[ BBSA ]

 Eye of God (II) 
 Episode: A11  By: Nobuyuki  Date: 7/31/00  URL: 2326/22408 

TemporalFlux and HunterD_Raven ran to the monitor that Brand_S was staring at. Right above them, a portal was forming that would send the entire building into another universe. TF checked the timer. They had about thirty minutes left. If he remembered right, that would mean they only had twenty minutes until the portal was fully open.

TF ran for the door. "Come on, guys! We've got to hurry!" S and Hunter ran behind him and they began a mad search. The first two rooms they tried didn't contain anything important and were devoid of Labcoats. They then tried the second door on the right side of the hallway. Kicking it down, they found a small corridor. Hunter ran in first and used the card Eusti had dropped to unlock the door at the other end. A trio of Labcoats was inside the room, monitoring a large computer system. They hid as soon as the door opened and each of them pulled out a gun.

Hunter rolled through the doorway as the Labcoats fired their pistols. S and TF, still in the corridor, ducked to the floor at the sound of the guns and started crawling towards the room. Hunter in the meantime, continued to duck low and maneuvered around a table. Nearing one of the Labcoats, he sprung to his feet and stabbed him through the stomach, ripping the sword upwards through the neck. The other two Labcoats fired rapidly at Hunter, but they were both miserable shots. They wasted all of their ammo as Hunter easily escaped harm. S and TF returned to their feet and ran into the room.

In a sweeping motion, Hunter cut through the knees of both Labcoats. The pair fell to the floor in agony. TF bent over to question them. "How do we stop the countdown?"

One of the Labcoats spoke up. "You can't. Once this computer was set, there was no going back."

TF stood up and examined the computer. The countdown read six minutes, twenty-three seconds and counting. Frantically, he searched the controls for a way to stop the transport, but the Labcoat had told the truth. He thought of something desperate.

"S! Find a screwdriver!" TF shouted. S ran around the room trying to help TF find the needed tool, but there wasn't any in the room. TF, S and Hunter ran from the room and kicked down the first door they came to in the main hallway. Hunter attacked the Labcoats inside like a cuisinart. S found a toolbox and picked it up. Suddenly, an alarm started going off.

Hunter knew what happened immediately. "Those guys back in the control room must have set it off!" The three ran for the control room. Hunter dispatched the two Labcoats as TF and S began unscrewing a side panel on the computer.

Labcoats and a few people dressed in security style uniforms stared pouring through the doorway. Hunter ran to them and started hacking them down as fast as he could before any of them could fire off a shot. Meanwhile, TF searched the circuitry and had a brainstorm.

"I have an idea! S, help me out here!" TF and S began rewiring some of the circuitry at TF's requirements. S looked up at the countdown. They only had about a minute and a half.

Hunter downed the last of the attackers. "I got them all for now!" he shouted. "There might be more coming!"

TF continued to wire like crazy. "Hunter! Go check the monitoring room and hurry back!" Hunter ran out of the room, jumping over the large pile of bodies that had accumulated in the doorway.

As Hunter ran to the main hall, a Labcoat confronted him, but she was no match for Hunter. He ran for the monitoring room. He saw from the camera that the giant portal was almost finished forming and the tip of the pyramid was nearly touching it. As he ran back to the control room, he yelled to the others. "TF, hurry it up! The portal's nearly finished!"

In the control room, TF and S were nearly finished. They only had thirty seconds left. Hunter ran through the door as TF crossed the final two wires. They all held their breath.

The counter started cycling randomly. After a few seconds, the countdown read that they had over thirteen minutes.

"We'll be able to slide out with any problem now," TF said. "Let's get out of here!"

The three ran for the main hall and back to the monitoring room. The building was at the same distance from the portal as before, but it looked somewhat less formed. The sliders stopped to catch their breath.

"Now what do we do?" Hunter asked.

"I don't know," TF replied. "This buildings going to be leaving no matter what."

"How much time do we have?" S asked.

"Four minutes and change."

At that moment, more Labcoats and security ran by the door. They looked into the control room and saw the trio standing there. "Damn it!" S shouted. The three of them ducked as gunfire lit the room.

"How do we get out of this one?" TF asked.

"We surrender!" S shouted.

"WHAT!" Hunter and TF shouted surprised.

S slowly stood up as the men standing at the door with their guns kept them trained on him and the others. "I surrender," S said. "Just don't shoot, OK?" He walked slowly towards them. The armed men motioned TF and Hunter to stand up. They did and started walking slowly behind S.

As S neared the gunmen, he ran full steam towards them, bum-rushing right through them. TF and Hunter, seizing the opportunity, managed to run through the crowd as well. They turned right and turned through the security door towards the elevator.

TF checked the timer. "We're leaving now!" he shouted. The others turned around as the vortex opened. As the gunmen ran clumsily opened the door, the trio jumped into the vortex. The Labcoats and security men fired their guns at the vortex as it closed.

[ Vortex ]

At the other end of the vortex, S, Hunter and TF flew out of the portal and ran like hell, just barely getting out of the way of the bullets that followed them.

"Holy shit!" S panted. "That was close!"

The three sliders looked around. They were in a large desert. About a hundred yards away was the outskirts of a tiny, rickety desert town.

"Looks like we're safe!" TF gasped. Hunter tugged at his shirt and pointed above the town. His relief quickly turned to horror. "Oh my God!"

The other end of the gigantic vortex was hovering high above the village.

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