling a person to set up a visit to the weapon’s bunker. Wade pulls Colin outside of the office, telling him that they might have to work alone, since Bradley obvious didn’t fill her in when she was around him earlier. Colin states that he might agree with Bradley, but they should really consider fighting off the FBI to save the others first and foremost. Bradley exits his office, telling the two that he will understand if they choose not to help or refuse his beliefs. Wade tells Bradley that she and Colin very much agree with what he wants to do, but she feels that he is making her friends look like they are not as important as bringing something down that will likely fall on its own once the water arrives. Bradley states that he has locked down the building, just for safety reasons, but he promises in the morning to let them loose and they can work together to save their friends. Colin thanks Bradley for listening to them and letting them choose what to do. Bradley states that he will show them to a part of the building where food and cots are located, since he would hate to force them to starve and be tired. Diana returns to the room they were all stuck in to find Joel alone. Diana asks where Mallory and Ryan were at, with Joel explaining that Ryan was taken shortly after she was and Mallory just left a couple minutes ago. Diana states that she may have her weaknesses, but the FBI didn’t crack her, since she didn’t really have much information. Joel apologizes about earlier when he said they wouldn’t make it out alive. Diana states that she hopes Wade and Colin are alive and on their way to save them. Joel agrees with Diana, stating that he figures Wade met with the resistance group of this world and she probably found a way to contact Colin and the two met up and they obviously would have a plan to break them out. Behind the mirror, Agent Wagner and the other man continue to watch them. Paul tells the other man that Diana didn’t break and he is wondering if she is telling the truth. The other man tells Paul that if the Clifford Zemont spoke with them, they were definitely involved. Paul states that time was about out for them and it would be time to take off for the airstrip. The man tells Paul that they should lock down the room and just let the group suffocate, since he figured the other two wouldn’t rescue them, since from what he has heard, the resistances leader isn’t a person to cross. By the following morning, Wade and Colin say their goodbyes to Bradley, with him telling the two good luck and hope they can find a better world to live on. Wade tells Bradley that she hopes he can do everyone some good and save the country from extinction. Bradley feels the same way and hope his team will succeed. Wade and Colin soon rush to the exit of the bank and realize they were on their own, since Bradley obviously wanted more than peace. Colin noticed the water was about a foot deep and figured the water was already beginning to flood the city. Wade and Colin steal a UPS truck in the parking lot and take off, speeding to the FBI headquarters. Wade and Colin rush into the FBI headquarters, trying to locate their friends, but they don’t have much luck. The two look around for other people, but the building looked abandoned. Colin questions if the tidal wave is going to show up sooner than they think since he is worrying about if they will depart in time before they drown. Wade states that hopefully the FBI agents didn’t kill the others, but Colin has hope that they were still alive somewhere in the building. Wade starts to wonder where the others would be, and then she realizes the interrogation rooms could have been locked down. Colin states that with the water level rising, they didn’t have much time, so they would have to split up, by going to different floors where the interrogation rooms were located. Colin finds an elevator and after it opens, the two get it, with Colin heading for the bottom floor. Wade states that the FBI must have been very secretive of the interrogation rooms since they could have been somewhat helpful to stay around and help. Colin suggests to Wade that maybe she could hack into a computer and locate them all, which would take even more time, but a way to find the others. With the doors opening on the elevator, the two exit, noticing four different hallways. Wade states that she would take the two toward the left and he could take the two on the right. The two sliders rush down separate hallways, searching for the others. Back inside one of the interrogation rooms, the other sliders still are unsure of how to escape a room that has been locked down and sealed up for the others to find them. Mallory wonders if it would be possible to find a power box to open the doors. Diana states that if there was one, it could take a while to find it. Ryan states that he still can’t believe that they fell right into the hands of the FBI, since he was starting to believe in Agent Wagner who told them that nothing was going on, but he obviously should have realized not everything said can be trusted. Diana tells Ryan to not feel bad, since even though she had doubt, she did want to believe Agent Wagner was telling the truth, but she feels that it’s a part of everyone, people want to believe in someone even if they are lying to them and in most cases it usually destroys a person more emotionally than physically. Joel soon hears a voice, yelling out for them, and he tells the others that he hears Colin, along with the others soon noticing his voice. Ryan starts to yell out to Colin, as do the others. Colin manages to find a room connected to the room the sliders were in and is able to lift the blockade in front of the window the sliders were in. Mallory hears a sound from the mirror and Colin soon finds a fire extinguisher in part of the room he was in and smashes the window by throwing it through it. Colin appears, telling the others it was about time he found them since he was tired of running all over the place basically blind folded. Joel tells Colin he had perfect timing, since the oxygen in the room was about to cut off. The sliders come through where the mirror was broken at, with Ryan commenting that if the mirror was so easy to break, they could have kicked it in and escaped. Colin states that he found a switch that turned off the shield protecting the glass from shattering. The others catch up to Wade with her hugging Mallory and Diana, glad to know they were alive. Joel asks when the water was going to come, with Wade stating it was already pouring into the city and they didn’t have much time left before the entire city was underwater. Ryan asked Wade what happened to her and Wade said she would explain on the way. Outside, the sliders get into a UPS truck with taking off. As Colin is driving, he states that they could head to a marina and find a boat to take off in, but he had something to do before he slid off, and that was to save John and Grace. Joel tells Colin that he might not be able to save the people in the city, since before they got sealed into the room, Agent Wagner told them that most of the people had agreed to the idea of dying and planned on taking drugs to kill themselves. Colin states that he might have accepted the idea if he would have been captured, but he wasn’t going to give up. Joel asks Wade what happened to Bradley and the others, with Wade stating that he and the rest of the underground had other ideas and she figures they were going south, since Bradley said he wanted to take down the wall and he wants to start over with the country expanding out west, which might be a problem of the east coast is miles below the water level. Once arriving to a nearby marina, Colin, Joel and Mallory remain in the truck, with the others taking off to find a boat. Colin speeds off, with Mallory and Joel standing the whole way down the road. Mallory asks Colin what he plans to do if his managers at work do go with them into the boat and out to sea, since they weren‘t exactly going to Europe; Colin stating that he had possibly considered taking them with them to the next world and have them live a peaceful life than compared to this hell hole they are on. Joel asks Colin if he is willing to let them die if they refuse; Colin states that if the people were forced into being told such information to give up, he couldn’t believe people would want to die, even if they were dying of illnesses. The three arrive at the grocery store, with four feet of water covering the streets. Colin tells the two to wait in the truck and would be back shortly. Colin opens the door to the UPS truck and steps out into the water, with quickly running into the store. Colin finds the floor wet, but not a lot of water had penetrated into the grocery store. He calls out to Grace and John, but doesn’t get an answer. He heads to the office area, and finds the two on the floor, with cups close by their heads. He feels for a pulse on both of them, but he doesn’t feel anything and begins to tear up. Mallory and Joel come into the store, calling out to Colin, and without an answer, they as well rush through the store to find Colin. Once getting to the back of the store and opening a door that had the words “Office Area, Employee’s Only” on it, they opened it and found Colin bent down in one of the offices on the floor, crying. Joel tells Colin that it was too late for them and they had to get moving or they wouldn’t be able to make the slide. Mallory and Joel pull Colin up off the floor, who then wipes his eyes and the three proceed back out into the store and head for the exit. Mallory finds a rack by the checkout lanes for cigarettes and he steals a couple boxes which contained a dozen cigarette packs in each. Joel looks to Mallory, stating that it wasn’t like the world still needed cigarettes and he wanted to help the economy. The three get back into the UPS truck, turning around, and speeding back toward the others. Colin was devastated when he got pulled away from a couple he got close to and now they were gone, both drowning as the water level began rising and the three of them approaching the marina. Colin, Joel and Mallory caught up to the others who were getting a boat ready to take off on. Joel asks if the motor was going to run, with Ryan stating that he did what he could and hopes that they can get away before a funnel is created and pulls them down under. Diana goes to Colin, who is sitting on a seat on the boat, asking if he was okay. Colin starts to tear up, covering his face. Mallory tells Diana that John and Grace didn’t make it and he figures Colin was thinking that he could save them, since he couldn’t save his cousin. Joel starts the engine, with it starting right up. Mallory gets things into gear and they take off, with the area being completely covered in water. With the sliders speeding away, Diana states that they still have a few minutes until the slide and hopefully nothing will go wrong before the time is up. On the next world, with the sun setting on New York City, Colin is sitting on a terrace, drinking some coffee. Joel exits out onto the terrace from the hotel room, carrying a beer bottle and placing it on the table where Colin had his cup of coffee. Joel asks Colin how things were going. Colin looks to Joel, shrugs his shoulders, then looks away from him. Joel speaks up, stating that everyone is a bit worried about him and if he needs to talk to any of them, they would be there for him. Joel is about to say something else, but doesn’t and stands back up, going back into the hotel room, leaving Colin alone again. Colin begins to tear up and covers his face, crying about all the loss he has experience in his life, with the song “Fallen”, sung by Sarah McLachlan. He remembers back to the good old days with his cousin James. Executive Producers: Jerry O’Connell Bill Dial
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