"State of the Art"

RexKramer: Governor Bush's proposed plan for new immigrants: speedbumps.

Callie21V: "This is the worst fairground I've ever inspected. Your Tilt-A-Whirl is rotating so fast, it's torn a hole in the fabric of time!" "Ennh, what're ya gonna do."

The_Enigma: "I know, just by looking at me, you'd have never guessed I shaved off my real eyebrows and used a marker to make--what's that? You did?"

medusaD: "Dammit Professor, you gotta pick up the chicken bones when you're done!"

RexKramer: The New Felicity Mysteries (Special Guest Star: Filter)

hik: "Yes, but one question remains. Why did the killer wrap his victim from head to toe in Fruit Roll-Ups?"

medusaD: *snap* "Time for the body cavity search!"

davedog: Looks suspiciously like the future world in "Time Chasers." Hmmmm . . . .

Cyberbeast: "Look, there's nothing up my ass that will be of any interest to you, I swear!"

shanky: The underground sweatshop for cappers?

medusaD: "Okay, just a little more tenderizing... ah, I mean tweezing, and the splinter will be out!"

Callie21V: Waiting for the 22nd century, when Zach will reanimate him using Dolly Parton's body.

Lanzman: "Are we not men? We are Devo."

RexKramer: And another WB actress crawls from her genetic spawning pod...

medusaD: "You see, I've invented the world's biggest diaphragm. Show 'em how it works, dear!" "Whoooaaaa!"

medusaD: Another tour at the Freddy Krueger Glove Factory.

RexKramer: Einstegruppen, the new totalitarian clothing line from Tommy Hilfiger.

Lanzman: "I'm a friend of Sarah Connor's. I was told she's hiding in this abandoned warehouse. Can I see her please?"

VincentValintine: "...as preservation activists release another endangered Sedan into the wild..."

VincentValintine: "Hello! Yes, is this the TV station? Yes, well I'm calling because your primetime coverage has been inexcusably weak lately!"

Slider8_: "Here's the prison cell where you'll be spending the next ten years. Oh, and the tasteful décor ran us a bit over budget, so I'm afraid you won't be eating."

YingYang: "Seven of Nine's passed out! Time for a visit to FUNKY-TOWN!"

Lanzman: The Good, the Bad, and the Run-For-Your-Freakin'-Life. This fall on UPN.

24601: "No! This time, YOU be the astronaut and I'LL be the public safety administrator!"

Callie21V: Surprisingly, Shania Twain's robot twin could mangle the lyrics WORSE than Quinn's could. "WHOSE fro have your TEEEEARS been uuuunder..."

Vendebar: "You see Cindy; to gut a deer, one must be resourceful, efficient, and most of all, have tough fingernails."

Callie21V: Weighted down by morose ponderings, the thought bubble tethered to Wade's head sinks out of sight.

RexKramer: "Soon my John Leguizamo robot will be complete, and all of Broadway will kneel at the the awesome power of Latino humor!"

Lanzman: Attacked by a rogue Transformer, Quinn is brutally Midas-ized. Three times.

devildoll: What is this, the overhead lighted menu at the whorehouse?

Callie21V: The giant non-corporeal steering wheel powers up its glowing, defensive airbag...

Vendebar: "Once the series ends, I'm going into pork futures."

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