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 LaLaurie (I) 
 Episode: B7  By: HunterD_Raven  Date: 2/17/01  URL: 2326/25052 

The vortex opened above a body of water, depositing Brand_S with a splash. He was quickly followed by TF and Hunter, both signalling their arrivals with splashes of their own.

"Damn it Hunter, when we call you, IT'S TIME TO SLIDE!" TF yelled.

"It's not my fault they had a weapon collectors' convention. I got this awesome hammer!" D raised a short-handled hammer that looked like something out of Marvel Comics' Thor.

TF and S rolled their eyes as they picked themselves out of the water.

"Where the hell are we?" S looked around. The water had been a fountain, and it looked like they were in the middle of some park.

"Wait a second, this looks familiar. You've gotta be kidding me!" D exclaimed as he ran off, TF and S following.

"He better not be looking for another weapon convention." TF growled.

"If he is, I say we leave him."

"AW YEAH!" they heard Hunter exclaim as they exited the gate.

Flux looked worried for his fellow slider. "What are you so excited about?"

"This is New Orleans!" Hunter smiled.

"Wait a second, how did we get to New Orleans?" S asked.

TF pulled out a pair of glasses, which he didn't need, and went into 'brains' mode. "Well the geospectrum stabilizer and the harmonious..."

TF was interrupted as S grabbed the glasses of his face and threw them across the street. "IN ENGLISH!"

TF huffed and continued. "We don't have a limited slide radius; we can land in, or slide from, anywhere we like. Our radius is about 400 miles, but it moves with us. 400 from here now, 400 from wherever we slide out next time."

S relaxed. "So we just happened to land in Hunter's home town?"

"Yes." TF was still obviously pissed about the glasses.

S looked around, "uh, where'd Hunter go?"

TF slapped his forehead. "Oh crap, well, maybe he went to his home, or, err, his double's home."

"Do you know where he lives?"

"I think he mentioned something about being on a street near a club and liquor store."

S cracked up. "Wait a minute, Anti-Drinking Hunter lived near a liquor store?! HA HA HA!!!"

"Let's go."

TF grabbed S by the arm and dragged him towards what looked like the nearest major intersection.

Hunter was walking along Decatur Street and finally reached his destination. Gargoyles, THE definitive Gothic shop of the French Quarter.

He checked his wallet. "Thank God for Inflation World."

There maybe lettuce cost 400 bucks a head, but here hopefully 400 would buy him a new outfit and some jewelry.

TF hailed a cab as S doubled over with laughter.

"It's not that funny, S!"

S wiped his eyes and stood up. "Oh, but it is."

TF shot him that 'do-you-want-to-miss-the-next-slide' look. S stopped laughing, but kept a smirk on his face.

The pair got into the cab.

TF leaned to the driver. 'We need to go to every liquor store in the city.'

'This is gonna be the biggest fare of my life!" exclaimed the driver.

"Only ones near residential neighborhoods." S amended.

"The biggest fare of my life," the driver repeated.

"Hold on." TF checked his wallet. "Florking snit!" he yelled.

"What happened?"

"Look at my pocket."

S looked down at TF's pants, and noticed a large gash along the side.

"Hunter's damn duel!" S exclaimed.

"Yeah, he just HAD to insult the guy by bartering with him! How much do you have left?"

S checked his wallet. "200. Inflation World, thank goodness."

"That's barely enough to visit all the shops in the CBD," the cabbie explained.

"OK, maybe you can help us... where would a Gothic guy who is into swords and pro-wrestling, and rants a lot, go?"

"Well, there's Anne Rice's place."

"Take us there," TF ordered.

"There went the..."

S interrupted. "The biggest fare of your life, we get it!"

D exited the store, having changed into a more Gothy outfit: a black long-sleeved shirt, black leather pants, and black boots that went to mid-calf with metal all over them.

He also had on a leather duster, giving him the air of Brandon Lee in The Crow. Finally, there were finger-covering metal 'claws' or a sharp ring on every finger, plus an ankh and a sword/cross pendant around his neck.

D looked at his outfit with appreciation. "All this for only $300? This must be Anti-Inflation World..."

Then he slapped his forehead.

"Oh crap! I left S and TF in the middle of the city."

Hunter paused to think.

"Okay, I'm looking for me in the middle of New Orleans. What do I do? I stop a cabbie, and I ask where a sword-wielding gothy guy would go... and they say... the LaLaurie mansion!"

 LaLaurie (II) 
 Episode: B7  By: HunterD_Raven  Date: 2/18/01  URL: 2326/25066 

S and TF stepped out of the cab.

''Wait here," TF instructed the cab driver. "We need to see if our friend is here and then we'll be back."


TF walked up to the intercom.

"Who is it?"

"Uh, we're looking for a friend of ours... his name is Hunter, and he carries around a sword."

"He's not here."

"Do you know where he might have gone?"

"If he's Goth, check the cemeteries, if he likes my stuff start with the Lafayette cemetery."


TF walked back to the cab. "He's not here. She said to check Lafayette Cemetery."

"Sure thing." The cabbie hit the gas.

S looked over at TF. "How long do we have on this world anyway?"

"Till tomorrow morning, 6:30 AM."

"That's only 12 hours."

"I know, I hope we can find him early enough to get some sleep." TF leaned back in his seat.

"If we don't, HE isn't gonna get any sleep on the next world," S growled.

"Hey, maybe he's already looking for us..."

Hunter stood outside the LaLaurie house.

"Geez, this looks different than my world's version, maybe they changed it to look spookier. Better tourist attraction."

D walked in through huge double doors.

He had no sooner stepped inside than he heard a familiar voice yell "DON'T LET THE DOOR...!"

D turned to see the doors slam shut on their own.

"DAMN IT!" the voice yelled as she came into sight.

"Stoker_chick!" D exclaimed.

"How the hell do you know my name, you just stuck us in here!"

SC glared at him.

"What?" D asked.

"I was doing an assignment to study supposedly haunted places. Most of them were Scooby Doo-level whackos doing it for cash. Then I came here. I've been stuck in here since yesterday!"

"And I let the door shut. Well, if TF were here, he'd probably say there's no such thing as ghosts and there must be a rational explanation..."

"You'll be singing a different tune within the hour. There's an old story of this place, Madame LaLaurie..."

"Madame LaLaurie was a whack. She performed 'experiments' on her slaves. Broke bones, reset them at odd angles. Some of the slaves looked more like crabs than humans."

"You know the story?" Stoker eyed D.

"Yeah. There was a fire, she didn't want the firemen running into a room where they kept the slaves. They had mutilated them so bad that a mob formed to kill her and her husband, but they escaped."

"Wrong, they caught them, and hung them in one of the upper rooms. Some reports even say they set them on fire as they hung."

"Can't say I blame them." D smirked.

"Yeah well, apparently Miss LaLaurie is still pissed."

The cab pulled up to Lafayette Cemetery.

"Wait a second, we have to search this place at DUSK, it's HUGE, and graves are supposed to be BELOW ground!" S yelled.

TF rolled his eyes. "Maybe in Seattle, but New Orleans is all below sea-level. So the graves are put in crypts. Now come on and let's search!"

TF literally pulled S out of the cab.

"Stay here, we'll be back!" Tf yelled as he kept pulling S towards the cemetery.

"Hopefully before dark!" S added.

The cabbie just watched the pair walk off and rolled his eyes. "Weird kids."

"Let me get this straight, four people died here before you got here... and you STILL decided to come 'check it out!'" D exclaimed.

"Well, it could have been a coincidence."

D rolled his eyes. "You said you've been in here since yesterday, how'd you stay alive?"

Stoker_chick shrugged. "Well, uh, there were two other people with me, but they both disappeared."


"We'll cover this faster if we split up."

"Split up?" S shrieked. "Why split up?! I like teams, safety in numbers!"

"Oh shut up S! We'll cover this faster split up, so we can be done sooner. Now go search the south end, will you?!"

"F-fine..." S whimpered as he headed off to look.

To Be Continued...

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