Earth 117  Story Cave  Gate Haven 

 SG-20   "CRACKed Mirror" 
 GameMaster  HurriKain
 URL  1217/39 
[ 0 ]
Story Game #20:::starts here::: HurriKain 2/23/00
<Sounds of a hammer and an electric screwdriver filled the cave.>

HK <comes from behind a large black curtain>: Ah, done.
<Suddenly the story game players arrived and the cave was once again alive with activity.>

HK: <ahem> I would like to say again that SG#19 is finally put away. According to our records that it was our longest game ever. And in moments, I will announce the roll call and aside from the cave being spotless and dustless, I have a special surprise in store. Any questions...

BritSlider: Where's the torch?
HK: Oh, Wade is by the couch watching the maybe machine.
Torch <voice of Wade>: Hi guys.
HK: Here's the roll call.

BritSlider (DamageControl)

BritSlider: DAMMIT!!! Why do I have to do Damage Control?
HK: Sorry, I just pick a name out of a hat and yours came up.
Slider_Sarah: I thought Sirta and the other pets had eaten that wanker.
HK: Me too, but I just found out that he can regenerate himself from feces.
Sleepingtiger: Figures. You can tell by the way he's writing.
HK: Anyway, <walks over to the black curtain> I would like to present...<pulls the rope to open the curtain>


<The participants would believe their eyes, it was a fully equipped and stocked bar, with beer mugs and and margarita glasses.>

HK: Let the game begin. Blinker, take it away, and hurry mind you... And one other thing...

<Hops behind the bar>


[ 1 ]
Merry Christmas, Rembrandt O'Connell! Blinker 2/24/00
<HurriKain is stretched on the sofa, relaxing to the mellow beat of the Velvet Acid Wagon. Blinker, Mychand, Tigger and SL4ever sit at the newly installed bar. Farther down, Callie21V has ungraciously dumped some papers and books on the counter, and is content to sit watching the action.>

Mychand: Wow. 20 games to our credit! I'd say this calls for something special... what've you got in mind Blink?
<Tigger nearly chokes on her margarita>
Mychand: Umm...
Blinker: Oh, that's just something Vigeant's been teaching me. No, for this story I have something perfectly normal in mind.
Tigger: NORMAL? YOU???
Blinker (absently stirring drink, which happens to be a wine glass filled with cranberry juice): Yup...
SL4ever: So you're not bringing back any weird obscure characters that only you remember, like Michelle, the guy holding the sofa in "Exodus I," or... ohhh, that dude from S4... what was his name......
Blinker: Colin.
SL4ever: Yeah! Whatsisface.
Blinker: Hee hee... that sofa guy's expression was priceless.

<At the other side of the room, a fight is breaking out.>

Sarah: NO, CHASER!! We're watching a brand-new LEXX from Earth 4390!
Chaser: But Channel 12 has the history of DC Comics on Earth 555! It's starting in just fifteen minutes!!
Sarah: Pah!
Chaser9: Yuck!
Sarah: Ick!
Chaser: Ugh!
Sarah: Hmph!
Chaser: Uhhhhh...
Sarah (snatching remote away): I win!

<Suddenly, a flash of insight strikes C9.>

<All present raise their hands. After a moment, Sarah realizes what's going on and rapidly withdraws hers.>
Chaser: AHA! All right then, gather round, fellow cave-dwellers.
<Sarah, niurrrring all the way, is forced to concede the MAYBE remote to Chaser9.>

Chaser: See, this dial here turns it into a Combine...
<Chaser twists said dial, and the machine fires a beam which envelops Slider_Sarah and Aelita. As the effect wears off, the two have been merged into one person!>
Sarelita: Plech! lol
Slider_Paul: What the...?!!
Sarelita: Niurrrrrr ;0)
HurriKain: This is a trick! SHUT IT OFF!!!
<Chaser, frowning disappointedly, restores his fellow writers.>
Chaser: Anyway, this one here makes it a multidimensional karaoke machine...

<Meanwhile, Blinker is settling in to write his Perfectly Normal New SG Seg. No Kromaggs. No doubles. Nothing but pure, unadulterated alternate history.>
Blinker: I'll just dip my pen in the inkwell one more time, and we'll be ready to...

<Chaser powers up another MAYBE Machine function>

Blinker: ...start writing the...

<The remote discharges, blanketing the cave in haze for one brief instant>

Quinn: ...story.
Diana (at bar): Hey, did you just feel something really... I dunno, *weird?*
Quinn: Ennnh... prob'ly just those Ecstasy-laced Daiquiris kickin' in again.

Downtown San Francisco, 2:39 pm: an Einstein-Rosen bridge punched a hole in the fabric of space. The tear kept itself stable just long enough to spit out four travellers... and clapped shut like an amphetamine-driven self-sealing stembolt.

BritSlider moaned theatrically as he pushed himself to his feet. "Auggh!! I swear, that vortex never gets any closer to ground. I thought you had promised us softer landings, Mister Flux!!"

TemporalFlux, the youthful physics genius, shook his head and gestured helplessly at the timer. "The thing's on its last legs anyway. It could kick the bucket any slide now!"

"Something it would have in common with the *rest* of you," growled Brit.

"There's nothing we can do short of taking good care of it, and..."

"...and heading into that Appleby's on the corner right now!! Mm mm! Pancakes!!" SL4ever paused to wipe his drool, and suddenly found himself scowling. "Of course, I COULD be doing that RIGHT NOW if some crazy scientist hadn't pointed his vortex in the direction of my ice cream truck! There I was... a world-renowned chef on his way to a Big Comeback... only to end up the guinea pig for some nutzoid Dr. Forrester wannabe!! :-#, you're not even TV's Frank!!!"

Callie21V, sporting a ludicrously impractical miniskirt, completed the quartet. At the moment, she was standing in front of a 25¢ newspaper box, while holding out a dime to passers-by and asking if they could exchange it for a nickel.

"Come on, PLEEEEEAAASE," she beseeched. "Just forty more cents and I'll have enough for a paper... nickels are forty cents, right guys?"

Tf was content to advise the others and maintain the timer, so as usual it fell to an exasperated Brit to take charge of the group. "Mr. Flux, Miss 21, you two go check us into the Dominion. I shall be heading in the direction of the nearest fine bookstore. And, ah, Mr. Ever, you investigate the International House of Ribs or what-have-you."

The sliders went their separate ways...

<Rembrandt is stretched on the sofa, relaxing to the mellow beat of James Brown. Quinn, Wade, Logan and Dr. Geiger sit at the newly installed bar. Farther down, Maggie has ungraciously dumped some papers and books on the counter, and is content to sit watching the action.>

Quinn (handing the torch off to Logan): Your go...

<Before putting pen to parchment, Logan glances in the direction of the MAYBE TV, now displaying an altered "Summer of Love." QBall79 is being interrogated by a pair of FBI agents.>

Agent Yenn: A fourth individual has been missing since last Wednesday. S.L.4. "Cryin' Man" Ever.
Agent Copeland: *Cooking* Man.
Yenn: Whatever.

And the torch (voice of Mychand) goes on . . .

- Blinker 7>:-P !!!!!!

[ 2 ]
One handle wonder baby...hehe Logan91 2/28/00
<Logan twirls the pen as a devious grin develops>

<Bennish walks into the cave chatting on a cell phone>

B: Man a Sliders movie will be great...Of course I'll keep forwarding those post cards to you...oh it really wasn't any big deal to drum up fan support. You're welcome. I'll talk to you later.

L: Are you on the phone with Torme again?

B: <looking around> Maybe.

L: Some people have all the contacts.

B: Has the story started yet? <looks over Logan's shoulder> Oh man. What's with that opening skit? Characters from the show?

L: I think it's creative.

Torch: <voice of Mychand> Will you get on with it?


MTwain quietly used the abacus as she figured out her budget for the month. Running an inn hadn't been top on her list of things to do in life, but she gamely did what she had to. Absently she sipped her TAB and thought about how things might have been if only Darwin hadn't gone insane. Strange ailments affected most of the people who had the potential to become brilliant scientists. The common belief was that science was so inherently evil that demons possessed those who tried to advance mankind too quickly. Why look at what happened to the guys who invented that computer thing. It was supposed to be able to think like a person. MTwain shuddered at the thought of what had happened to them.

TemporalFlux and Calli21V checked into the hotel as ordered and then went in search of food. Spotting "The ComeBack Inn" the two decided it looked clean enough for their purposes. Taking a booth the two drank in the decor and the only other two people in the place. One woman sat behind the counter doing her books. Her long blond hair hung freely as she deftly manipulated an abicus. "Is that an abicus?" Cally whispered.

"I think so," tf whispered back.

As they continued their conversation the other person in the establishment found her way over to their table. "Welcome to the ComeBack Inn where you are served in style. I'm your waitress today and one of the owners by night, sleepingtiger. Today's specials are owl stew and spicy squirrel salad. As always TAB is on tap and we just opened a keg of IPA."

"Uh." tf found himself uncharacteristically at a loss for words, "we'll take two specials and the IPAs."

Popping her bubble gum sleepingtiger dutifully wrote down the order. "Anything else for you folks?"

"Yah," Callie opened her mouth before tf could even think about stopping her, "why's that chick using an albatross?"

"It's an abicus Callie!" tf rolled his eyes

"And more professional than using her fingers and toes." sleepingtiger responded.

Rolling her eyes Callie continued to speak, "I mean, normal people use a calculator or computer or something."

"What dimension are you from? Everyone know that stuff like that will drive you insane. I mean remember the guys who invented the computer?' At the totally blank looks on the faces of her patrons sleepingtiger continued, "hullo they only went insane minutes after proving it worked. They slaughtered everyone who had contributed," she shuddered a little, "and that ritual sacrifice on the machine. Eeeeeew."

"So like, you don't use technology at all?" Callie was getting confused.

MTwain having heard far more of their conversation than her common sense could handle stopped her work and bellowed out, "you blistering moron. Of course we have technology. Just not the kind that makes us insane."

tf and sleepingtiger both guffawed at the shocked look on Callie's face. "Sweety when you rile management we give you desert for free. Which is way too often," sleepingtiger yelled over at her business partner. "That order'll be ready in a few and I'll bring those beers right back."


<Logan smiled craftily and laid the pen down> "Yo Rickman front and center. It's all about continuity. Try to remember that this game." <grinning she grabbed a margerita and snagged a chair next to the maybe machine where SL4ever was running away from his gun toting double's wife>

[ 3 ]
2 more arrive... Slider_Paul 2/29/00
In a dimly lit cave A group of people were siting round a large Tele showing repeats of 'Sliders in outer space'. At the Bar Quinn, Remmy and the Professor sat drinking beer, surrounded by empty bottles already and the night was just young.

Quinn: I don't like the way this Storey is going.
Prof: I agree totally, Mr Mallory! It should be us in the storey battling what ever strange things the writers throw throw at us…..
*Remmy inturups*: But instead we are stuck in the crapy little cave with cheap beer and a telly that shows nothing but re-runs.
Quinn: I'm sorry but it just isn't worth going on.
Prof: The whole storey based on the characters from a Sliders Bboard, it just won't work!
Quinn: *sighs* Look guys, we might as well continue, that's the whole point of the storey game, just cause we don't like the way the storeys going, that's half the fun of it, different personalities writing different bits and its th….
Remmy: Ok Ok we get the point.

Quinn took a large swig of Beer and looked at the ugly kromag bar man behind the bar. " Another Beer please and one each for my two friends here. Oh and some nuts as well.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In ''The ComeBack Inn' Tf and Callie. Began to drink their beer and there free desert. The place was quite packed now, with businessmen and women on their lunch break.

Meanwhile…... in another part of town a flash of light lit up an entire street and with a loud clap of a high pitched bang a blue and green swirling disk appeared in the sky a few meters above the ground. All of a sudden 2 bodies were spat out like pieces of chewing gum. Both land in a heap on the floor.

Slider_Paul stood up 1st and looked round at his surroundings, he bent down and took Slider_Sarahs hand and helped her to her feet. " Are u OK", "yea sure" she replied.
"Where the hell are we"
"I don't know, there was some flash of light or something and now we are here"
Slider_Sarah raised her hand and pointed at the blue swirling disk "look!" Slider_Paul slowly raised his head just to catch a glimpse of the vortex vanishing. " WHAT THE!!".
S: "What's the hells going on".
Paul looked quite in shock " I ain't got an f'ing clue".
S: "One minute we were in the cave an now we are here"
P: "where's here"
S:"I wish I knew"
P: "it appears we are in the storey"
S: "You mean we have actually really slid to another dimension"
P: "it appears that way"
S: "So where's the timer"
"TIMER? I haven't got no timer" Paul said checking his pockets
"Me neither" Sarah said looking rather frightened.
P: "Perhaps the others from the cave are somewhere here too, if they are they should be quite close"
S: "well what we waiting for lets go"
P: "Lets just hope and prey that we are not stuck here.

The 2 New Sliders walked down the street into town, the streets were packed with people; Business man and women dashing about, children playing, a crowd of Teens bunking class, a large group of chinks taking photos of everything is site!. This was one busy place! All of a sudden Paul stopped dead in the street, and started foaming at the mouth. Sarah screamed at the top of her voice "aghhhh Paul! PAUL! Talk to me…….what's wrong"
"Mmmmm BEER" Paul said pointing at a Pub. Sarah gave him a jokingly thump in the tummy "stop fooling around you, you had me going" she said with a big smile.
"Lets go in here for a couple, we can always check into the hotel later", "Com'on, just a couple"
S: "Alright then"

In the Pub the place was packed, the 2 sliders pushed their way too the bar. "What u drinking" Paul asked looking at Sarah. "A JD and Coke please" she replied. As the barman approached Paul he asked for the JD and a beer for himself. Most the tables were taken so they both stood at the bar examing the crowd.

A beautiful blonde was sitting at a table in the far corner, Paul just couldn't take his eyes of her. She was amazing!

Sarah was rambling in the background but Paul was in a dreamworld

"Paul! PAUL!" she shouted nudging him in the tummy. "I saw u looking at that girl",
"SO" Paul replied with a cheeky grin.
"Haven't you been listening to me"
"ermmm What"
"ive been trying to get your attention while you've been drooling over Blondie over there"
"I wasn't drooling"
Sarah smiled and said "Just shut up and listen! And look over there"
"Where Paul" replied looking confused.
"THERE!" Sarah said, grabbing Pauls chin and pointing his face in the direction she was looking.
"Blimmey!, its them, its really them" Paul said excited.
"Don't just stand there com'on" Sarah snapped, grabbing Pauls hand and dragging him over to the other side of the room.

Tf and Callie had finished their meal and beer and were sitting at the table talking with the timer on the table blinking away. "Tf…..- Callie" Sarah shouted with joy as herself and Paul reached the table. They both looked up at her confused. Tf was the first to speak "Do we know you?" Sarah and Paul looked at each other then back at Tf and Callie. "Its us" they said together. "And who are you" Callie asked. "Its Me-Sarah and this is Paul, don't you recognise us". "I'm sorry you must be mistaken-we don't know you" Tf replied standing up. " Com'on Callie we've got to meet the others", as the two of them stood up and began to walk out Callie took a last look at Paul as if she remembered something for a brief second but then they were gone.

"What do we do now?" Sarah asked, "they have the timer and…."
"…and they don't remember us" Paul interrupted.
S: "Perhaps they are doubles of our fellow bboard friends"
P: "They cant be, they are wearing the exact same clothes as when they were in the cave with us, they are diffidently ours, I'm sure if it"
S: "Then why don't they remember us"
P: " Sadly I don't know, they must have lost their memories or something"
S: " But they had a timer with them"
P: " It appears to me that they think they are the real sliders and are totally unaware of who we are"

All of a sudden something catches Paul's eye shinning on the floor. He bent down to pick it up.
P: "It's the Torch" from the cave
S: "It must of fallen out Tfs pocket"
P: " they obviously had know idea what its use was"
S: "doent the torch have a record of all the Storey Games and players, perhaps we can use it to jog their memories back"
P: "I'm not sure, but we better find them again quick, I saw the read-out on that timer and there's only a few days left!"

They both downed the remaining drink in their glasses and ran out of the pub as quickly as possible, as they arrived back out into the busy street. The two of them stood with their mouths wide open in total shock……
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In the cave the Tele hissed and flashed and a group of people were snoring away on the sofas chairs and on the floor. Over at the cave Bar; Quinn Remmy and the Professor had drunk quite a bit!

Quinn: *hic* I can see this Storey getting very confusing.
Remmy: That's cause your PISHED man! *hic*
Prof: I think the word your looking for is Pissed!
Remmy: Oh yea! *hic*, Pissed. But so are you my friend
The professor falls of his chair
Prof: I.Am.Not.PISHED……..i mean pissed.

All 3 along with the rest of the room fell into a deep slumber.

The torch switched to auto mode displaying the next players name with the word "waiting" flashing next to it……….

[ 4 ]
Eh? Slider_Sarah 3/03/00
{A few points before I start.
1) Sarah is actually very lost about who is who and all that, especially since those in the game and the cave don't match up.
1) I don't spit out chewing gun, ever.
1) I never thump in the tummy. Only on the arm or kick people.
1) JD and coke, thought I don't mind it, is not my drink of preference. I'm a vodka and coke girl.
1) Half the time I can't actually decipher what Paul wrote :-)

<Daelin enters the room to see Quinn, Remmy and the professor just stirring, along with the rest of the room>

Daelin: Why y'all asleep?
Remmy: Huh? Oh… er… drink. Probably.
Daelin: ALL of you?
Quinn: Umm…
Logan: How about you write your part?
Torch <voice of Mychand>: Yeah, will you quite stalling and get on with it!
Daelin: Okay, okay, let me read it first though.

<she picks up the script and sips on a cocktail as she reads>

Daelin: Woh! What is this thing? It's more confusing than that storygame with all those doubles on alchemy world and the Tattoo Mystery/Jensen Saga put together!
Maggie: Oh just hurry up with that!
Bennish: We do want to finish this before the movie opens!
Daelin: I've got a little while then…
Dr. Geiger: Just do it!
Rickman: Do you think this story should be happening? I don't.
Daelin: Of course! It's innovative and fun!
Diana: Then will you write?
Daelin: if I have to…

<she picks up the pen and starts to scribble>


… Aelita was standing in front of them. "Sarah! Paul!" she cried. "What the Hell happened?"

"You recognise us?" queried Sarah.

"Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?"

Paul stepped in here. We just saw Tf and Callie21V and they didn't know who were! They have a timer and seem to think they're the real Sliders."

Seemingly confused, Aelita looked at one then the other. "The what IS going on?" Out of the corner of her she saw someone else she recognised. It was BritSlider, walking towards them studiously engrossed in some kind of book and wearing glasses, neither of which he normally did. She stepped in front of him to make him look at her. "Brit, it's me."

"Excuse me, madam, but I don't appear to know you. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else." With that he left them and walked off, again reading his book and leaving Aelita open mouthed.

"How rude," she muttered.

In Sarah's head, the events were playing over. Slowly, (well, she IS a blonde :-) she realised. "He's one of the quartet of Sliders. The professor by the look and sound of it. So of course he wouldn't recognise us if things are consistent."

Paul asked, "So whadda we do now?"

"How about we find others and see if just those four have lost their memories?" advised Aelita.

"But how do we know who's here and who's a double? I mean, if Tf's here, it's not just storygame players." Sarah was a little confused.

"Then we'll just ask people who ARE in the storygame then!" Exasperated, Paul stalked off without the two girls, who looked at each other, shrugged and decided that really they had to follow him.

They approached the three members of the storygame who they happened to see. SL4ever actually approached them first, but only to ask if they knew anywhere good to eat and when they said no, he moved on to the next person he saw. Robin14334 ran off, probably afraid she was being stalked or something, and Slider142 just backed away and went of with what he was doing. They didn't know them at all.

The three who knew something was up sat down in a pub after that to discuss what was going on. Aelita wanted to know who was buying the round. They all emptied their pockets of money.

"Looks like it's your round, Aelita," commented Paul. Only Aelita had money that was actually usable here as far as they knew. Sarah and Paul both had only British money.

Aelita scowled.

"So why are we the only one who know who we really are?" Sarah took a sip of her drink and replaced it back on the table.

"Perhaps it has something to do with the Maybe Machine. Perhaps when it merged us earlier it made us immune to some other functions for a while of something."

"But what about me?" interjected Paul.

Sarah dismissed that idea with a wave of her hand. "Oh we'll let another writer deal with that later."


"I said we'll think about that later, what did you think I said?"


"Anyway, this is all Chaser's fault! He should have let me keep the remote! And it was the episode where Kai comes back to life as well!!"

Suddenly Paul stood up from his chair and put on his jacket. "Well ladies, sorry but I gotta go."

"Go? Go where?"

"Back to work. Nice to meet you two!" He walked off hurriedly, as if late, before the girls could even react.

"What happened to his memory?" exclaimed Sarah.

"That may have been why we couldn't work out why he might remember. Maybe he wasn't really supposed to know who he really was. Or rather, he doesn't have the apparent immunity that we do, not for as long. Was he standing near either of us when the last flash occurred?"

"Yeah, I think he was near me, nearer maybe than anyone else."

"That could be the reason then," Aelita decided.

Sarah picked up her drink again and held it without drinking. "'Lita, did you slide into this place?"

"No, I just appeared." Aelita picked up her own drink and took a few gulps. "Maybe I was meant to Slide in and not him or something. And now he's going back to where I came in."

"There's too many maybes! At least we have an idea where he's gone."

"So what DO we do? We need to find a way to reverse this effect. We can't stay like this forever!"

"We've probably got characters writing our fate right now! Who knows what trouble we could get into!" She sighed and looked up. "We need to find Chaser. The Maybe Machine is our only hope."


Daelin: There!

<she threw down the pen and stretched.>

Daelin: I think I've done quite enough now! It was all I could think of.
Wade: Oh you could have tried a little harder than that! I have to follow on now!
Daelin: Hehe… have fun!

{Sorry to take you out the limelight Paul… I couldn't think up a plausible reason!}

[ 5 ]
And Wade continues.... Mychand 3/06/00
Wade read the story over several times before she let out a scream so loud it shook the cave.

"Ouch!" said Remmy. "Careful girl, I have a hangover."

"Well, Remmy, just wait until it's your turn," said Wade. "I have no clue what to do with this."

"Just use your imagination," said Colin as he entered the cave. "I can't wait until my turn."

"You would say that," replied Wade.

<Torch, the voice of Mychand> Stalling isn't going to help. Get writing already!

Wade sat down at the story desk and began to write.


Sarah and Aelita's conversation ended abrubtly. Suddenly, Aleta had forgotten who she really was and now Sarah was left all alone.

Sarah ran out into the street. She was beginning to get a little nervous.

"If they don't remember me," she said. "How are we all going to get back? I can't do this alone."

Sarah hadn't realized she made the comment out loud.

"You're not alone!" The voice came from behind Sarah. She turned and squeeked as she saw Mychand and HurriKain approaching her.

"It's okay Sarah," said Hurrikain. "We remember."

"Yeah," said Mychand. "We ran into the others. They had no clue who we were. Nothing we said would convince them."

"TF has the timer," said Sarah. "We need to find a way to get the entire group together. We all have to slide when the time comes and I have no idea how much time we have."

"Don't worry, Sarah," said Mychand. "We'll find a way."

"I wonder why we are the only three who remember?" Sarah asked.

"Well, I think the writers are trying to get back at all of us for the last nineteen story games," said Mychand "I mean, just look at some of the things we did to them."

HurriKain laughed. "Yeah, I'm surprised they let me keep my memory since I am the one who started most of these games."

"Watch what you say!" yelled Sarah. "I don't think I can take it if someone else loses their memory.

"I think we'll be okay," replied Mychand. "They have to let some of us have our memory or we'll never get back. And, I really think they would rather be here than in OUR story cave."

Sarah felt that Mychand was right. The three decided the first thing they needed to do was to find the timer. All they really needed was a glimpse of it. They had to find out just how much time they would have to pull the group back together. But it was going to take a plan.

"What could we possibly do to entice our group to come together?" asked Mychand

"Hmmmm," said HurriKain. "I think I know."

Wade put down the pen and got up from the story desk.

"Remmy!" she yelled. "It's your turn!"

"OUCH!" yelled Remmy. "Girl, didn't I tell you I had a hangover? Do I have to do this?"

"YES!" yelled everyone in the cave.

"Oh I'll go next if you want," said Colin.

Wade sighed. "I'll leave it up to you two boys to decide."

[ 6 ]
I got tears in my 'fro.... HurriKain 3/09/00

After getting a few hours of needed rest, Rembrant finally recoverd from his hangover.

Remmy: Looks like it's my go.
Quinn: Good Luck!

<As Remmy sits down on the desk, he reviews the story so far. And when he was finished...>

Remmy: Oooooooooooooooooooooh boy.
Torch <voice of Mychand>: Just quit stalling and get on with the story.

Remmy: <sigh> ok, here goes nothing.

HK smiled as he figured out an idea that will help his comrades. He had made no hesitation on sharing it with Mychand and Sarah...

"OK, I have an idea on how to get us back into the real world, But we need to split up. Sarah, try searching for Temp. He has the timer, right. So that One major part of the eqaution. The second is the Maybe Machine remote. Mychand, you go along and seach for Chaser. Like the majority of the bboard players, he should probably have lost his memory by now, but it is imperitive that we find him. I'll go and look for SL4ever..."

"Now wait a minute..." Mychand interupted, "Why are you looking for SL4ever?"

HurriKain replied, "He owes me $25."

Mychand sighs.

"HK! Think seriuos!" Sarah pleaded.

"Well, I guess I can look for parts to build another Maybe Machine."

"That's better."

"Now, we will meet back at the Comeback Inn in two hours...any questions?"

Neither one on the women said anything, and the three bboarders went their separate ways.


Sarah first looked in a local library. She remembered that in the earlier eps. of Sliders, Quinn and the Prof. would go out and let the alternate history on each Earth they land on, and hopefully, Temp and Brit would follow that same example. First, she approached the librarian's desk for help.

"Ahem..." Sarah coughed making the librarian raise her head from the book she was reading.
"May I help you, dear?" The librarian asked.
"Umm....where can I find books on physics?"
"Ah, a young gentleman was here askig the same question..."
"Really, is he still around?"
"Well I didn't see him leave...try looking in Quadrant 2 Row 5."
"OK, thank you."

Sarah had gotten lost in the building looking for her friend and decided to take a rest at one of the reading tables. While she was resting, BritSlider was walking to an ajacent table, carry some thick books. Sarah couldn't believe her luck, maybe she can get two sliders to come with her instead of one, since that Brit has to know where Temp is.


HurriKain was walking near a hotel when he spotted SL4ever coming out of a restaurant.

"Hey MAN! OVER HE..."
Suddenly, someone tackled HK to the ground, and before HK could say anything, the guy ran off into a nearby alley.
HK, too angry to notice SL4ever taking a cab, ran after his attacker, but after running through some narrow passages, he lost the tackler.

"DAMN IT!! What was that about?" HK wondered.

As HK walks away, His attacker suddenly appeared, but he was masked and was wearing some sort of cape.

"Look, I don't know who the hell you are and why you tackled me but I want an explana..."

Suddenly, a long bang was heard and HK grabbed his shoulder. He can hear the masked person running while he was suffering.

"What the hell is going on?!?" HK wondered. But that wasn't the case, the wound began to worsen and he needed help immediately...


Holly walks in the cave, still peppy and chipper as ever.

Remmy: Hey, looks who's here. And just in time, too.
Holly: Sorry I was late, did I miss anything.
Wade: nuthin' much.

<Remmy got up from the desk and laid himself down on the couch, picking up some CDs of the coffee table>

Remmy: Wagon Christ? Fantastic Plastic Machine? Aphex Twin? Who in here listens to this?

[ 7 ]
Here's my excessively long part MTwain 3/12/00
Wade led Holly to what appeared to be a newly constructed writer's desk. Before her loomed one of the new Gateways ... the one with the One Gigahertz chip.

Holly: Nice computer.
Wade: <Pulled out a plastic covered writer's chair> Here sit down. <she removed the plastic>
Holly: <Did as she was told> Um, you gonna show me something on here, a new Web site maybe?
Wade: Nope. <She located their current story game program which was stil running and pressed the ENTER key> YOU are going to sit here and write a part of this story.
Holly: <Began reading the story from the beginning> Oh my! Does anyone understand what is going on? <Quinn cleared his throat. Holly cut him off> ANYONE who is not, and I repeat NOT, a brainiac understand this story so far?

The cave fell silent.

Holly continued reading. She reached the end of the story, her eyes glazed over and she fell backwards off of her ergonomically correct writer's chair. She lay there looking
blankly up at the ceiling, mindlessly counting the cracks.

A sweet faced young man stuck out his right hand to help her up. In his left hand he held a remote control. He smiled handsomely. Holly blushed.

A bright light filled the cave, then it and the dashing young man were gone. Holly frowned slightly. "Isn't that how it always goes?" She muttered under her breath.

Now NONE of the original cave dwellers remained; they had all evaporated, accompanied by a bright flash of light.

Holly righted the chair and sat back down to contemplate the story on the small monitor in front of her.

Holly: So, what is going on here? Do I have to figure this out for myself? If so, it might not be pretty.
Rembrandt: <whistled innocently>
Maggie: <shuffled through a stack of papers on the bar, pretending not to hear the question at hand>
Quinn: <Appeared as though he was going to answer her but was elbowed by Logan>
Holly: Alright! BUT I warned you!

Holly caught a glimpse of the giant monitor in front of the couch. She leapt from her chair and grabbed the remote.

"Stupid hi-tech remote!" She cursed under her breath. Finally she found the button she was looking for and turned the MUTE off. Sound flooded the cave.

"What on Earth?" she murmured. In front of her, in living color, was the cutie pie who had just helped her off of the floor. He was shaking a young woman by the collar and suddenly at the top of his lungs he yelled, "Why don't you recognize me Aelita? It's ME? Chaser9!"

"Nine Nine Nine", echoed throughout the cave.

Remmy had put on a pair of headphones and was singing a James Brown song. He lay on the couch, completely ignoring the procedings.

Suddenly the big picture came into focus for Holly. "WHAT have you guys done?!"

More innocent looks.

Holly: You erased their memories?!
Quinn: <wrenched his arm from Logan's steel grip and spun on his bar stool> YES! Most all of them! Let's see them get out of this! After all of the shit they put ME through? I was killed off! Plagued with amnesia! I was given a slew of awful fates! Fates worse than death I might add! <He returned to face the bar, but yelled over his shoulder> PLUS, it was the Chaser fellow who invented the Maybe Machine, we are just helping him along.

Wade grabbed the remote and put the MUTE back on. "I just hate to hear it. That's all!" Her guilty look prooved that she still had a conscious, sliding hadn't warped her

Holly returned to the desk and sank into her chair.

The torch: <Voice of Mychand> WELL! Get on with it will you! <The talking torch gave Holly the creepy crawlies, it was so unnatural>

Holly began to type furiously.


Sleepingtiger banged the pots and pans loudly, trying to get Mtwain's attention. Her mind was obviously elsewhere.

"Hello! Earth to Twainy! Come in major Tom!" st waved her hand in front of her friend's face.

MTwain looked up dreamily. "OH! Did you say something?"

"Yes I said something! I swear you never listen to me!" sleepingtiger's feelings were hurt. Her friend came from behind the bar and they sat down at a table to chat.

"So, what were you saying?" MTwain inquired.

"I asked where you were?" st laughed.

"Oh! I was just thinking about the handsome young man that came in and ate all of my cherry pies." MTwain got another dreamy look in her eye.

Sleepingtiger rolled her eyes. "Girl! You know your heart is taken! What are you looking at other men for?"

A bright flash of light appeared from no where and all memories came back!

"Why that rat! He ate all my pie and left. We gotta go find him and give him what's coming to him!" MT removed her white chef's apron and set down her abacus. "Well, whatcha waiting for? Let's go!"

Sleepingtiger looked around at the packed room. "Are we really gonna leave the place when it is this busy?"

MTwain smiled calmly, "Jerry and Charlie can mind the store. We have a certain Story Game Player to find."

Sleepingtiger cringed. She worrried about what her friend had up her sleeve. "Um whatcha gonna do if we find him?"

MTwain stopped and thought for a minute .... "Well, I suppose I'm gonna kiss that cherry pie eatin' grin right off of Mr Ever's face."

Sleepingtiger couldn't stop laughing as her friend dragged her from the Inn and they headed towards the Chandler.


Aelita squeaked, "Put ME down Chaser! Are you trying to kill me?"

Chaser9 felt relief flood through him. He gently placed Aelita to the ground and fixed her dishelved shirt. "I, um, I'm sorry. I thought I had gone mad for a minute! You didn't know me! Was that a joke? I mean you didn't know who I was!!"

A man clearing his throat got Chaser and Aelita's attention.

SliderPaul's face was turning blue, "Could you set me down too?" He gasped.

Chaser9 dropped the man in a heap and returned to Aelita. He gave her a huge hugg! "I am so glad this was all a joke!"

Aelita looked blankly at him. "Joke? What do you mean joke? Where are we?"

Chaser9 stood, mouth agape. He was unable to utter a word for a few moments. Suddenly an idea hit him and he regained his composure. He began searching his pockets. Out came;
gum, pens, a small notebook, an address book, a slim jim, a cherry popsicle, a cigar, a lighter, a Godsmack CD, tic tacs, a condom, some drywall nails, mittens, and finally the
maybe machine remote control! He breathed a sigh of relief and looked up to the heavens! "Thank you!!!"

Chaser9 filled in SliderPaul and Aelita. It was all a bit insane ... but it all made perfect sense to the three of them!


Sarah approached BritSlider. "Brit .... I mean Professor um ...... I mean Mr Slider?"

The dashing young man looked up at her and smiled. He slid his glasses down his nose and peered over the tops of them at the sweet young woman before him. "A charming young
lady such as yourself may call me whatever she likes. How may I be of assistance?"

Sarah bit her lip. "I was hoping that you could introduce me to your young traveling companion. I have invented sliding on this world and would like to exchange ideas and
maybe some spare parts for your timer."

BritSlider smiled at her and thought to himself. They did need new timer parts and two young geniuses were better than one any day of the week. How convenient that she
showed up and here at the library. He shrugged off the questions as to how she knew who he was and how she had found him.

He stood and escorted her from the library and headed for where he was to meet TF.


Chaser, Aelita and Paul turned the corner and ran into TF and Callie. "Hey look who we have here!" Paul yelled and slapped TF on the back! "Glad we found you bloke! We need
to get everyone together and get the flock outa here!"

TF was speechless! It was obvious to Chaser that TF had no idea who they were. For some reason the original four still thought that THEY WERE the actual sliders. Chaser's mind scanned all the posibilities quickly. How were they going to convince these four that they meant them no harm and that they were not who they thought they were?

Chaser smiled and pushed Paul out of the way. "Pay no attention to him, he hasn't had his medication today."

"HEY!" Paul snapped.

Aelita placed her index finger to her lips, indicating that Paul should shut up! Paul frowned, but remained silent.

Chaser smiled as he put his arm around TF's shoulder and led him down the block. "I hear that you are in need of some parts for an aging timer. YOU have come to the right place!"

TF was nervous, "I'm not sure I know what you are talking about."

Chaser continued to smile. "I ran into a hungry young man, a Mr Ever, not too long ago who filled me in. I believe he was looking for another Applebees and mentioned something
about pie, maybe that there not being abough pie." Chaser wracked his brains trying to remember what more he had seen on the monitor before he was ripped out of the cave.

TF nodded in agreement. "I know who you are speaking of, he certainly loves to slam."

Chaser laughed, "Yes, it appears so!!" The two had formed a bond and continued down the street with Aelita and Paul following close behind.

Within a block they had come across Sarah and BritSlider. Sarah hugged Chaser, Paul and Aelita, happy to come upon people who recognized her. This was all beginning to get too creeepy for her.The 4 re-united friends and the 2 amnesiacs continued on towards the Chandler.

A low moaning came from the alley they were currently passing. Aelita noticed it first, "Hey guys? Did you hear that?" They all stopped and listened. There it was again, a pain filled moan.

Aelita and Sarah dashed down the alley to find poor HK in a bloody heap.

Sarah gasped, "What happened?" She cradled his head in her lap.

HK gazed up at her, "Am I in heaven? I am surely seeing an angel. I must have died and gone to heaven."

Sarah bent down and pressed a light kiss to his forhead.

"No you are here and I am here with you now. Everything will be alright! Do you remember what happened?" She waited patiently for an answer.

HK fought unconsciousness, "One minute I was walking, minding my own business, and the next I was being chased by an evil masked man! One with a maniacal laugh! AND a GUN!" He gasped for air as he began to lose consciousness.

"OH NO!! HK? HK! Stay with me!!! Don't leave me, dammit!" Sarah pleaded!

The smell of chery pie permeated the alley ... SL4ever bent over Sarah and lifted HK in his strong arms. He glanced at the growing circle of friends and asked, "Well don't just stand there gaping at me! Where to?"

Sarah smiled her appreciation and removed his cherry pie stained bib from around his neck.

BriSlider was the first to stop gawking and answer, "To our hotel until we can get some more answers to this mystery. It's less then a block from here. You gave us quite a fright
Mr Ever. We thought the masked man had returned. We'll fill you in when we get to the hotel."

SL4ever strode past everyone and hurried up the street to the hotel with the distraught Sarah at his side.


Holly: <Rubbed her aching wrists slowly> So who's next?

The cave fell silent.

Holly: <Scanned back to the beginning of the interactive program and found the name SouthernSlider> Welll it looks like I'm leaving this story to a very capable young woman!
I wasn't sure how/if the original four will get their memory back or what to do with the masked man ... make him a serial killer ... slider killer? LOL No ideas ... plum outa them!

Remmy cleared his throat.

Holly turned an accusing glare at him.

He remained silent.

Holly: Well if no one has any objections, I am gonna find a quiet corner and continue studying for final exams until our next mystery writer shows up! <She got up from her
chair and grabbed her backpack full of school books. She headed strait for an old cobweb filled desk that had an old quill pen stuck in an ink well. It appeared to recently have been shoved haphazardly into that distant vacant corner. SHE HAD TO STUDY!!! ARGH!!!>

[ 8 ]
Oh my stars and garters! SouthernSlider 3/14/00
SouthernSlider opened the door to the cave and stepped in, ready to deliver her part of the story. She had been majorly harrassed on the JOC board about it being her turn, so she thought she had better step on it. She didn't want to be blamed for a 5-month story game.

Maggie: Who's that?

Quinn: I don't know. Maybe she was a bit character on one of the early shows.

Remmy: Nah. I don't think so. I would've remembered.

Colin: Well, she was not in any of the shows in season 4.

Wade: YOU weren't in any of the shows in season 4, "FARM-BOY"!

Colin: Hey, that was uncalled for. At least I did not lose my body, and just have my head floating around in a fish tank.

Wade: <jumps off the stool and punches her finger in Colin's chest> That's because there was nothing in your head worth keeping!

Quinn jumped up from the bar. He had some gizmo in his hand that looked somewhat like their timer, but there was something wierd about it. He went running over and
positioned himself between Wade and Colin,

Quinn: Hey, you guys. Enough, already. That's no way to talk in front of a guest. Cool it. Besides, she doesn't look too good. I think she's gonna faint. And if she's the writer that's going to get us out of this God-forsaken cave, I don't want anything to happen to her.

Colin: I will take care of this.

Colin walks over to the frozen figure standing in front of the door.

Colin: Ma'am? Can I help you, ma'am?

SS: Uh....I....uh....I....I think I must be dreaming. I thought I was in the Story Game Cave to write my part of the story. I must have watched that movie "Death by Magic" way too many times. I'm seeing things that I KNOW couldn't be there. You can't be who I think you are, because if you are, I am going to faint, BIG TIME! There's no fan on this green earth that's going to keep me from it.

Colin: I am Colin Mallory, and that is my brother, Quinn, and that is......

SS promptly swoons and falls into the arms of the man of her dreams.

Wade: Now look what you've done! She was going to get us out of this mess.

Colin: It was not my fault, but I will try to fix it anyway! <carries the limp SS over to the desk and sits down, cradling her in his arms>

The Torch <voice of Mychand>: Will you get on with it! Hey! What's with the lady?
Did you get her drunk?

Colin: NO! Just mind your own business. I am going to write her part.

The Torch <My>: Well don't get your nose out of joint. Just get to it!

Before beginning to type, Colin checks the list and sees that it is SoutherSlider he's holding in his arms.

Colin: Hey, she is the one that always writes romances for me and Quinn on the JOC board. Nice lady. She has given us some really juicy roles. I hope I do not mess things up for her.


SouthernSlider opens her eyes and notices she's not in the story game cave. She shakes her head and tries to remember what happened.

"This is crazy! Wheuh am I? And what happened?" She ran her fingers through her hair and looked around for signs of familiarity. Nothing.

"This is NOT funny, guys." she said, looking into the air. "What did you guys do to the cave?"

Just when her polite suhthun demeanor was about to slip into oblivion, she saw Brit Slider, TF, Callie, Sarah, Slider Paul, Aelita, Chaser, and SL carrying HK, coming down
the street.

"Thank God! Maybe now I can get some answers -- and get back to that wonderful dream I was having about meeting Colin."

"Oh, no! Look it. Another one of our fold is here -- wherever 'here' is." said Sarah. She ran ahead of the group to greet SS. "SS, how did you get here?"

"Yeah, right, like you don't know!" said SS. She thought they were playing a trick on her, thinking that the dumb blonde would fall for it, but she wasn't biting on the innocent act by Sarah. "I don't know how you produced the illusion in the cave, but I sure did like

"What illusion?" asked Aelita.

"Please, please, people. Can we carry on with this conversation at the hotel? HK is getting heavy. And I'm getting hungry." SL interrupted their chat.

"What happened to him?" SS asked. "And somebody please tell me what is going on! I am so lost." Aelita grabbed her by the arm and led her down the street with the others.

"Why am I not surprised, girlie?" said Aelita. "And what was in the cave?"

SS told them about all the Sliders she saw -- even some minor characters were there -- and how she fainted in Colin's arms before she could get any answers. Aelita filled her in on what was happening here, and said that they were all at a loss about the whole situation.

"Maybe it's all a dream." said SS. "You know that's the standard way of explaining away things these days."

"AAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!" yelled SL. "No dreams! We are not having a dream sequence in this story!"

"But I don't know another way to explain it." cried SS. "I met Colin and Quinn, and fainted in Colin's arms! If that's not a dream, then grits ain't good!"

"Well, they're not!" Aelita said.

"What do you know? You're from New York!" SS blurted out. "Yankee!"

"Georgia Cracker!" Aelita shot back. SS's face turned beet red.

The others looked on with shocked faces. Surely they weren't about to fight. BritSlider, ever the gentleman, stepped between them.

"My dear ladies." He rubbed his hands together and then put one arm around each of them, trying to soothe their ruffled feathers. "I am quite sure that this conversation in not necessary. We are all on edge here, and we must find a solution to our problem without in-house fighting."

SS and Aelita glanced at each other with guilty faces.

"I'm sorry, Aelita. I didn't mean it. I'm just so confused. And it was such a wonderful dream about Colin." SS said. Then she leaned over to whisper in Aelita's ear. "And this is so wierd! Brit -- thinking he is the professor! Too funny!"

"I'm sorry too, girl. I'm just frustrated with this whole situation." Aelita said.

"Look, when I came to the cave earlier, Quinn had something in his hand that reminded me of their timer, but there was something different about it. I think this is all his fault. Wherever we are, and however we got here, Quinn is behind it. I just know it." said SS.

"What was different about it?" asked Chaser.

"I don't know. I was too busy drooling over Colin to pay too much attention." answered SS.

"Now aint't that just like a woman." Chaser shot back.

"I beg your pardon! If it had been you in that cave and Maggie had wiggled her way up to you, you wouldn't have paid attention to what was in Quinn's hands either!"

SL strolled up to the pair. "If you guys are going to start another arguement, could we do it in an eating establishment somewhere. I'm getting another hankering for some cherry pie."

SS rolled her eyes. "This is just getting way too ridiculous. I wish someone would get us
out of this mess!"


Colin put down the pen and shifted his still-unconscious bundle to his other arm.

Colin: I can not do this anymore. It is not as easy as it looks. Someone else is going to have to take over. Besides, I have more important things to do." He looked down at SS.

Maggie: You think anyone is actually going to take over where you left off? What a joke!

Colin: Well, if you think you can do any better, then have at it. Like I said, there are other things on my mind right now.

Colin stands and walks over to the sofa with SS in his arms. Maggie whispers under her breath. "What mind?" She then picks up the writer's list and sees that Aelita is next.

Maggie: Well, I certainly hope this "Yankee" can do a better job than "Farm-boy" did.


[ 9 ]
*sigh* Aelita 3/27/00
Dr. Daniel Jackson lightly caressed her face and slowly lowered his lips toward hers. She closed her eyes and stopped breathing. But instead of a kiss, he started yelling at her. . . in Remmy's voice "Gillian, wake up girl. It's your turn." Gillian moaned.
Gillian: "I don't wanna. I don't feel very good and I have a sore throat and my back hurts and. . ."
Remmy: "Yeah, yeah, we all know you've been sick. You had two weeks to get better. Now will you stop whining and get on with it? As if it's not enough that you had to have a dream sequence when we particularly agreed that there won't be one in this story. And about Stargate nonetheless. "
Gillian *giggling* "Can you say that again. Even faster this time."
Remmy scowled at her.
Gillian threw her hands up: "okay, okay, I'll write the damn story. I mean how bad can it be. . wait why is there an unconscious woman in . . . whoever this guy is arms?"
Colin: "I'm Colin, Quinn's brother and this is I believe SouthernSlider. I. . uh.. I'm actually not sure what happened. She came in to write her part of the story and... well lost it."
Gillian saw Quinn moving a little closer to her: "Hold it mister. I have no intentions of loosing it so back off."
Quinn *muttered disappointed* "She was a lot nicer in the episode"
Gillian "Yeah, that was three years ago. I've expanded my powers since then and can feel people's true intentions. *innocent smile* And even though usually I wouldn't mind *wink* but now is not the time."
She smiled satisfied, watching Quinn turning all shades of red. Suddenly she looked at the SouthernSlider again.
Gillian: "Wait, how come she is still here? I mean the others just disappeared and it seems that her body stayed. Why?"
Wade: "I don't know. . . but there is gotta be a reason, right?"
Gillian looked at her in doubt: "I'm not sure. . . but may be I can communicate with her through her body. . . wherever she is."
Wade looked at her with amazement: "Wow! Can you really do that?"
Gillian: "I'm not sure. But I can try."
Gillian turned around to look at the professor: "What do you mean?"
"Why would you do that? We know where they are. We control what's happening to them. Why would you want to communicate with her like that when you can just turn the sound on and watch?"
Gillian *confused* "Uh. . . I don't know."
Professor: "Well I do madam. Will you stop STALLING AND START WRITING ALREADY!!!"
Gillian *covering her ears* "okay, okay, just stop yelling. Sheeesh. I'd rather listen to the torch…"
Torch <voice of Mychand> interrupted: "Will you stop STALLING AND START WRITING ALREADY!!!"
Gillian jumped up and walked toward the writer's desk mumbling "Fine, but remember that you FORCED me."

Two hours later.
Gillian: "What is wrong with you people??!! What do you think you're doing to those poor souls??!!"
Quinn: "Hey, they started it! They had me killed and plagued with amnesia and…."
Gillian: "Well booohoooo. Poor little Quinny. You have to be graceful. If it weren't for those people you'd be long forgotten. They gave you romance, adventures and what do you do? You shoot one of them! You should be ashamed."
Quinn *shameful* "Uh… I didn't shoot 'im. Anyway, I don't know why we ended up in the cave and they in the story."
Wade: "May be not, but it's YOUR fault they're in this mess. If it weren't for that new gizmo you decided to try out they would be in this cave right now. We have to find a way to get them out of there."
Gillian: "She's right. But while you work on it I better write something to keep them alive."


Mychand wasn't sure where she was going. She figured Chaser will be somewhere around but she had no idea where. She just kept walking engrossed in her thoughts and worries about her friends. Loud crash startled her and she looked around feverishly. Only now she noticed that it gotten dark outside and there were no people around. She tried to find the explanation for the noise but it was now quiet. Too quiet. She squinted her eyes trying to look through the dark and inhaled sharply. A large figure was approaching her. Whoever he or she was, the figure was wearing a dark cape and was holding something in one of the arms that looked suspiciously like a gun. Mychand started backing away slowly, hoping the figure wasn't here for her. False hopes. She heard a laugh and a whisper, "You won't get away from me. HurriKain didn't. None of you will slide out of here. And I will get rid of Sliders forever!!!! BWAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!"

Gillian blinked: "Wow! I didn't want to write that. What the hell happened?"
Wade and Remmy read over her shoulder.
Wade: "Are you sure that wasn't your idea?"
Gillian: "Yeah. . . I wanted to write that they all reunited but I kinda. . . I don't know… blacked out and when I came to this was written."
Wade: "May be someone is trying to communicate with us."
Professor joined the group. "Nonsense Ms. Welles. I'm sure that Ms… uh… Gillian just fell asleep."
Gillian: "And how did I write this if I was asleep?"
Professor smiled: "Madam, people walk when they're asleep. I personally have seen students writing in less then awaken state."
Gillian *doubtful* : "Well I hope you're right professor. But I better fix the situation before it's too late."
And she started writing again.

A loud chatter and laughter interrupted villain's little tirade and forced him to ran away but not before he whispered, "We will meet again and next time you won't be this lucky."
Mychand took a deep breath and turned toward two ladies who probably just saved her life.
Mychand: "I don't have much time to explan, but I know you girls. Your name is sleepingtiger and you are MTwain. We've been friends for a while but now you lost your memories."
The girls looked at her strangely.
Sleepingtiger: "My, girl, are you alright? You didn't hit your head or something?"
Mychand felt a mountain falling off her shoulders and hugged her friends.
Mychand: "Thank god you remember me. I wonder if the rest of the group regained their memories. That means we might still have a chance."
MTwain sniffed the air. Sleepingtiger looked at her amused.
Sleepingtiger: "Turning animal on us?"
MTwain laughed: "Don't mock my animal senses. I smell cherry pie. I think it's coming… uh… right from there" and she walked toward abandoned house.
Sleepingtiger rolled her eyes: "sometimes you scare me girl." But followed her friend, dragging Mychand along.

Even before they entered the house they hear loud but very familiar voices.
Brit: "I don't understand why you insist we stay in this degrading dump. We can be very happy in the hotel."
Aelita: "We can be very suspicious in hotel. There are too many of us. I vote we stay here at least until SL4ever, Sarah and HurriKain are back from the hospital."
Southern: "What about Mychand? Sarah said that she went off looking for Chaser hours ago. He's here and she isn't."
TF interfered: "Who is Mychand?"
The girls looked at him with shock and then realized that he still hasn't regained his memory.
Aelita still a little confused tried to explain: "Well…uh she's our friend and… uh… we don't have time to explain. Chaser?"
Chaser: "I say I go to the bar where they separated. If she didn't find me, she probably went back there."
Female voice interrupted him.
"If she had any sense, she would. But since she didn't she followed the smell of cherry pie."

After a quick but heartfelt reunion.
Sleepingtiger: "Well I see who is here, anyone can tell me who is missing?"
Slider Paul: "As you know already, SL4ever, or rather Cooking man, and Sarah took HK to the hospital. But they'll be back asap. I'm not sure who else is here. At first we thought that only those from StoryGame cave slid, but TF and Callie are here. So pretty much anyone can be here. But I we definitely saw Robin and Slider142. And misswells and Blinker were in the StoryGame Cave so they're probably here too."
Chaser: "I don't think it's that important. If we figure our what brought us all here and find a way to reverse the effect, I'm sure they all will be taken in too."
Aelita: "Wait a sec. What if not? What if they have to be close to whatever it is that did this? We can't risk leaving them here. I say we separate. You, Brit and TF are the most familiar with technology behind sliding and Maybe Machine and should work on the problem, while the rest of us will try to find whoever else is here."
Paul suddenly remembered something: "Wait! I think I have a way to get Brit, Callie, TF and SL4ever to remember who they really are."
The whole group turned their attention to him. Some with hope, others with skepticism.
Paul took the torch out of his pocket and smiled victoriously.
Paul: "This thing has the record of all the games and players. It's bound to help them remember."

Gillian put down the pen: "Sorry, I can't go on anymore. I feel as someone is forcing me to write something else. Did you find out what caused this?"
Quinn shook his head. "This thing couldn't have caused this alone. It must've been some kind of coincidence. Two vortexes at the same time or two remotes giving different commands at once… I don't know what."
Wade was rereading parts of the story. "Guys, could it have been caused by that Maybe Machine remote that was mentioned couple of times?"


I'm sorry guys. This whole thing is way too confusing for my tired brain.

[ 10 ]
Here ya go! misswells 4/07/00
"How long, how lo-oo-ong will I slide, and seperate this ti-i-ime? I don't, I don't believe it's be-e-etter, dun dun dun duh-dun-dun-dun-dun . . . " misswells continued on her way, singing what she knew of "This Time", which wasn't much. She stopped singing and sat on a rock. "Why does the storygame cave have to be so far? And I'm late as it is." misswells resumed humming and got up to continue on her journey. Suddenly, in front of her, a large, bright blue circle began to widen in the air. misswells stopped, looked around, and, realizing what this was, felt her pulses racing. It was her turn. "Sweet." And she jumped into the vortex.

* * * * * * *

"Tight pants! Tight pants!" Maggie sang/screached out of boredom, waiting for the game to be over. Much as she liked rest and relaxation, she hated doing nothing. She'd almost write something in this game to get away from the boredom. Almost.
Maggie walked over to the moniter to see who was next, and chuckled. "Wade, you went too early. Or you should go again."
Wade looked up. "Whatever. I already went, and I'm not doin' that again."
"Well, just come over here and look at this handle. You'll see what I mean." Wade walked over, and Maggie pointed out the handle of the next person. Wade smiled. "misswells, huh? I like her, you know that?"
Maggie looked at Wade.
"Well, I do. She hasn't done anything too awful to me, and, well, with a name like that, she's gotta be cool!"
Colin looked up from Southern Slider, slowly, his starry eyes focusing. "misswells? Hey, wasn't she the one who had Quinn start to sing in that one world?"
Maggie looked up, remembering. "Oh, yeah . . . Then the sheriff killed Colin, except he didn't die, he got a crater fallen on his head, and then Quinn died, and then it all ended up being a dream sequence. Horrible story."
Colin nodded his head. "And it was her fault."
Wade looked at the name on the screen, then back at her companions, confused.
"Hey, guys, the girl had to sit in a soundproof booth for ten hours, listening to Quinn sing! Don't you think that's enough punishment?"
Wade looked at the screen again. "Poor girl," she murmured. "But I can't do it, anyway. You haven't gone, Maggie. I think it's your turn."
Maggie tried to think of suitable arguements, but she knew none of them would work. She sighed. The Torch, the voice of Mychand, said, "Will you get on with it already?" Anything to get sliding again.
Maggie sat down, and began to type . . .

* * * * * * *

misswells wandered down the street into which she had slid. She looked around, wondering when she'd go back, and what would happen to the story game. She meant to go see the Chandler, just so she could see it, but misswells was distracted by a book shop. misswells wandered in, looking at all the books, and telling herself she needed to go, cuz she couldn't buy anything. Who knows if their currency was the same as ours?
So misswells wandered out, trying to think like a Slider. "This is my big chance to slide and see other worlds, and I spend my time in a book shop!" She looked around, and saw a library. "They always go to libraries to find out about the alternate history!" misswells made a break for the library.

Half an hour later, she was positively bored to tears. So Lincoln hadn't gotten elected President for a second term. So what? So he didn't get shot by Booth. Good for him. Well, misswells had had enough of this. She stood, and put the books away, almost bumping into TF, Brit, and Chaser. Or, their doubles.
"Umm, excuse me, sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you."
"Quite all right, my dear, quite all right." Brit's double said.
Brit's double kept walking, but Chaser's double and TF's double stood there. "misswells? Is that you?"
misswells looked at TF. "How do you know me? Or, are you the real TF? And how did you get here?"
Chaser smiled. "Yep, we're the real ones. Memory still intact?"
misswells looked confused.
TF gestured toward Brit. "He's lost his memory. He thinks he's one of the original sliders. The Professor."
misswells grinned.
TF frowned suddenly. "What did you mean, how did we get here? How did you get here?"
"Well, I - I slid here. Through a vortex. Why, how did you get here?"
TF looked at Chaser. Chaser explained. "The storygame did something. All the Sliders, and many main characters are in the storygame cave, playing out our adventure like we've done to them. Some of them have lost their memories, but, we came into this world, in like, a flash of light. Everyone. How did you miss it? How long have you been here?"
misswells looked troubled. "Only about an hour. Well, I came for the beginning, but, I had homework and stuff, so I went back. I finished it and was walking back to the cave - The bus broke down - and, a vortex opened up in the air ahead of me. So I jumped in."
"Hmm . . . " TF looked over at Chaser. "Chaser, I'm stumped."

* * * * * * *

Maggie clicked Save to complete her part, and got up and stretched (sp?). "Well, I'm done. Classic 'I'm stumped' StoryGame writing. Add a new character, another problem, and don't resolve anything. 's next, so, whoever wants to write for h, be my guest." Maggie yawned. "I'm gonna take a nap."
Maggie walked over to the couch, muttering something about the irony of her being someone who idolized Wade, lay on the sofa, and was instantly asleep.

[ 11 ]
Me Now CharmedClass2005 4/07/00
CC2005 walked into the story game cave.But nobody was there like Charmed expected.(Charmed likes to speak of Charmed in 3rd person)Then,Charmed saw a barrage of various Sliders stars.

Maggie:Hey,who are you?You're the youngest one here.You look about 14,which means you look *almost* as young as Wade.

Wade:Shut up,Maggie.Just because I didn't get a breast augmentation doesn't mean you can rub that in my face!

S5 Maggie:Yeah,evil Maggie.Look,I lost my home when my world blew up.Quin and me had a world once,and for just a little while I had a home.We were married and I had Thomas,and Mrs.Mallory became a mom to me.We might have been able to do that once we freed Earth Prime,but sadly that was not meant to be.I lost my Quin to the merging-

Rembrandt:Damn mergers!

S5 Maggie:And I kept up hope that he might still be there,somewhere in Mallory.But the nanotechs squelched any remaining part left in him,at least according to Mallory.Geiger...he confirmed that there was no way to seperate Mallory and Quin<tears form in her eyes>He acted completely cruel to my Quin's mother.Then Mom-er,Mrs.Mallory and I had a beautiful talk about how much we loved Quin.Then I had to lose Remmy,too.But things go away,and they don't come back.I joined the marines because my father wouldn't even look at me unless I was in that uniform.I couldn't get a hug,so I settled for a salute."Breaks down and starts to sob

CC2005:God,how can someone change soo much in just 2 years?


CC2005:Ohh.<Charmed faints and falls to the floor>

CharmedClass2005 woke up on a cardboard box in an alley.

"Where I am?!"Charmed says.Then Charmed sees a billboard advetising a N'Sync concert,and promptly begins to scream.

"Are you okay,little....whatever?"Chaser9 asks,coming over to Charmed.He studies Charmed closely.It's almost like being with Pat!

"Thanks alot,Chaser."Charmed begins to cry.Chaser smiles,having a good idea WHAT Charmed was.

"Don't worry,little....whatever.I'll tell you all about what's going on."

"YOUR Quin???"Wade screams,chasing Maggie around the cave.

[ 12 ]
You'd be surprised what is funny at 5am! HANDLE 4/17/00
Holly stepped up to the counter at Pieworks, the gourmet pizza place popular around Greensboro, NC but which had a franchise in the Story Cave.

"Um." She peered at the menu. "So many choices. Hmmmmmm. Five Card Stud. Fireworks. Ten Pin. Pepperoni Classic. Cheeseburger Pizza. Seahorse. Rattler. Vegiworks. Italian Classic. Cheeseworks."

The man at the register nodded. "Yep, lot of choices. So what would you like to order?"

Holly snorted. "Duh! That WAS my order! All larges, please!"

The employee stared at her without moving.

"This is an order for SL4ever."

"OH! Shoot, girl! That's all you had to say!!!"


Remmy smiled endearingly at Holly as she rolled the pizza laden dolly up next to his table. "Thanx Sweetie!"

Quinn and Arturo had been playing the dozens, but they broke when they saw that Remmy had just gotten his writing food. "There's something I don't understand." Quinn remarked.

"What's that, Mr. Mallory?"

"We got switched for four people from this cave, right? For instance, SL4ever was switched for Remmy. They swapped places. So how is it that Remmy wrote for Hurrikain???? Shouldn't Remmy write for SL4ever???????? Since they were swapped for each other?"

Arturo chewed on a nail. "Excellent question, my boy. Excellent question."

"So what is the answer?" Quinn demanded.

"I haven't a clue." The other man replied.

Holly and Remmy were giggling and feeding each other warm pizza. Holly liked the plain cheese, Remmy liked everything else. They were so into what they were doing that it took them several minutes to realize that the entire cave population was standing around the writing/slamming table and staring at them.

"What?" Remmy asked around a slice of Shrimpworks.

The mob began tapping their right foot in time with each other. In the back someone began unfolding a blanket.

"Hey, did you ever notice that this cave changes size? Sometimes it is really huge and sometimes it is smaller? Infinite caves, infinite possibilities, right? Or is it like World's End, where it exists on the edge of all realities, exists in every world in the multiverse, and in none of them simultaneously? What do you think, Logan? Professor? Wade?"

On the TV in one corner of the cave, "Who Wants to Laugh At Regis' Hairdo" was suddenly turned off. It was suddenly very quiet in the cave. Four writers holding the blanket were circling the mob, angling to get behind Remmy.

"Um, hey! Look at the expression on Couch Boy's face! Hee hee!"

No one looked.

"Wait! I have to go to Hicksticks, Idaho for a month! I'll write this when I get back! How's that?"

Maggie and Gillian started filling up mop buckets with steaming hot water.

Remmy sighed, moving aside the pizza. "Oh, alright. I guess I can't stall anymore."

Picking up his pen, he muttered, "hope I'm funny."

"You better be funny, >:-#-er!!" Logan warned, petting her slumbering white Persian cat.

Remmy wrote.....


A vortex opened and TheIrrelevantPoster Green_Modus EustiSlider Lance454 sweetone Rocks1966 Slidoh CaptainGalaxy slideaway Arturo9 TheEvilSlider SIider8_ Slider_Quinn21 quinn24 Informant rabbett pepsicola Brand_S Slider120 HunterD_Raven Impulse49 Qball79 Alf Le_Monde FogBoy Mallory15 and Wadelle walked through.

Two pedestrians standing nearby froze. "Jesus God Almighty! What the >:-# is going on in this town today???"

TheIrrelevantPoster turned to Green_Modus. "Hey! Look! I got the first step on this world! Na, na, na, na!" TIP was wearing a cute little sundress that only went down to his upper thigh, and he was licking enthusiastically on a giant red lollipop. One of his socks was pink, the other was light orange. "Na, na, I got the first step on this world!"

Enraged, Green_Modus ran forward to the corner. "Well, I got to the first corner on this world! So there!"

TheEvilSlider and SIider8_ were sharing a huge, raw spam sandwich with gusto, drops of it dribbling down their shirts.

Le_Monde ran up to join the Green_Modus and TheIrrelevantPoster. "I got the first step on this block! Woo Hoo!!"

"Damn." Green_Modus growled.

TheIrrelevantPoster pushed them aside, "I'm gonna get the first step of the middle of this block!"

The two pedestrians were watching them in baffled amazement. Qball79 snorted. "You think this is something, you should see them and a couple others back home on the board. It's fugly."

TheEvilSlider flashed a moronic grin, his face shiny with Spam grease. "I like red!"


A purple speedster roared down the street, jerked to a deathdefying stop, and two shaky passengers and one grinning driver got out. The car settled as the white-hot tires melted into the pavement. The liquefied purple paint dripped off the molten frame onto the street. The driver, Sarah, danced with glee. "Woo Hoo!! That was awesome! Who knew it could go mach 3?"

"It wasn't supposed to." Hurrikain observed.

SL4ever picked up Hurrikain and started carrying him to the door. His face was ashen. "It was something alright. If it didn't violate everything I believe in, I think I would have to blow chunks."

Sarah grinned at them both. "Oh, come on, you're big boys! You can handle it! Speed rocks!"

Hurrikain kicked his feet. "Carry me, big boy!" He teased, obviously feeling better.

"Hey now! This is as far as our relationship goes!"

MTwain was waiting at the door. "It better be!" She smiled, arms crossed in mock annoyance.

As SL4ever passed her, he whispered, "get some PIE on your face and meet me upstairs in ten minutes. :-P"

"I'm there. Better have some PIE on your face too." She vanished into the kitchen.

They joined the rest. TF, Chaser, Paul, Sleepingtiger, misswells, Charmed, Callie, BritSlider, Robin, Slider142, Blinker, and Mychand. SL4ever set down Hurrikain and disappeared for the kitchen.

TF, Chaser, Paul, and Britslider were trying to get the torch to replay all the other games. Blinker was listening but was in one corner working on a 1000 page poem on the plight of the endangered species, the UnSpotted Sliders. In three part harmony, no less.

"If we could just get this sucker to play everything back. Grrrr."


Charmed and misswells were in one corner of the room watching 'Bowling for Colin' the game show where you could win a date with some movie hunk if you would successfully do a 12-24 split.

"I've never seen so many bowling pins before." Charmed commented.

misswells peeked out the window. "The entire car melted down. Just how fast WAS she going? There is just a purple puddle now."

Sarah overheard them. "Let's just say that I could have gotten through London during one Lightning Seeds song!"


"I got the first step of these steps! Na na na na!"

"Well, I'm gonna get the first of the next row of steps you wanker!"


"Try twisting the torch!"

Grunting, pulling, curses...


"I can't believe she made that split! Look at her twirl herself in the air!"

Charmed leaned forward. "Is that Southern Slider????"


"I'm got the first step on this block! Woo Hoo!!! I am the king of ... something."


"Hey! Careful reaching down THERE!" The torch snapped.


"Wow! Colin tried to get away because her enthusiasm scared him, but she tackled him!"

misswells grinned. "She's my hero!"


"Gimmie that lollipop! NOW!!"


"THERE! That did it!" Chaser popped open a hidden compartment in the torch and touched the keypad inside.

"It sure did." The torch sighed with pleasure.

A blinding white light engulfed the city.


The two pedestrians looked at each other in amazement. "Where did they all go?"

All that was left was a semilicked lollipop.


"And now she's hog-tying him-." <flash>

Suddenly the TV was playing to no audience.


The torch clattered to the floor. Chaser was gone. As was everyone else except for TF, Britslider, and Callie.

The TV continued to drone to no one.

SL4ever appeared at the door, face rubbed clean with a pank towel he was still clutching. "What happened?????????????? Where did everyone go?"

Britslider sighed. "Any fool can plainly see that everyone except for us was returned to their original world."

"I can plainly see that!" SL4ever added.

Callie sighed. "So how do we get home?"


Remmy threw his pen down and leaped on top of the table. "I'M FREE!! FREEEEEEEE." He began dancing his "I'm Free" dance, shaking his booty.

Holly rose to her feet. "Two things, darling. One, you're dancing all over your pizza. Two, you still have 9,000 words to write for Exodus, and you have to end Slide Wars, or this mob or another like it will merrily throw a blanket party for you over those two stories just as quickly as they would over this Story Game."

"Oh." Remmy came down from the table. "Dang it."

"The good news is I haven't run out of huggs!" She raised her arms.

Remmy smiled and accepted her offer.

Blaze_Wynd sneaked over and stole the torch out of Remmy's back pocket. "HEE HEE. My turn now!!! :-P"

Wade raised her eyebrows. "But I thought the torch was..."

Quinn covered her mouth lightly with one hand and whispered into her ear.

Wade grinned with realization. "Oh! I see!"

[ 13 ]
Alrighty! Blaze_Knight2 4/25/00
"Hey, give that back!"

"Remmy, open the vortex! Now that the timer's adjustable, we can manage as much time as needed on the next world...."

"Hah! If you want this torch, you'll have to go get it yourselves!"

The other bboard members at the intersection of the streets near the centertown: TheIrrelevantPoster, Green_Modus, EustiSlider,
Lance454, sweetone, Rocks1966, Slidoh CaptainGalaxy, slideaway,
Arturo9, TheEvilSlider, SIider8_, Slider_Quinn21, quinn24, Informant,
rabbett, pepsicola, Brand_S, Slider120, HunterD_Raven, Impulse49,
Qball79, Alf, Le_Monde, FogBoy, Mallory15, and Wadelle, were suddenly sucked into a vortex, never to be seen again (at least, not until the end of the SG...)


Remmy fell off the table, Holly picked up a pizza box with a Fireworks-Super Supreme-Peperonni Lovers-Icebox Maniac-Love and Ketchup-Piled High Water Lily-Broken Jukebox Ruffles Potato Microchip-Ultra Granulated Sucrose Content pizza with triple cheese blend-stuffed crust-edge pizza in it and threw it at Remmy. A food fight ensued.

"You'd think they had better things to do with their time!"

"Yes, many activites do come to mind.."

"We had better slide through that vortex before--"

"Hah!!" At that, Blaze_Wynd/Blaze_Knight2 attempted to fling the torch into the open vortex. Unfortunately, he couldn't throw too well and he ended up on the other side of the wormhole as well.

The other Sliders, excluding Remmy and Holly, ran after him and jumped through.


ALERTALERTALERT!! I wrote this from a narrative perspective; since no one was currently able to write anything in the cave, and the way the plot was going, I figured it would make more sense if I just wrote it from a 3rd person perspective, with no one actually writing the story WITHIN the story. Just to keep things going, though,

This last message was broadcasted with a megaphone I found in a trash bin after landing in downtown San Francisco, where were Callie21V, SL4ever, TemporalFlux, and BritSlider.

[ 14 ]
What, my go already???? :-) BritSlider 4/26/00
Arturo had been sleeping soundly on the sofa in the Story Game cave. All his cares and worries were drifting away. Tomorrow he would be going on holiday, and he just had his part of this confounded story to write. Still, at least that Blayze_Wind chap hadn't shown up yet, so it should be simple enough to follow on from the excellent work that Mr Brown had done. 'Damage Control' indeed, as if a man of his academic excellence would have any trouble putting to right what someone had done after some of the mid-term papers he had had to grade recently!

Quinn woke him from his slumber with a gentle shake. "Professor, you have to get your part of the story written now, everyone is waiting for you."

"Yes, yes." he muttered. "I suppose I had better read what everyone else has done so far."

Quinn looked shocked; "You mean you haven't read any of the story at all? It's been going for over two months, how could you have ignored it like that?"

"My dear boy," began Arturo. "It's very simple. The trick to this game is simply to read what the last person has done, and take it from there. Everyone knows there is no continuity in these sort of things."

Quinn smiled, although it was Remmy that spoke up. "I'm afraid you're in for a shock Professor, it seems that Blayze_Wind snuck in while you were asleep and wrote his part."

"WHAT!!!!" Screamed Arturo. "Who let that blistering idiot in here? Don't they know what kind of damage he can do to a perfectly good story?"

"Relax Professor", said Quinn. "His part wasn't that bad. You should be able to follow on from it okay."

It was then that they noticed something different about the cave around them. Where Logan had once stood, there was now a tall, dark haired lady desperately trying to hold on to a bag of chips that seemed to have been blow about by a sudden gust of wind. In Daelin's shoes there was now a small blonde girl wearing a dark blue "Toy World" jumper. Holly had been replaced by another blonde; this time sitting at a desk in front of a laptop computer muttering something about working a 65 hour week and taking stupid Java classes. On the desk was a picture frame containing a photo of Daniel Jackson that appeared to be covered in lipstick marks (although on closer inspection what appeared to be lipstick was in fact cherry pie!) And in place of Gillian there was a small redhead, dancing back and forth singing something that sounded suspiciously like; "Kiss my ass Y2K"!
It was all rather confusing.

"What in blazes is going on here?" Asked the professor.

It was Blinker that stepped forward to address the Sliders. He pointed at Chaser9, "It's all his fault!"

Chaser rolled his eyes heavenward, and tried to remember all the words to 'Blame Canada'. "There seems to have been a slight problem with your timer and the remote control of the Maybe Machine. If Sarah hadn't been trying to hog it so much..."

"Hey!" Interrupted Sarah. "Don't try and blame me for all this!"

Chaser ignored her and carried on: "....then it might never have happened. But we think that some kind of pan-dimensional rift occurred that transported us to your world, and you into ours. The problem being, that four of our friends think they actually are in fact you four."

"You mean that SL4ever guy who thinks he's me?" Asked Remmy.

"And Flux, who thinks he's me?" Added Quinn.

"Oh well," said Arturo. "At least you had the decency to find an Englishman to fill my shoes! So how do we get them back here, and return us to our original dimension?"

Hurrikain spoke up; "That's the problem. We don't exactly know ourselves what happened. Our best guess is that the remote for the Maybe Machine and your timer are somehow linked."

"Well then," began the Professor. "We had better get to work on a solution."

And with that, Quinn, Arturo and Chaser retired to a quiet part of the cave to try and figure out what they could do to put things right.

Mychand was helping SouthernSlider recover from her meeting with the man of her dreams. "I wonder what our four friends are up to right now?"


BritSlider, SL4ever, TF and Callie just stared at the torch lying on the floor before them.

"Bugger!" Said SL4ever.

"What the hell happened?" Asked Callie. "Chaser was just pressing buttons and then he disappeared!"

BritSlider glared at the torch. "I think he must have found a way to get back home, that's the only way to explain his disappearance."

"So all we have to do is press the same buttons he did and we can get home, right?" Callie inquired.

"Not that easy I'm afraid!" Said Brit. "There's a whole heap of buttons and wires in there; I helped to modify it a while ago and it was complicated enough then. Goodness only knows what kind of a state it is in now! It hasn't been the same since we summoned the spirit of Wade into it."

"Well I want to get back home." Put in SL4ever. "I've got some sweet cherry pie waiting for me back there, and I intend to fill up on it!!"

Callie turned on him; "How can you think of food at a time like this? what's wrong with you?"

"I didn't mean food," replied SL4ever. "I meant my woman's swee......"

"EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" Screamed Callie. "That's so gross! Don't you guys think about anything but sex?"

"Not realy," said Brit.

"Apart from food," said SL4ever.

"And sports," added Brit.

"But that's about it," they finished together.

"Besides, Brit will back me up here," SL4ever continued. "You're supposed to be seeing your woman tomorrow, right?"

Brit looked a little sad. "That's right. But who knows when we'll get home now?"

TF had been ignoring the bickering going on around him, and studied the torch. "I have an idea!"

Realising that no-one had heard him he raised his voice somewhat. "I SAID: I HAVE AN IDEA!!"

That got the attention of the other three, and they listened to TF as he explained:

"The spirit of Wade is still within the torch, so if we can summon her, then she might be able to speak to the Sliders in our dimension, and figure out a way for us to get back?"

Everyone thought that it was a pretty good idea. They sat in a circle around the torch, and SL4ever and Brit began the incantations they had used months before to summon the spirit.........


Back in the cave, Quinn, Arturo and Chaser had deliberated long and hard about what to do. They had finally come up with something they were all happy with.

Chaser adressed the expectant crowd; "We think we've found a way to get them back." He said...............

[ 15 ]
Damage Control to Major Tom... ThomasMalthus 5/19/00
ThomasMalthus re-enters the cave. He sees that, as usual, his timing is perfect and he has interrupted something major. He also sees that Professor Arturo, Quinn and Rembrandt are there.

"Wow," TM exclaimed, "celebrity guest spots in the cave. I mean, it was something when you got JOC to come in and sing, but this..."

All the people in the cave appeared happy that TM was here, not the least of which reason was that they had been stuck in suspense like this for nearly a month now. Of course, our three male sliders had no idea who the smeg ThomasMalthus was, and perhaps that was for the best.

As TM took his seat, Chaser continued speaking. "OK, guys and gals, here's the plan. Blinker will draw a 'Far Slide' cartoon that features a rather large vortex attempting to swallow David Peckinpah's very small brain on one side of the cave. Then, Arturo, Quinn and Rembrandt will miraculously be slid back to their proper world when they jump through the vortex in the cartoon. Afterwards, we'll have a volunteer try to follow them through the tunnel, but merely crash into the wall, for continuity purposes. The crucial part of this plan is that the Sliders land inside the vortex and not inside David Peckinpah's brain, because we already know what kind of bad things happen to them there."

All the heads in the cave nodded vigorously. Blinker added, "But then again, the odds of them hitting something that small are very remote." Again, heads nodded.

SliderSarah asked, "What about our friends on the other side?"

Quinn fielded this one. "Once we make it to their world, we'll hook up one of those biomed scanner slidewave-type dealies and use their slide signature to send them home. Thanks for the info on that, by the way, Mychand."

"Wait," piped up SouthernSlider. "Won't that mess up continuity, that the original four now know about slidewave technology?"

"Nonsense," retorted the Professor. "These stories have no bearing on continuity. Isn't that right, Mr. Ducky?" The Professor then made Mr. Ducky squeak something that sounded just a tad bit like 'yes'. "See, even my longtime companion Mr. Ducky agrees."

And this all seemed good to the people of the cave.

Meanwhile, on the world where our sliders are...

"Everybody ready to begin the chanting?" Callie asked.

"We should be," BritSlider grumbled. "We've been waiting bloody well long enough."

"How exactly will the Wade's-spirit-possessed torch be able to bring us home?" SL4ever queried.

TemporalFlux looked straight at SL4ever. "One of the few coherent things that Season Three taught us was that living flames can control how, where and when they slide. We're hoping that if we grant the proper supplication to the Wade spirit, she'll guide us home."

They all began chanting as one.
[Spirit of Wade from in the torch
Come forth to us and start the search
For home at last after months in vain
We'll be with friends in our cave again
Let TF's knowledge of Season Three
At last of some great use to us be
Transport us, oh Wade, and show us the light
And we'll work night and day to bring back "Sports Night"]

Worrying at first that they might have accidentally conjured the spirit of Aaron Sorkin from within the torch, our heroes were eventually delighted at the sight of Wade.

"Hi, guys," WadeTorch greeted them as a fiery apparition that resembled Wade, only more completely-made-out-of-flamey.

"Hi," said Callie, the only one coherent as the rest of the guys, who we already established are for some reason sex-obsessed, are ogling Wade. "We were wondering if you could use your magical torch-y powers to send us back to our home earth."

"That wasn't what I was wondering," said SL4ever with a lecherous grin. Callie punched him in the arm.

TF managed to stumble out of his hormone-induced haze, "Can you help us, oh WadeTorch?"

WadeTorch sighed, causing some little flames to be distributed across the room. "Very well. I suppose I could attempt to transport you home. If you get droolboy off of me, that is." TemporalFlux, Callie and Brit managed to get SL4ever away from the Living Flame Wade, although not without some degree of protest. Suddenly, a firey vortex opened up.

"Are we sure it's safe to jump in that thing?" BritSlider asked.

"It's the best shot we've had so far at getting home." TemporalFlux replied.

At that, the two of them heaved SL4ever into the vortex. Callie followed him and then BritSlider followed her. With a wave of thanks to the WadeTorch, TF was the last one through and the vortex closed behind him, quite thoroughly singing his behind.


ThomasMalthus rolled his eyes as the debate between Hurrikain and Blinker continued into its fifth hour. "I'm just saying, using Acme crayons is maybe not the best way to get these three home and our friends back. Acme products always backfire."

As Blinker prepared to rebut with a terribly scathing putdown, a fiery vortex opened up before them. Out popped SL4ever, Callie, BritSlider and a smoking TemporalFlux.

Phrases like "Hey, you're back!", "Welcome back, guys!" and "Hey, where's that fifty pounds you owe me, Brit?" were heard all around the cave.

Quinn interrupted the celebration with a question to the Professor. "Do you think we could use that same vortex to get home?"

Arturo shrugged. "Why not? Continuity's been so completely cut to ribbons, it scarcely even matters any more."

"All right!" Rembrandt exclaimed, Disco dancing his way into the vortex. Arturo followed, then Quinn. The vortex closed behind them.

"Well, I guess that wraps everything up nicely," Chaser9 commented.

"Yeah," said Mychand, "except for all that stuff that TM didn't take the time to read or doesn't remember that had to do with something other than us getting home."

"Well, that's a TM ending for you," said Blinker. "Anyone else hungry?"

"I could really go for some pie," SL4ever said.

"Let's order a pizza!" Callie suggested.

"No, fried chicken," TemporalFlux protested.

"I want ice cream," complained Hurrikain.

"You had ice cream last night," SouthernSlider pointed out.

"No, I didn't" replied BritSlider.

"I wasn't talking to you," said Chaser9.

ThomasMalthus: And thus ends our tale. Our heroes were returned safely home and the original foursome of sliders were off to randomly slide until they were ruined, then cancelled by Fox and left to die a slow, brutal death on the Sci-Fi Channel. Oh, well, as Arturo said, "Can't save every world you land on." Or, as Blinker said, "Can't avoid irrevocably screwing up every world you land on." Either way is good.


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