"Dead Man Sliding"

Loodvig: "Oh, gaag me with a spooon..."

Loodvig: "Ladies and Gentlemen........ the man who put the videocamera in the women's bathroom!"

Chaser9: "Does this robe make me look fat?"

Callie21V: "Mr. Rhys-Davies, you're telling us you left the third season of Sliders to host a game show where you're regularly pelted with Lebanese food?" "Yes, I felt like something with a touch more dignity..."

Loodvig: The genetic cross of Joe Pesci, Bruce Dern, and William Katt.

Loodvig: "Damn that ping pong ball..."

Chaser9: Wait a sec...was this a test shot for Maggie?

Loodvig: "Geez.... these AOL chat rooms are weird."

Chaser9: "ARRRRRRGGGHHH!!!! My shirt is eating my face!"

The_Enigma: "The lady at the beauty parlor assured me a monkey on your head was the in thing."

Loodvig: "Well, this one time, at band camp..."

VincentValintine: "Well I can't believe you called my mom a bitch..."

Loodvig: "Could you pass the toilet paper?"

NumanEllium: "Here, try this on if you think you really want to be a Conehead."

Loodvig: "Okay, here's the plan: At midnight, we break into McDonald's and steal all their french fry grease." "Why?" "Never mind about that..."

NumanEllium: "There's a secret passageway right here! See?" *bonk*

NumanEllium: o/` Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls o' Flame. o/` (Why Wade really left the show)

Loodvig: "Bad actor walkin'..."

NumanEllium: (...must... resist... making gay porno... cap. Unnngh!) "Yor not in Haiti now, boy."

EBrown: Dear Sirs: I object to your depiction of men falling from a tall building. I have worked for years in such a building and never once YAAAAAAAAAA......

AllenSmithee: The cops heard something about a "hoedown," and assumed a prostitute had been shot.

Callie21V: Abbey Road Night Fever

TemporalFlux: Ah! I wondered who the Dead Man Sliding was... slid right off the show...

EBrownTheMisfitElf: Man, nowadays ANYONE's worthy to wield Mjolnir.

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