"The Dying Fields"

Mr_Grant: Cheese replaces uranium in the French nuclear program.

NurseNoir: ...and another disgusted man empties a chamber pot onto Leonardo DiCaprio...

amycamus: The sad, sad results of harvesting severed hands for the McSweeney's lifetime subscription bonus.

Splarka: "Stand back buster, I know Kung F.U.!"

amycamus: Wow - where'd they even FIND twins like that??

Callie21V: "Do not peer intently at Happy Fun Ball."

amycamus: Ah yes, my old neighborhood in Los Angeles...

Splarka: Gene Hackman IS Kryten IN "Red Dwarf Mexico"

Splarka: "Hey, you've got prosthetic bumps on your forehead! It must be The Future!"

SpaceToast: "Come on in, kids; milk and cookies! I'll lay down some cover fire for you if you're pinned down."

LadyKhaos6308: An early concept for 'Charlie's Angels.'

Splarka: "...y'know, maybe I should've poked some holes in the potato first."

Splarka: "We promise at least one major weather disaster killing millions every week! ...even if we have to cause it."

Dog_Star: "Awwwww, does Wemmy wanna widdle kiss? I fink he do-o-o-es!"

Hahahathatisooofunny: "HEY HEY HEY... I FAAAAAAAT ALBERT!!!"

UnReality: "Eat bread! What? Oh. Lead. Eat lead. And bread, too. Lead on bread. With spicy mustard! And death!"

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